The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1785 Purple Gold Heavy Arrow

Chapter 1785 Purple Gold Heavy Arrow (5)
Of course, Amos's life experience in Parthia was by no means pleasant, and his relationship with Parthia can be said to be in turmoil.

Atlantis is the motherland identified by Amos.

Li Feng felt a little strange when he saw the instructor volunteering to fight in Sunset City two days ago, because the instructor is not a belligerent person.At this time, seeing that the mentor was still so full of fighting spirit in the face of two great mages who were hardly a threat to him, Li Feng somewhat guessed in his heart that the mentor might have a lot of trouble with the Parthian Empire, so he decided As soon as he saw the Parthians, he became so hot.

There were six people on both sides, but Amos singled out the two great mages alone, and the remaining two sword masters on the Parthian side were about to face the siege of the three sword masters from Atlantis.

The scene where these five sword masters fought was a fiery, gorgeous Dou Qi Slash flying around.Fortunately, everyone was fighting at an altitude of several thousand meters, otherwise, the aftermath of the battle of these five sword masters alone would be enough to tear down the Herox Fortress to pieces.

During the scuffle among a group of masters, the three thousand great magicians also began to bombard the fort in a systematic manner. A large number of fortifications in the fort were destroyed, and the casualties of the defenders were as high as thousands in a blink of an eye. It is rising at an extremely fast speed.Killing a magician is much more efficient than wielding a sword.

However, compared to their colleagues in Sunset City, the Parthian defenders in Herox Fortress obviously had more backbone. Facing the monstrous torrent of magic, despite heavy casualties, not many people escaped.

"I'll go up to help too..." Avril watched the fierce battle of the twelve strong men, and couldn't help but feel full of fighting spirit. She suddenly summoned the dragon mount, jumped off the flame chariot, and rushed towards the five sword masters who were fighting.

"The great Achilles has not enjoyed the fun of fighting for a long time, haha..." the giant dragon roared earth-shatteringly, full of excitement.

Dragons are warlike, and the stronger the opponent, the more they can arouse their fighting spirit. Of course, except for opponents like Li Feng, Achilles doesn't want to seek abuse.

A strong Juggernaut level is just on par with a Tier [-] giant dragon, and even surpasses it.However, Achilles has long been on the verge of promotion. The fierce battle is the shortcut and opportunity to advance. Maybe after this battle, the great Achilles can successfully advance to become a powerful fourth-order dragon. .

As soon as the dragon knight Avril appeared on the stage, the faces of the powerful Parthians changed drastically, but this was not over yet, Nana suddenly became very excited today, and rode a unicorn to participate in the battle.

Harriet, the king-level unicorn, is a super strong person who can face the great magister.However, Nana did not rely on the strength of her mount today. She held the artifact Anayi's Tears, and sent a bloody moon blade soaring towards a great magister. Point to four enemies respectively.

Hum... The bowstring made a sound of intense vibration that was almost deaf.

(End of this chapter)

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