The best bandit in another world

Chapter 531 I Decided Not to Kill You

Chapter 531 I Decided Not to Kill You (12)
It's a pity that the robbers themselves were also in the corridor, mixed with the merchants, otherwise this would probably have alerted the higher authorities.

In fact, the biggest reason why the robbers didn't warn was that they didn't think that a single stone could kill Li Feng. Li Feng had cut a huge boulder as tall as a person in half with a wave of his hand earlier. Every robber kept silent, if Li Feng didn't die, everything would be useless.

There are many traces of chiseling in the corridor. It seems that the corridor is not purely natural. It seems that the head of this cottage is not a simple person to be able to find such a place to make a lair.

As soon as he walked out of the passageway, Li Feng felt that his eyes suddenly opened up. It looked like an isolated island with a radius of tens of square kilometers, and patches of dark woods covered the whole island.

Facing the corridor was a stockade. At this time, the gate of the stockade had been opened, and a middle-aged man greeted everyone surrounded by a group of minions.

Seeing Li Feng and the little beauty walking in front, the middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, frowned and said: "Avril, who is he? Where did the second master go?"

Li Feng only knew the name of the little beauty at this time, and he asked for a long time before the little beauty didn't get an answer. He was anxious to grab the cottage, so he didn't worry about it.

When Avril saw the middle-aged man, the fierceness on her face disappeared a lot, "Uncle Ferdinand, I..."

Li Feng stood in front of Avril, and said with a smile: "Are you the head of the cottage? I'm afraid I'm sorry to tell you that you, the head of the cottage, will resign from today. Let me introduce myself. My name is Alan. From now on I will be Your new boss."

Ferdinand frowned and looked at Li Feng, "Avril, which one are you acting in?"

Avril's figure was staggered from behind Li Feng, her face was full of helplessness, "Uncle Ferdinand, we are all captives now, as you can see, this guy not only captured us, but also came to snatch the head of the cottage, so I had no choice but to brought him up."

Ferdinand's face was full of astonishment, but seeing that the expression on Avril's face didn't look like she was joking, she couldn't help turning her gaze back to Li Feng, "There are always capable people in the cottage, if you have the ability to surpass me, I will make you bigger There’s nothing wrong with being at home.”

Li Feng was also a little stunned by Ferdinand's attitude, and immediately came back to his senses, laughed and said: "For the sake of your sense of humor, I won't kill you, and let you be demoted to second in command."

The Black Moon Knife appeared in his hand, Li Feng calmly approached Ferdinand, Ferdinand's fighting spirit lit up immediately, Li Feng estimated that the strength of this master is at least at the level of a high-level swordsman, it really is in the middle of nowhere With its own heroes, there are actually high-level sword masters in such a cottage with hundreds of people.

However, a high-ranking swordsman is too weak for Li Feng, and Li Feng only used three swords to restrain the master.

The first knife severed the sword of the master, the second cut the armor on the chest of the master almost close to the skin, and the third knife was directly placed on the neck of the master.

(End of this chapter)

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