Chapter 22 Crossed (22)
What trick does Li Feng have?He thought of the "Sunflower Treasure" that had been modified beyond recognition by him, but of course the spells can't be messed around like that, but Li Feng has his own tricks, he still sings the spells meticulously, but the ones he uses are not magical. language, but Huaxia language.

The language used when chanting magic spells is of course not the Continental lingua franca in normal speech, but a special magic language, that is, the lingua franca of magic. Straight into his head.

A miraculous scene appeared. This time, Li Feng still chanted the magic of the burning hand. Just after the chanting sound ended, Li Feng felt a little dizzy in his head, and a bright flame circled and burned around the palm of his hand.

Li Feng was stunned for a moment, and then laughed wildly, "Haha, what kind of bird magic common language is still not as powerful as Lao Tzu's Huaxia language."

Li Feng yelled this in Chinese, but Amos couldn't understand it. The moment he saw Li Feng release the magic, it was like seeing a ghost, and the expression on his face was extremely exciting.

The world of magic is very strict. For every magic release, the correct spell must be chanted. Even some high-level magicians, who can cast magic instantly, still recite the spell silently in their hearts, and at the same time compress the time for chanting the spell. If it is extremely short, it doesn't mean that there is no need to chant spells. Of course, there are only a few magicians who can release magic with only mental power, but that requires a very thorough study of magic and a lot of mental power to support it. .

There is more than one magical language on the mainland. All the known ones add up, but there are only thirteen kinds. The most common one is of course the Common Magic Language. Others include Divine Language, Dragon Language, Phoenix Language, Elven Language, etc., but there is absolutely no Li The language the wind speaks.

Amos' professional title in magic is only up to the level of a great magister, but his deep research into magic has made many great magisters feel ashamed, but he is completely shocked by Li Feng's magic at this time , I was just thinking in my heart, could it be that this idiot still masters No. 14 magic languages?But how is this possible?The history of the Titan Continent is tens of thousands of years old. If there really are No. 14 magical languages, how can it be possible to hide them until now without leaking a trace?
Li Feng laughed wildly for a while, dissipated the magic in his hands, and was about to try the next magic with great contentment, but his heart was moved. He suddenly remembered that when he just crossed over, he was hit on the back of the head by Adonis, so he ran away angrily. Used to curse.

I remember he cursed at that time, "Why didn't God send a thunderbolt to kill you, you bastard", and then God really sent a thunderbolt to give Adonis a new hairstyle.

At that time, I didn't know magic. At that time, I thought that the gods in other worlds were relatives to me. Now it seems that there is something mysterious about it.

Chapter 10 Disguising

Since Li Feng thought of this, he was not in a hurry to test the next spell, and began to wonder what the mystery was. Holding the magic book in one hand, scratching his head with the other, he turned around in the trial room.

(End of this chapter)

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