The best bandit in another world

Chapter 912 Blood Elf Magic

Chapter 912 Blood Elf Magic (33)
"Great Mr. Achilles, please keep quiet, can the Dragon Clan not endure such a small pain?" Li Feng said with a smile while holding the dragon's horns with both hands.

The painful roar of the dragon shook the earth, "Human, if you dare to treat the great Achilles like this, you will definitely be punished by the dragon clan. My mother, the great sixth-order dragon Thetis, will let you know How terrible the anger of the Dragon Clan is."

Damn, Li Feng broke out in a cold sweat. The sixth-order giant dragon is already the highest-level giant dragon known in the mainland, representing the top power in the mainland. Although the dragon clan can advance to the seventh-order in theory, in fact The giant dragon is just a legend, so far it has not been heard that any giant dragon has advanced to the seventh level.

Fortunately, this bastard was not killed, otherwise, a sixth-order female tyrannosaur would not be so easy to deal with, but why did this guy only mention his mother's name, but did not say who his father was?
Li Feng forbids himself to think about how strong the spouse of a sixth-level giant dragon should be. A sixth-level giant dragon is no longer something he can handle. Being chased by one dragon is no different from being chased by two dragons. .

Li Feng felt that he had to take this guy as a hostage. Even Harriet might not be able to withstand the power of a sixth-order dragon.

The six-winged Balrog would escape so miserably, probably because of this guy's mother.Li Feng turned his head and looked in the direction of the volcano group. This guy's voice is so loud, and his aura fluctuates so strongly, didn't he alarm his mother?

"Great Mr. Achilles, are you as powerful as you, and after being defeated, you will only cry and seek your mother's protection?" Li Feng tightly grasped the dragon's horns, and his palms seemed to be sweating a little.

The dragon roared angrily: "Despicable human beings, when did the great Achilles be defeated? Do you think that you can defeat the great Achilles?"

The dead duck is really stubborn. If I hadn't been concerned about your sixth-level mother, I would have already skinned you and cramped.

Before Li Feng could finish his thoughts, a strange sound suddenly came out from the dragon's mouth, like a human singing, but it was chaotic and incomprehensible.


With the chanting of this difficult and profound dragon language, the surrounding magical elements began to vibrate like tides.

Li Feng immediately woke up to the dragon language magic. Only the powerful dragon language magic can have such a terrifying power. Without thinking about it, Li Feng stomped down.

The stormy wave-like elemental tide immediately became chaotic, and the sound from the dragon's mouth also turned into a sky-shattering roar of pain.

Li Feng didn't know if this guy's magic had been interrupted, so he stomped on it several times in a row, and didn't stop until the elemental tide was so weak that he could hardly feel it.

"Great Mr. Achilles, please exercise restraint, otherwise you may not be able to wait for your mother, the great sixth-order dragon Thetis to rescue you." Li Feng spat fiercely, the dragon He struggled so hard that his head was almost stuck in the stone, causing Li Feng to eat a mouthful of stone ash.

(End of this chapter)

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