The best bandit in another world

Chapter 589 Take a Watchdog

Chapter 589 Take a Watchdog (34)
Avril Lavigne's hot big eyes are also full of admiration. There has never been a heavy cavalry like the armored rhinoceros knight on the mainland, because the armored rhinoceros is not a monster that can be tamed. The outstanding ability of super monsters, and the ability to tame the armored rhinoceros that no one has ever tamed, created a group of terrifying armored rhinoceros knights in just a few days.

If I seduce this 'cute' boss, will he be able to help me?
As soon as this idea came out, Avril Lavigne's face was burning hot, and her tip was thumping and jumping wildly.

"Go check it out and see if there are any that haven't died yet, all of them will be repaired with a sword." Li Feng didn't notice Avril's strangeness. Yes, find all those merchants."

Hama Mountain is not as big as Heimu Cliff. The merchants are all locked up close to the cliff. Iron Armored Rhinoceros seldom go to the edge of the cliff because of its inflexible steering. The entire cottage is just a few buildings that can still be preserved. .

"Master, we found the warehouse in Hama Mountain." A minion ran over.

Li Feng's eyes lit up, "Go, take me to have a look."

The warehouse in Hama Mountain is actually underground, and the entrance is on the edge of the cliff, which is very hidden. It is really not easy for the minions to find this warehouse.

There was a musty smell in the warehouse, and the goods piled up in it looked familiar to Li Feng. These were obviously the goods carried by the two batches of merchants that Li Feng let go. Other than that, there was basically nothing in the warehouse that Li Feng liked. eye thing.

"Damn, these guys are really poor enough. I guess if it wasn't for stealing Lao Tzu's leftovers, Hama Mountain would have become a habitat for savages." Li Feng spat out fiercely, "These things can be divided into different places. Half of it was dragged back to the cottage, and the rest was left for the merchants to make money."

When they got back to the top, all the merchants had been released, including the leopard man, but his spirit seemed a little sluggish.

Li Feng nodded to the Leopard Man, without saying anything, he greeted the merchants, "Haha, gentlemen, we meet again."

The merchants didn't know whether to cry or laugh. It stands to reason that they should be happy to be rescued from the robber's den, but the problem is that the people who rescued them were a group of more ruthless robbers. The corpses, as well as the cottages that had been turned into ruins, made the merchants feel terrified.

"Gentlemen, don't be afraid. The Blackwood Cliff Village is not like this group of mobs. We are robbers with professional ethics. Since you have been robbed by Blackwood Cliff once, I have decided not to rob you again this time." Li Feng said with a smile: "But Heimuya rescued you, and you will be paid, so you have to hand over half of the goods."

Li Feng's decision made the merchants overjoyed. There are such reasonable robbers in the world?

(End of this chapter)

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