The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1784 Purple Gold Heavy Arrow

Chapter 1784 Purple Gold Heavy Arrow (4)
Amos calmly summoned his magic pet, Blue Bird, and met the two great mages, and the others also found their opponents.

Speaking of which, most of the Parthian masters who sit in Herox Fortress have shown their faces in the city of the other side. More than a month ago, everyone was talking and laughing happily, but now they are fighting to the death.

There is not much difference in strength between the two sides, so it is no longer possible to hold the idea of ​​​​capture alive like in Sunset City. When the masters are fighting, they must go all out, otherwise the slightest negligence may kill the opponent.

Li Feng stood on top of the flaming chariot without moving. He wanted to stand aside, or look for a chance to launch a sneak attack at any time.This is war, and it only cares about the result. Such low-level means of sneak attack are taken for granted on the battlefield.

Like sparks colliding with the earth, the first round of confrontation between the twelve masters was full of anger. The energy and magic aftermath from the collision scattered and splashed, tearing the surrounding air crazily.

The violent air flow swept towards the flame chariot, and was completely filtered by the natural field barrier.

The Qinglin who was pulling the flaming chariot was agitated for a while, and snorted uneasily.

Boom boom boom...Compared to the extremely powerful but silent magic duel between the five top magicians, the battle between the seven sword masters is a bit terrifying.The sparks pulled out by the collision of the swords, the dazzling light of dou qi, and the thunderous roar of the sword masters colored the entire sky.

Gerald's opponent, the Red Sun Juggernaut, is an old enemy.This is not the first time the two have confronted each other. In the past, Gerald was at a disadvantage due to the difference in rank.But today, relying on his tyrannical sword skills, strong fighting spirit, and fierce white-haired tiger vulture mount, Gerald has suppressed the Red Sun Sword Master from the very beginning.

The Red Sun Juggernaut did not expect that the defeated general in the past had become so unstoppable now, he couldn't help being shocked and angry, roaring again and again.But under Gerald's sword that was as fast as thunder and flashed, and was as heavy as a mountain, the Red Sun Sword Master didn't even have a chance to breathe. He only had the ability to parry, and he couldn't even counterattack. downwind.

When Eferas's magic pet, Owltail, was fighting with his old enemy Albonio, the great magister, because the opponent also had the best magic pet, the skunk bird, he didn't show much attention.But at this time, facing the great magister Cassandra, the owl-tailed beast showed the power of its nemesis of the fire magician.Cassandra cast several powerful instant spells one after another, and was swallowed by the owl-tailed beast with its mouth open. Cassandra was so scared that she almost fell headfirst. Covered in a magic shield.

Amos dealt with two great mages alone, and his performance was extremely relaxed and freehand. The magicians in Parthia were very good at singles, but Amos was not bad at all.

In the past, everyone kept secret about the origin of Amos.

No one knows that although Amos' parents were not Parthians, he was born in the Parthian Empire, and he spent the first half of his life struggling in Parthia, which is why Amos' battle Skill, one of the reasons why it is so superb.So he could actually be considered half Parthian.

(End of this chapter)

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