The best bandit in another world

Chapter 913 Blood Elf Magic

Chapter 913 Blood Elf Magic (34)
With the tyrannical physique of a giant dragon, Li Feng kicked so many feet one after another. At this time, he looked like an unlucky ghost who had been beaten countless times. Bright red dragon blood was pouring out of his mouth and nose, and his painful roar became a little hoarse.

Chapter 271 Dragon Knight's Dream Shattered
"If the great sixth-order giant dragon Thetis is still staying in the volcanoes, you despicable human being would have been torn to pieces."

Li Feng was taken aback by the roar of the giant dragon. It turned out that this guy's mother wasn't here. No wonder he didn't see this guy's mother come to check after such a big commotion.

Li Feng's courage suddenly grew a lot. Even if he is chased by a sixth-order dragon, it will not happen in a short time. Now you might as well seduce this guy first, "Great Mr. Achilles, your mother is not here!" Is it here? That's a pity, your magic crystal will become the collection of the master. I heard that the dragon will return to the dragon cemetery before it dies. Only in this way can the soul be thrown into the arms of Hyperion, otherwise you Your dragon soul will always be wandering in the mainland, and it is uncertain when it will be used as a sacrifice by the evil necromancer. Great Mr. Achilles, I believe that even if you become a bone dragon, you will definitely be a bone dragon. The greatest one. One last question, do you have any last words to say?"

When Harriet flew over with Nana, she happened to hear Li Feng's last statement, her eyes showed incomparable horror, and she almost staggered and knocked Nana off her back.

Li Feng's voice could not be heard that far, but Harriet could clearly hear the giant dragon's roar that resounded throughout the world. Harriet could still weigh the weight of the sixth-order dragon.

Super-level monsters are also divided into strengths. After ordinary super-level monsters are advanced, they are lord-level monsters, and after that, there are king-level monsters, emperor-level monsters, and tyrant-level monsters.

Every time a level rises, the strength of monsters will change drastically. Tier [-] dragons are equivalent to lord level monsters, but the strength of giant dragons is not easy to distinguish, because Tier [-] dragons can sometimes even kill king-level monsters .

In fact, the strength division of Warcraft is only divided according to their magic power level, which sometimes cannot fully show the strength of Warcraft.

For example, the most famous behemoth Behemoth, this kind of monster known as the king of land warfare, even the giant dragon dare not provoke it easily. For the proud dragon clan, this is an extremely embarrassing thing. This fact fully shows that Beamon The strength of the giant beast is powerful.

However, the level of magic power of the Behemoth Behemoth is slightly inferior to that of a high-level monster. Can this be used to classify the Behemoth Behemoth as a high-level monster?

Another example is the top super-level monsters of the healing system like the Lafayette Cross Feilu. They don't even know a single attack magic, and their strength is slightly inferior to that of some quasi-super-level monsters. It is a super monster.

Harriet's current strength is infinitely close to Wang Jie's. Her strength is genuine. She was originally a Wang Jie's monster, but because of her postpartum weakness and the super paralyzing lightning that once burned her life, her strength She has degenerated drastically, and even lost a rank. Even with Li Feng's elixir, she couldn't restore [-]% of her strength in a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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