The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1322 Didn't Fight

Chapter 1322 Didn't Fight (11)
Gerald strode over, turned over and climbed onto the broad back of the Golden Winged Tiger, smiled at Duke Donald, and said, "Old fellow, even if you are acting, you don't have to overdo it. Alright, we have to go first."

Duke Donald's face changed slightly, and he said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about, old man? Cindy, once you leave, you will no longer be a member of the Duke's mansion. Have you thought about it clearly?"

Cindy didn't answer right away, she was silent for a while, and then responded with practical actions. She knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to her grandfather, saying: "Grandpa, take care, Cindy will always respect you, but please forgive my granddaughter for not being able to follow your instructions." I will entrust my life to those pompous princes and nobles."

Speaking of which, Cindy turned around resolutely, climbed onto the back of the Lafayette Cross Flying Heron, and sat side by side with Jessica, letting the tears blur her vision.

Until this time, Duke Donald's eyes showed a somewhat complicated look.

In order to avoid the troubles of good things, everyone didn't say any more, soared into the sky and roared away.

A large number of blue-scaled knights fell far in the sky, but none of them dared to step forward to stop Li Feng and others, and even deliberately gave way to the crowd, allowing them to rampage over the imperial capital.

"Grandpa, just now you said that Duke Donald is acting. What do you mean?" Li Feng saw that Jessica was comforting Cindy, so he stopped worrying about it. Anyway, comforting people is not his specialty. Duke Donald's conversation felt that there seemed to be some hidden meaning in it, so he couldn't help asking.

Gerald sighed with emotion: "Duke Donald has been cautious all his life, and his behavior today is just for His Majesty to see."

Li Feng felt even more baffled after hearing Gerald's thoughtless explanation.

"Your Heimuya already has the rudiments of a great warlord. Duke Donald wants to avoid taboos and not want to be suspected by His Majesty. Of course, it is impossible to make good friends with you, but the granddaughter of this stubborn old man is entangled with you. So today he has no choice but to play a good show of breaking up with his granddaughter, which can not only make his granddaughter happy, but also preserve the entire Donald family, which is considered well-intentioned." Gerald said with a bit of embarrassment.

Jessica could be with Li Feng, because Gerald didn't have any family support behind him, and only their grandparents and grandchildren depended on each other in the entire Duke's mansion. Emperor Claudius would never have any suspicion of Gerald.

But the Donald family is different. It is a huge and intertwined family. There are countless imperial families with titles in the family. If there is a major turmoil in the Donald family, the entire Atlantis Empire will be shaken.It was one thing for Claudius to use Duke Donald, but suspicion was another.

No matter how magnanimous the emperor is, he will not allow his subjects to have any connection with other powerful forces that do not belong to the empire, especially the subjects with powerful forces.

For the sake of the fate of the whole family, Duke Donald had to put on a play in front of Li Feng today.

(End of this chapter)

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