The best bandit in another world

Chapter 936 Demonstration of Financial Resources

Chapter 936 Demonstration of Financial Resources (21)
"Polyphemos of the giant family pays tribute to you," a cyclops bent down, "This is my younger brother Geryon, the head of Alan's family. His strength has won the respect of Polyphemus, but being strong is not Alan. The reason why the head of the Lun family blackmailed the giant."

Li Feng smiled coldly, "You are the defeated ones now, and you should make corresponding compensation for the war of aggression you launched. Has the giant been at ease under the blessing of the Titan God for too long? Even the most basic common sense is not enough. Do you want Master Ben to remind you?"

"War of aggression?" The elf Hardy interjected: "Master Alan, your wording is a bit inappropriate. We came to Blackwood Cliff just to discuss an argument with Master Master, not to occupy Heimuya by force."

"Have the elves learned so much rhetoric now?" Li Feng looked at Hardy coldly, "Do you need to let you open your bows and arrows to ask for an explanation? If you capture Heimuya today, Heimuya How many survivors will there be?"

The elf Hardy opened his mouth, but couldn't speak. Although the purpose of the elves coming to Heimuya was indeed to ask for an explanation, and they had no intention of killing Heimuya, but seeing that the number of their own people accounted for so much With a huge advantage, it is impossible not to have the idea of ​​​​taking down Heimuya.

"Master Allen, a follower of Moradin, and the dwarf warrior Ink salute you. Please tell us the amount of compensation that needs to be paid. The dwarves are willing to make compensation within their ability for the unjust battle." A dwarf took a step forward, Demonstrated his existence.

The dwarves have always been silent and unsmiling, and they never interjected just now, but the dwarves have a straightforward temper and a strong sense of justice, and the dwarf's responsibility seems to be very good. The first time Inke intervened, he admitted that his battle was not right. Just, and willing to make amends.

Li Feng looked at the group of dwarves. The thirty dwarf warriors were all dressed in exquisite armor. They were only about one meter tall, and their muscles were made of steel, as if they were full of infinite power. The weapon in their hands was a huge iron handle. The hammer, being able to use this super heavy weapon, also reflects the powerful strength of the dwarves from the side.

Li Feng noticed that every dwarf warrior's beard was tied into a braid, only the talking dwarf warrior Inke had two braids in his beard.

This is a symbol of the strength of the dwarves. Only qualified fighters who have passed the test are eligible to wear their beards into pigtails and receive a glorious title—braided beard warrior. The number of braided beards represents the strength of a dwarf warrior. , Inke wears two braided beards, which means that his strength is fully twice that of ordinary braided bearded warriors.

Twice the strength does not mean twice the strength, sometimes a dwarf warrior with two braided beards can even defeat ten ordinary braided bearded warriors at the same time.

"Inke, a powerful dwarf warrior, your straightforwardness has won the respect of the head of Blackwood Cliff," Li Feng finally showed a smile on his face when he received the dwarf's blunt reply, "I heard that dwarves are good at mining ore and making excellent equipment. I don’t want to embarrass you, as long as you send five hundred sets of fine steel full body armor to Heimuya, your tribe will be recognized by Heimuya and have the right to survive in this mountain.”

(End of this chapter)

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