The best bandit in another world

Chapter 169 Li Feng Transformed

Chapter 169 Li Feng Transformed (19)
Teacher Charles frowned and said: "Mr. Daisy, what you said is very unfair. Li Feng just pointed out the weakness of the monster and helped the students kill the monster. It is only credit to the students, and the progress is beyond his control. How can you blame him?"

Teacher Daisy snorted coldly.

Although Mrs. Charles was dissatisfied with Mrs. Daisy's casual accusation of others, she still said patiently: "The most urgent thing now is how to deal with the current situation. A few of us have just discussed a solution and come to ask for your opinion."

Teacher Daisy snorted coldly: "Since you have all discussed it, why are you still asking me?"

Teacher Charles was a little stunned. He didn't expect that Teacher Daisy would be angry because of this, but the overall situation was more important. Teacher Charles suppressed his anger and said: "You are the team leader. If you have a way to deal with the current situation, then say it. I have no objection." .”

Teacher Daisy can't help but choked when she heard the words, and said reluctantly after a long while: "What can you do?"

Charles recounted the method discussed by several people just now.

"Make a trap? Do you think it's a play? How can a trap trap monsters?" Teacher Daisy listened silently at first, but she heard that Li Feng came up with the solution, so she couldn't help but sneer.

Teacher Charles immediately saw that Teacher Daisy was targeting Li Feng, and couldn't help being angry. At this time, this teacher Daisy was still fighting with a student, which is too indiscriminate.

Charles suppressed his anger, and said in a deep voice, "Since Teacher Daisy disagrees with this method, then come up with a reasonable method, otherwise, why don't you just wait like this and do nothing?"

Teacher Daisy said coldly: "I can't think of any other way, but anyway, I don't agree with this way. Besides, before we set off, there is a division of labor among our teachers. It's your job to deal with it."

Now that Teacher Daisy tore her face, Teacher Charles' tone became colder, "This is the only way at present, and I will provide you with a solution. Whether you need it or not is up to you. After you go back, the college will judge our respective opponents." wrong."

Teacher Daisy's face changed slightly, and then she sneered. Her mentor is one of the three great mages in the academy. Even if she is at fault, so what?Could it be that the academy can directly expel her from the academy regardless of her mentor's face?What's more, in her opinion, Li Feng's method is indeed like playing house wine. Warcraft is not a wild beast. Is it so easy to deal with it?

Jessica was a little confused, why did the two leading teachers quarrel with each other?

This is on the way to the trial. The two teachers who led the team had a conflict.

Jessica was anxious, but she didn't know how to persuade her. Both of them were teachers, so how could she interrupt casually as a student?
At this time, except for the students who were fighting the monsters, the rest of the students noticed the dispute here, and they couldn't help but look worried. Many people could imagine that in a team, even the leaders had conflicts with each other. Then the problem is too serious.

(End of this chapter)

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