The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1352 The Counterfeit Wrist Wheel Success

Chapter 1352 The Counterfeit Wrist Wheel Success (5)
The five-layer magic array diagram is not complicated, but it is easy to know but difficult to do. It is very simple to understand, but it is extremely difficult to actually do it.It took Li Feng less than an hour to roughly figure out the method of making the fireworks flying letter wrist wheel. Of course, he just knew what it was and didn't know why.

Li Feng's super learning ability had amazed Instructor Amos in the past, and it was no exception when it was the dean's turn today.

Now that he has learned how to make it, has ready-made materials at hand, and has a super magician on the sidelines, there is no need to worry about serious consequences if the production fails, Li Feng can't wait to start.

Li Feng's strength is his hands-on ability. In order to prevent wasting materials, he first used ordinary metal materials with moderate magic resistance. He wrote like flying, and the speed of engraving the magic circle was simply outrageous.

Dean Eferas shouted perverted in his heart, he had never seen such a perverted person, he had never even heard of such a perverted person, Li Feng's mentor Amos was already a stunning genius, unexpectedly Li Feng Compared with his mentor, he is a hundred times more talented, which is incredible.

"Huh?" Dean Eferas's eyes froze suddenly, because Li Feng had already completed the double magic formation diagram, and was starting to draw the third magic formation diagram, and his moves were smooth, without any sign of failure.

Dean Eferas himself can only double overlap magic circles. In his impression, apart from sanctuary mages, the only great magister who can carve triple magic circles is Amos. No other Grand Magister has such abilities.

What's going on now?Am I dazzled?Dean Eferas rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Time passed slowly, and the third layer of magic array had been recorded successfully, and Li Feng continued to burn the fourth layer of magic array.

Dean Eferas opened his mouth, but he didn't know what he was going to say. Li Feng's accomplishments in recording magic arrays at this time had undoubtedly surpassed him as a great magister. Even looking at this posture, even Amos could It is likely to be compared by disciples.

The shock continued. Even when Li Feng burned the map of the fourth layer of magic array, the speed did not slow down much, and it was done in one go without hindrance.

When Li Feng finished the fourth magic formation and began to overlap the last magic formation, Effieras was dumbfounded and looked at Li Fengbi Zouyoulong with a blank face.

"It's done." After drawing the last stroke, Li Feng straightened up with a relaxed face, and said with a smile: "Dean, you were joking just now, right? It doesn't seem too difficult."

Li Feng waited for a while, but he didn't get a response, so he turned his head and glanced, and couldn't help being startled.

Effieras was horrified, his eyebrows were knotted, and his face was distorted, as if he had seen a ghost, making the dean himself look like an old ghost.

"Dean, you... what's the matter with you?" Li Feng looked at Eferas cautiously, and asked without knowing why.

(End of this chapter)

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