The best bandit in another world

Chapter 170 Li Feng Transformed

Chapter 170 Li Feng Transformed (20)
But they were all anxious like Jessica, but no one dared to interrupt casually.

Li Feng has been watching coldly. Seeing that Mr. Charles has gloomy eyes and stopped talking, he can't help but sneer, "Aren't you just looking at me? I came up with the solution. If it doesn't work, I will automatically leave the team. That's fine." no?"

Teacher Charles' face changed, and he shouted: "You are crazy, don't talk nonsense, leaving the team now is tantamount to death. Besides, you are also thinking about the collective, even if the method doesn't work, it can't be blamed on you. Collective effort will be punished, and there is no such reason for traveling all over the world."

Jessica also pulled Li Feng anxiously, she was really afraid that this guy would do something stupid impulsively.

Li Feng ignored the two, stared at Teacher Daisy, and said indifferently: "Mr. Daisy, do you agree to my proposal?"

There is nothing to be afraid of leaving the team. Li Feng is confident that with his own ability, he will definitely live better than anyone else in this forest, and he is also very confident in his own methods. Teacher Daisy wants to drive him away. easy job.

Before Teacher Charles and Jessica could stop her, Teacher Daisy sneered darkly and said, "You said it yourself, so don't just hang on to it when the time comes."

This time, apart from Lilia, almost no one is on the side of Teacher Daisy. It is really chilling for such a teacher to deliberately target a student.

Chapter 57 The Function of Traps
A few pieces of bloody Warcraft flesh and blood were placed in an open space in the forest, and a strong bloody smell radiated everywhere.

A blue wolf appeared at the edge of the field and sniffed it a few times from a distance. The flesh and blood of the monster was very attractive to it, but it was not in a hurry to go forward, but circled around the open space, hesitating.

Its nose is very sensitive, and it can smell a lot of mixed breath nearby, so it doesn't dare to act rashly.

However, the flesh and blood of monsters are too tempting for it. Magic crystals are the source of magic power of monsters, but magic crystals cannot be eaten or digested, so monsters have no interest in the magic crystals in other dead monsters.

The flesh and blood of monsters are different, because of the long-term infection, the flesh and blood of monsters also contain the magic power of monsters. Of course, the magic power of monsters is different from that of humans. This is their natural formation. During their slow growth, they soak into the flesh Inside, after being eaten by other monsters, they can absorb weak magic power from them to promote their own evolution.

Qinglang is also a low-level magical beast, these pieces of flesh and blood are so tempting to it that it quickly forgets the danger.

After turning around for a while, Qinglang finally couldn't bear it any longer, and jumped straight to the flesh and blood of the monster in the open space.

It was very vigilant, and as soon as it hit the ground, it immediately picked up the meat on the ground and was about to turn around and run away.

With a bang, the place where the blue wolf landed suddenly fell, and a big hole appeared.

Before the blue wolf had time to react, several strong vines had silently wrapped around its limbs, dragging it down into the pit.

There was cheering all around, and countless figures appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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