The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1742 Pluto Projection

Chapter 1742 Pluto Projection (34)
A pair of beautiful men had already switched to Chinese to talk, and everyone couldn't understand their conversation, and watched from the sidelines with trepidation, fearing that neither of them could agree, and everyone present would be buried with them.

Chapter 494 Coronation

"...I hope that you can promise me one thing." Li Feng looked at Li Feng and said sincerely: "I hope that when you have the ability, you can resurrect me and let me escape from the eternity of the mirror world." I have no doubt that you will be able to do this in the future. Therefore, this is my last request."

"What if I don't agree?" Li Feng looked indifferent, "Do you think I will let a person with all my abilities and appearance wander around me?"

"Of course you won't," Li Feng shrugged, "I said, I know you very well, but I think, with your wisdom, when you liberate me from the mirror world, it will definitely be on me Plant an irresolvable restriction and turn me into a gold medalist who can never die, right?"

"Are you willing to do this?" Li Feng was a little surprised.

"Of course I would," Li Fengying's eyes suddenly filled with infinite sadness, "not being a life in the mirror world, I will never experience the cruelty of fate to life in the mirror world. To be your thug is better than enduring the eternal loneliness in the mirror world. Be lucky a million times."

Li Feng really couldn't imagine the sorrow of life in the mirror world out of thin air, but this did not prevent him from making a decision, "Well, I can promise you that if one day, I have the ability to liberate you from the mirror world, I will definitely not be stingy Yu shot. Of course, the premise is that I have absolute control over you, which you should be able to understand."

"Thank you," Li Fengying was silent for a while, and said: "My summoning time limit is 10 minutes, you go to work first, leave me alone, let me breathe the air of Titan Continent for a while, and look at this beautiful place for a while. sky. Before the time comes, I will remind you..."

As he said that, Li Feng projected the classic shape of the Pluto projected just now, raised his head slightly, and greedily sniffed the beautiful sunshine and air of the main material world.

Everyone couldn't understand the second half of the conversation between Li Feng and the projection. They didn't know that Li Feng had reached an agreement with his projection.

The river crab mythical beast crawled around Li Feng's projection, waving its giant pincers in a majestic manner, and made a majestic and domineering declaration from time to time to show its existence: "Great river crabs are everywhere..."

The flamboyant crab's giant claws can't stop making creepy crackling noises when opening and closing. From time to time, it will roar a few times in an incomprehensible Chinese language, and everyone can't stop listening to it Heartbroken.

In front of a powerful existence like the river crab beast that can instantly kill the god's mansion, the stronger the powerhouse, the more trembling and awe he feels.

"Are you two going to catch yourself, or do you want to bother me to do it yourself?" Li Feng suddenly turned his head, staring sharply at the two sword masters who had been acting foolishly, "You two, don't even think about committing suicide, or you're just begging yourself. Bitter."

(End of this chapter)

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