The best bandit in another world

Chapter 182 Li Feng Transformed

Chapter 182 Li Feng Transformed (32)
Before he could react, there were two more piercing sounds, and two wind blades shot out from behind.

The wind blade shot very accurately, and the three wind blades almost all cut at the same position. Even if the ghost wolf had a good magic resistance, it couldn't stand it. In the blood splatter, the third wind blade finally cut off one of its claws .

The student was still in shock, turned his head and glanced in a panic, and exclaimed: "Student Alan, you saved me?"

At this time, who else can issue such a sharp wind blade?Of course, there is only Li Feng. There are hundreds of wind blade scrolls in his interspatial ring, which is more than enough for a scroll wholesaler.

If all magicians had Li Feng's efficiency in making scrolls, even low-level magicians would be invincible when singled out.

The power of magic is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

The swordsman student slashed up with his sword, and the ghost wolf barely suffered any damage, so it missed the sword with one claw, but Li Feng's three wind blades easily cut off one of its claws.

The ghost wolf with a broken claw immediately lost [-]% of its combat power, and it was almost no longer a threat.

The innate magic of the ghost wolf can make it accelerate instantly, not a direct attack type, so its attack method can only rely on hand-to-hand combat. How strong can a disabled ghost wolf be in hand-to-hand combat?

Seeing the effect of the wind blade, Li Feng nodded to the swordsman student, took out the scroll and started looking for the next target.

The ghost wolf is very cunning, but it is obvious that it is still a monster, and it cannot match the wisdom of humans. Li Feng cut off the claws of seven ghost wolves one after another without any effort in just a moment.

Even though the students were desperately resisting the monsters, they couldn't help but take the time to look up at Li Feng.

His performance was really dazzling. Until now, except for Mr. Charles who had killed a ghost wolf, the students hadn't even hurt a ghost wolf.

But as soon as Li Feng appeared on stage, he was so gorgeous that people's eyes almost popped out.

His wind blade scroll seems to be free of money, and whether it is the timing of release or the aim, it is extremely accurate. The fatal here is the ghost wolf's life.

Except for the two ghost wolves in front whose claws were cut off by Li Feng, no one took advantage of the victory to pursue them. The other five ghost wolves were not so lucky. As soon as their claws were cut off by Li Feng, there were swordsman students chasing after them. After beating the dog in the water, all five ghost wolves were killed.

Many people feel that their brains are not enough. Doesn't this guy know magic?Why did it suddenly become so violent now?Where did he get his magic scroll?How do you think he didn't feel distressed at all after using so many scrolls?
The magic students were thinking that the magic scroll could still be used in this way.

A wind blade scroll, in Li Feng's hands, can actually exert such great power. Three elementary magic scrolls can make a low-level monster lose its fighting power. This kind of power is really shocking.

The power of the scroll is slightly lower than the magic released directly by the magician. Doesn't that mean that a ghost wolf can be dealt with without three basic magics?

(End of this chapter)

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