The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1743 Pluto Projection

Chapter 1743 Pluto Projection (35)
The two sword masters who were abandoned by Emperor Creshenti suddenly recovered their composure when Li Feng just stared at them. Their faces were as deep as water, their eyes were sharp, and they seemed to really have suicidal thoughts.I don't know what method Emperor Creshendi used to train a strong man like Juggernaut to such an extent.Even in the case of being abandoned, the two sword masters did not hesitate to repay each other with death.

But it's a pity that when the two sword masters were about to make a move, they suddenly found that they could no longer control their bodies.

Not far away, the river crab animal waved its giant pincers, and roared brazenly: "Great river crabs are everywhere..."

"Thanks," Li Feng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was his projection that did him a small favor.Somehow, the river crab beast can restrain the projection of Pluto so that it cannot move, let alone two sword masters.

Seeing that the projection was just looking at the blue sky full of infinite nostalgia without any response, Li Feng shrugged and stopped talking.He strode up to the two sword masters, and rewarded each of them with a Han Che Pill. He was afraid that it would not be safe, and he even sealed the acupoints around the two of them, and then he stretched out his hand to beckon them over, and ordered: "Bring these two captives up." Let's go, make people watch, before I come to interrogate, no one is allowed to approach..."


A few trembling palace guards carried two sword masters who looked like wood carvings, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

"I'm sorry to have surprised all the distinguished guests," Li Feng bowed down to apologize to everyone gracefully, and then told the courtesy officer beside him, "The guests have all arrived, and the time is almost here, now you can invite Perseus Out……"

Following the salutes of the ceremony officials, layers upon layers spread into the depths of the palace, and deafening magic salutes suddenly sounded from all directions in the city of the other side.A fluff of gorgeous colorful fireworks roared up, and then exploded suddenly, covering the entire sky of the other side city.

The solemn ceremony and music played, and Perseus, who was dressed in full costume, was surrounded by two teams of royal guards of honor in exquisite armor, and walked slowly from a distance to the Palace Square.

Two little flower girls carved in pink and jade, holding beautiful flower baskets, walked in front of Perseus. From time to time, fiery red petals made of magical elements would automatically dance out of their flower baskets—this was naturally It is Li Feng's credit.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the legs of Perseus the Great seemed to be trembling a little. Everyone thought that Perseus was excited, but no one knew that this kid was actually so frightened that his legs became weak at this time.

The guests who came today were all too big, and there was another accident that almost wiped out the entire army just now, so Perseus couldn't help being frightened.After all, he is just an ordinary boy who has never seen any big scenes. In front of a dazzling array of big figures and even gods, Perseus can barely maintain his composure at this time, and he did not walk around in a funny way. It was lucky.

(End of this chapter)

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