The best bandit in another world

Chapter 937 Demonstration of Financial Resources

Chapter 937 Demonstration of Financial Resources (22)
Inke showed a bit of embarrassment on his face, "Alan is the master, the armor made by the dwarves is all based on the height of our dwarves. If you want armor, it will take a long time, and the armor will cost a lot of money." There is too much refined steel, and the refined steel stored by our Black Rock Tribe is not enough to make five hundred sets of full-body armor."

Li Feng's smile froze, and he said coldly: "Dwarf, are you kidding me? A dwarf tribe that can produce [-] adult warriors can't even get the materials for [-] full-body armors." ? The joke isn't funny at all."

Inke the dwarf looked straight at Li Feng calmly, "Alan is the master, dwarves never joke. In the mountains where monsters are rampant, dwarves also need to struggle for survival. All steel is made into armor and weapons for storage. There is very little steel in storage, for a rainy day, and no dwarf likes to look at steel without working on it."

Li Feng scratched his head, and said in a very reasonable manner: "Okay, the heroic dwarf warrior Inke, please give me a certain deadline, when can you deliver the [-] sets of armor?"

Inke held the warhammer under his armpit and moved his ten fingers back and forth, as if he was counting the time, but the dwarf warrior's mathematics level was really bad, so he raised his head after a long time and said: "To get enough armor, you need at least In six months, this was only possible when the entire Black Rock Dwarf tribe was mobilized, but there are often crises in the mountains, so I cannot give you the most accurate time."

"Six months is too long." Li Feng frowned. "I heard that dwarves love strong alcohol. After drinking alcohol, the speed of forging will be doubled. Is there such a saying?"

Hearing the spirits, Inke swallowed, his eyes seemed to be shining brightly, "Drinking spirits can make our dwarves stronger. If there is enough spirits, the dwarves can do three days' work in a day."

Li Feng snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "Second Master, ask someone to bring some barrels of spirits, so that the brave dwarf warriors can taste the invention of the Great Master."

Chapter 278

"Brave dwarf warriors, please wait for a moment, the wine will be delivered soon." Li Feng nodded to the dwarfs who were drooling, turned to the elf archers, and said with a smile: "The elves under the radiance of the forest goddess , are you willing to make due compensation for the unjust war you waged, in exchange for the forgiveness of the master?"

The forest elf Hardy's face was full of helplessness, "Master Allen, please tell us your request. The forest elves don't have the forging skills of dwarves, but they don't have armor for you."

With the dwarves taking the lead, the elves became acquainted. Li Feng smiled with satisfaction: "I dare not let my subordinates wear armor made by elf craftsmen to fight. Each race has its own advantages. I heard that the forest elves The ancient tree of life can produce the fountain of life, and the master needs fifty kilograms of the fountain of life."

(End of this chapter)

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