The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1353 The Counterfeit Wrist Wheel Success

Chapter 1353 The Counterfeit Wrist Wheel Success (6)
"What's the matter? What's the matter? Do you know how difficult it is to draw a five-fold magic circle? Do you know what an earth-shattering thing you just accomplished? This is a five-fold overlapping magic circle. You know what it means What? This means that your attainments in recording the magic circle map have surpassed that of a sanctuary mage," Effieras roared and danced, almost missed his breath, and pointed at Li Feng, with his old face flushed from the suffocation, barely passed out.

Li Feng wiped away the saliva that was sprayed all over his face, thinking that you, old man, are you so exaggerated?Is this little thing surprising?

Li Feng has never felt the pain of a magician. He has never encountered any bottlenecks all the way through the promotion, and he has easily reached the level of a great magician. Even learning to burn the magic array is a success. Of course, he can't understand Efila. Si's horror and helplessness at this time.

Even recording the map of the five-fold magic array at this time did not bring much trouble to Li Feng. He had no idea how difficult it was for a magician to record the map of the five-fold magic array. Array diagram, what an astonishing achievement.

In Li Feng's view, it was a matter of course, but to Eferas, it was an insurmountable moat, so in fact, Li Feng should forgive Mr. Dean for his excitement.

It's a pity that Li Feng was ignorant, and he didn't pay much attention to Eferas' roar. He wiped off the saliva on his face, rolled up his sleeves, turned around blankly, and started recording the paired magic array again.

Firework flying letter wrist wheels need to be used in pairs. When drawing the magic array map, it is necessary to set the same magic beacon. The magic beacons of the two wrist wheels correspond to each other, so as to transmit messages to each other.

Seeing that Li Feng started to work again, and his technique was very familiar, it didn't look like he just learned the five-level magic formation diagram of the fireworks and flying letter wrist wheel today. Eferas's old face was full of bitterness, as if he had aged a lot in an instant.

The dean was hit hard today. He was once a genius with excellent talent and perseverance, and he devoted himself to the study of magic for nearly 200 years. The comparison of the young man made it difficult for the distinguished great magister to accept for a while.

Fortunately, Eferas is an open-minded person after all. Realizing his gaffe, he quickly adjusted his emotions, and did not feel any jealousy towards Li Feng because of this.Uh, well, the dean is actually quite jealous of Li Feng, but he doesn't have any evil thoughts.

Most of the top figures who have reached the level of Effilas are very happy to see the magic world flourish and the grand occasion of geniuses emerge in large numbers. It's just that Li Feng's performance is a bit too exaggerated, which makes him lose his composure for a while.

Under the gaze of Eferas who was almost worshiping, Li Feng once again completed the paired magic array, which is really a relaxed and freehand brushwork.

"Ha, let's try the effect first." Li Feng held a rough metal plate in one hand, and looked at the dense hexagram magic array on it with a smile, feeling overjoyed for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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