The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1323 Didn't Fight

Chapter 1323 Didn't Fight (12)
Li Feng's brain is not usually easy to use, and he quickly figured it out. He even guessed that Duke Donald forced Cindy to go on a blind date, mostly to avoid suspicion. In fact, the Duke doesn't care about his granddaughter's blind date with Prince August. the result of.

Just looking at the negotiation just now, Duke Donald didn't even mention His Royal Highness. It can be seen that the Duke's ability to arrive at Gerald's mansion in time has proved that he is a cold-eyed bystander and has a clear understanding of everything.

Li Feng remembered again that the conversation between Duke Donald and Cindy just now seemed to have hidden mechanisms.

His Excellency the Duke just said that once Cindy left, he would no longer be a member of the Duke's Mansion, and he did not mean to break away from the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren.

No wonder I just pointed at my nose and called him an 'old guy'. The Duke didn't lose his temper. Li Feng thought about it, rubbed his nose, and laughed dryly.

"Alan, don't you see how sad Cindy is now? You can still laugh at a time like this?" Jessica gave Li Feng a dissatisfied look when she heard Li Feng's laughter.

Li Feng's dry smile immediately turned into a mockery, and he quickly shared his guess just now with Jessica and Cindy to appease Jessica's anger.Although this chick was interrupted several times and no longer had a cold war, she still didn't give Li Feng a good look. Of course, Li Feng didn't dare to provoke her again.

Jessica wasn't interested in this kind of twists and turns, but Cindy was shocked, and instantly understood Grandpa's helplessness and painstaking efforts.

Between the fate of the huge family and the granddaughter, it is really well-intentioned for the grandfather to be able to achieve this level.

In the past, Cindy always felt that grandpa was too majestic and didn't seem to love her, but now she suddenly realized, how can there be a grandfather who doesn't love his granddaughter?
It's just that the grandfather bears the burden of the whole family. If he favors her granddaughter too much, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among other members of the family. In the end, the resentment will still fall on her, so even if he loves his granddaughter, he never shows it.

The family relationship in the big family is like this, full of interest entanglements, but extremely difficult to let go.

After Cindy figured this out, she almost wanted to go back to her grandpa impulsively, but she suppressed this impulse in the end. Grandpa worked hard for her, but she couldn't let his hard work go to waste.

Cindy is obviously much more sensible than Jessica in dealing with this kind of thing.

"Don't worry, Cindy, I will let you return to the duke's mansion in an open and aboveboard way. Claudius, an old boy, dares to be troublesome, and the robbers from Blackwood Cliff will visit his palace every day. Let's see if this old boy can bear it." I can bear it." Li Feng comforted the little beauty domineeringly.

Chapter 386 Vomiting Blood

When Li Feng and his party met the two great magisters outside the city, Emperor Claudius was already in the palace, listening to the confessions of the two commanders of the imperial guards.

The emperor's face was gloomy, he stared at Claremont coldly, without saying a word, until the stare almost frightened the other party, and then angrily scolded: "Idiot, you go back and reflect on me, within a month I will I don’t want to see you idiot again, and those green-scaled knights who died for you, their pensions will all be doubled, half of which will be paid by you as atonement.”

(End of this chapter)

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