The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1744 Pluto Projection

Chapter 1744 Pluto Projection (36)
The coronation ceremony was held in the church, so at this time everyone could only follow Perseus and walk over step by step.Only Pluto and his wife did not move, the starlight and dust formation only covered the entire palace, so they could only wait and go to the church by themselves.

When passing by the majestic river crab beast, everyone will consciously make a big detour. Even Pluto and Queen Besephone have to make a detour to the great river crab beast.

Outside the palace, both sides of the road covered with red carpets were crowded with excited civilians. As the guard of honor passed by, the crowd would burst into cheers from time to time.

Everyone walked slowly along the long road.

The only disharmony was that at the end of the line, there were two men who were as beautiful as monsters, but had exactly the same appearance, walking side by side.Behind the two of them, there is a big river crab crawling around, which is really scary.

"I'm really reluctant, but I have to go," Li Fengying suddenly stopped, and finally, full of nostalgia and even greed, looked at this beautiful world, turned to look at Li Feng with a smile, " Give me a ride..."

Of course Li Feng understood the meaning of the projection, and the time limit for summoning had come.

Without hesitation, he took out the yin and yang mirror and faced the projection, the gray light of the curse of death shone out, freezing the projection's smile.

A string of mysterious talismans made of misty starlight suddenly emerged from the void, projecting Li Feng, whose soul fire had been extinguished, back to the mirror world.The great river crab beast also turned into nothingness.

Without this invincible river crab, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Feng suddenly felt a little lost, this feeling was inexplicable.

Projection has exactly the same appearance and ability as Li Feng, but in fact the two have nothing to do with each other. The two have never met before, so it can be said that they are completely strangers.But the projection is the only one who really understands Li Feng's details and can talk to him in Chinese.

Unfortunately, this most familiar stranger was killed by Li Feng himself after only being around for half an hour.

No wonder the projection just confidently said that Li Feng would rescue him from the mirror world.The reason is actually very simple. In the Titan Continent, only when Li Feng is with the projection can he discuss any secrets with confidence, including things like time travel. It can be said that the projection is Li Feng's true confidant.Just for this, if he is really capable in the future, Li Feng will definitely fulfill his promise.

Although Li Feng is now surrounded by beauties, he goes in and out with hugs, he has acquaintances all over the world, and all of them are extremely prominent figures, but in fact Li Feng is lonely in his heart.Because the Titan Continent will always be his second hometown, his roots are not here, and there are no members of his clan here.

(End of this chapter)

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