The best bandit in another world

Chapter 181 Li Feng Transformed

Chapter 181 Li Feng Transformed (31)
In fact, the magic power in the team is not weak now, there are four junior magicians, and the high-level magician Mrs. Daisy.

However, there is no way to display these powers. Amy and Cindy have just advanced, and they have not had time to practice elementary magic. For the time being, they can only display the strength of a trainee magician. As for Teacher Daisy, she has never faced such a situation. In such a situation, she has already panicked. If she is asked to recite spells and cast spells now, she will probably be backlashed by magic.

Less than 2 minutes later, the number of injured students had already reached double digits.

Everyone's heart was covered with a shadow. The excitement of setting traps to kill the monsters yesterday had long since disappeared, and panic began to spread.

"What should I do? Is it going to die here?" Jessica was still releasing magic support, hoping to last for a while, waiting for Teacher Charles to kill the wolf king.

But Teacher Charles just killed a ghost wolf, the wolf king let out a soft howl, and immediately two ghost wolves made up for it. At this time, it has become five ghost wolves besieging Teacher Charles. It seems that he wants to kill the wolf king. It is simply an impossible task.

Jessica felt only a pang of despair. Never before had she felt death so near.

The intense fear prevented her from releasing her magic, and almost all the other magic students stopped chanting spells, and there was only one person, Bowen, who was still holding on. Unfortunately, he was alone, and he was alone. , does not play much role.

Li Feng was a little surprised, this student's psychological quality is really good.

Turning around and patting Jessica on the shoulder, he said with a smile, "At a critical moment, the protagonist is about to appear."

Even at such a time, Jessica couldn't help but give him a blank look. Can't this guy see the current situation?

Li Feng decided to make a move.

Dude is still not cold-blooded enough, these bird people, hang up and hang up, it's none of the buddy's business?Why can't my buddies just have the heart?
Li Feng squeezed to the periphery, ignoring Jessica's shouts behind him.

A ghost wolf wandered outside the circle for a while, then pounced on it suddenly, it was very cunning, at this time a small gap appeared in the defensive circle, and it was caught by it immediately.

The faces of the students who were facing it changed drastically, but they still swung their swords hard. Unlike the magic students, they have been fighting with monsters hand-to-hand these days, and their psychological quality is much stronger than the magic students.

One of the ghost wolf's paws caught the big sword, deflecting the edge of the sword, and making one paw grab the student's shoulder.

As soon as the student's sword was caught, he knew something was wrong. The ghost wolf's claws were not only sharp, but also powerful. Although they were wolves, they didn't have sticky legs. Their thick claws were about to grab their shoulders.

This student even smelled the breath of death, but at this moment there was a faint sound of breaking through the air behind him.

The ghost wolf let out a miserable howl, and shrank back with a limp leg.

The student's eyes lit up suddenly, and he could see clearly that it was a wind blade that hit the ghost wolf's claw squarely.

(End of this chapter)

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