The best bandit in another world

Chapter 590 Take a Watchdog

Chapter 590 Take a Watchdog (35)
The last time Li Fengneng only took [-]% of the money and goods, and let them go, which surprised the merchants. This time, he not only rescued them, but also returned [-]% of the goods, which surprised the merchants even more.

You must know that the goods are the spoils of Heimuya's attack on Hama Mountain. Even in the Atlantis Empire, it is completely legal for Heimuya not to return the goods to the merchants under such circumstances.

Don't look at the [-]% of the goods taken away by Li Feng this time. The merchants only have less than a quarter of the goods left at the time of departure. But if they can reach the destination safely, they can still get considerable benefits. Losing money, huge risks, often accompanied by huge profits, this kind of business with your head on your belt, the profits are even more crazy.

After such a turmoil, they were able to keep a quarter of the goods. These merchants were so happy that they were a little silly.

But not everyone showed joy, Ai Fuli was worried, and looked at Li Feng hesitantly.

Of course Li Feng knew what he was worried about, and nodded to him, "Judy stayed at Heimuya. She got lost in the mountains for a few days and didn't eat. She's a little weak now, so I didn't bring her here."

Avery breathed a sigh of relief, with a grateful look on his face.

Li Feng appeased the merchants, gathered all his hands, and said loudly: "The bandits from Wuya Mountain dared to attack Heimuya last time, and the head of the family has never spared time to punish them. When we go back today, we will take it easy Crow Mountain is destroyed, let's go now."

Everyone agreed with a loud bang, and the Iron Armored Rhino's iron hooves started, and the great momentum once again made the mountains tremble rumblingly.

With a flick of Li Feng's finger, a fireball flew out of his hand and landed on the pile of corpses behind him. Hama Mountain turned into a sea of ​​flames. Under the light of the raging fire, everyone in Heimuya embarked on the journey again.

Chapter 179

When it was already dark, Li Feng and his party entered the boundary of Heimuya.

He asked other people to escort the merchants back to the village first, but he led fifty armored rhinoceros knights to Crow Mountain. With the tyranny of the armored rhinoceros, fifty men were enough to sweep away the bandits in Crow Mountain. After a detailed plan, when they arrived at the place, they found that Crow Mountain was in a mess, and it seemed that it had been breached at least a month ago.

Li Feng felt uncomfortable, and led the team to detour for a while, and rushed to the cottage where he was intercepted last time, but to his surprise, this cottage was also ransacked to the bottom. nothing else.

Li Feng felt that something was wrong, he thought for a moment, and immediately led the team to a small cottage not far away.

Sure enough, this cottage is actually empty, with traces of being attacked everywhere.

Li Feng immediately led the people back, and caught up with the people who were moving slowly because they were carrying too many things on the way.

Li Feng briefly explained the situation, then went on his way without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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