Chapter 21 Crossed (21)
It took Li Feng a whole morning to finish reading all the theoretical books. Thanks to his genius, it would take two or three days for someone else to read them, and he might not be able to understand them all. theory.

Li Feng breathed a sigh of relief, stuffed all the food that Algernon prepared for him into his stomach, picked up the "Basic Encyclopedia of Magic", and started to study magic.

The beginning of the book described a lot of things that need to be paid attention to when releasing magic. Li Feng remembered it in his heart. After turning the next page, his face was slightly excited, and he could finally start practicing magic.

The first magic is the fire magic - the burning hand. This is an apprentice-level magic. It has no lethality. It can only summon a flame with no temperature. Wrapped around the hand, it is good for lighting.

Li Feng didn't think this magic was low-level, so he jumped over it. He knew the truth that he couldn't aim too high, so he calmed down and began to chant the spell: "O passionate flame elves, please lend me your power to light the flames that tear apart the darkness... ..."

Li Feng opened his hands and put on a very flamboyant posture, but after waiting for a long time, there was no response. Li Feng scratched his head and said depressedly: "Why can't it work? It's clear that the spell is correct."

Amos was still hunchbacked, old-fashioned, and his wrinkled face was somewhat mocking. If magic is so easy to learn, wouldn't the streets be full of magicians?You must know that the entire Atlantis Empire has only 10,000+ official magicians, which is just a drop in the ocean compared to the empire's population base of nearly [-] million.

It is precisely because of the rarity of magicians that the status of magicians is very high. Even as long as they reach the rank of intermediate magicians, the empire will bestow the title of nobleman.

Of course, Li Feng is not such a person who gives up easily. He collected his mind and continued to chant the mantra while putting on a look that looked good to him, but looked stupid in the eyes of Amos.

I don't know if it's because of Li Feng's incantation problem, or because he doesn't have the talent to learn magic at all. He tried more than ten times in succession, but it didn't work at all.

Li Feng read the book for a while, decided to give up, and started to try the next spell——Eye of the Wind. Of course, this is also an apprentice-level magic, and it has no power.

Li Feng put on a pose and sang: "Spirit of the wind, turn into a sharp blade and test the road ahead..."


Li Feng did not give up, and continued...

keep failing...

There are nearly a hundred spells in the book, each of which has been tried by Li Feng more than a dozen times, but none of them succeeded, which made Li Feng furious, and said with fire in his eyes: "It seems that we can't do it if we don't have a unique trick."

Amos had a somewhat disappointed expression on his face. In fact, he didn't know what he was disappointed with. Perhaps it was because he was rarely interested in a person, but the facts proved that this person had no value worthy of attention.Amos was about to give up observing, but when he heard that Li Feng was about to use a unique move, he became a little curious. He wanted to see what kind of unique move Li Feng had.

(End of this chapter)

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