The best bandit in another world

Chapter 532 I Decided Not to Kill You

Chapter 532 I Decided Not to Kill You (13)
The whole process took only two seconds, so fast that the battle was over before people could even react.

"I lost." Ferdinand was a bachelor, and Li Feng's strength made him unable to think of resistance at all.

Li Feng's second knife can cut him open, and there is no need to use the third knife. Since Li Feng has shown mercy, Ferdinand can't be too ignorant.

The robbers who have already left the tunnel one after another, many people have seen this scene, all of them have dull faces, every robber is well aware of how powerful the master is, that is a high-level sword Master, is the height they can only look up to in their entire lives. They were still hoping that the master would show his might, but they didn't expect that in just two seconds, just enough time to blink a few times, the master had already surrendered cleanly. .

The eyes of the robbers looking at Li Feng have changed. This is a super strong man who can instantly kill high-ranking swordsmen, so they can't help but be in awe.

If the robbers had to obey Li Feng's orders because they were afraid of Li Feng's ferocity to kill people at every turn, then the robbers have changed their minds now.

It is not necessarily a bad thing to have a super strong like Li Feng as their master. At least when they encounter difficult bones during robbery, they don't have to stare blankly, and when the cottage is attacked, there is a super strong. can give them a greater sense of security.

Li Feng laughed wildly triumphantly, there was not only complacency in the laughter, but also great pride.

Ferdinand knelt down on one knee and said respectfully, "Ferdinand has seen the master."

The rest of the robbers all came to their senses. Ferdinand's kneeling meant that the cottage had officially changed hands. Immediately, a group of robbers knelt down on the ground and said in unison: "I have seen the master."

Even Avril fell to her knees with a face full of convincing, it was originally such a rule in the cottage, the strong respected.

Li Feng looked up, and there was a plaque on the gate frame of the cottage, Heimuya cottage, although the handwriting was not neat, but it was vigorous and powerful, and there was a sense of killing and cutting in it, it seemed that the person who wrote this plaque had his own heart There are valleys.

Chapter 162 An Anticlimactic Attack
"I practiced the Sunflower Collection, and ended up occupying a Heimuya cottage. Doesn't this mean I want me to be the Unbeaten East?" Li Feng didn't feel any awkwardness, but was full of complacency.

Of course, Li Feng didn't want to be Dongfang's aunt, he just admired Dongfang Bubai's prestige that could scare everyone down with just a name.

"Second master, don't kill these merchants. When you go out to rob next time, let them leave with the caravan. This will be the rule in the future. You must also pay attention to sustainable development when robbing. If all the merchants are killed, who will come later?" Robber us?" Li Feng had just been promoted to the head of the family, and immediately began to give orders.

Ferdinand seems to have entered the role very quickly, and he didn't have much resentment when he was demoted to the second head. He replied calmly: "Yes."

Li Feng nodded in satisfaction, "After repairing the road, we will only take [-]% of the merchants' goods. This is called buying road money. We are principled robbers."

(End of this chapter)

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