The evolution history of Ultraman Jayden

Chapter 73 [Tiga World] Running to the Universe The Miracle of Recovery

Chapter 73 [Tiga World] Running to the Universe (Part [-]) The Miracle of Recovery

Tiga had already become a powerful type when Pedron tied him up and broke free from the tentacles, but Gobbutton dragged his broken body and hugged Tiga tightly with both hands, and there were only two balls left The orange ones are not blinking anymore.

Tiga's powerful type couldn't get rid of the gob button, and the sound of the timer on his chest almost rang into a line. Pedron didn't forget to give Tiga a few backslashes, and the whip slammed Tiga's body hard, making a crack The sound was very abrupt in the quiet surroundings.

And the loss of energy made Tiga more and more unable to fight against Pedron...

Director Sawai of Victory Commander and others have already collapsed, Tigata, it’s too late!Even if there is still a turning point here in Dijia, what about the mechanical island?

Isis, come and help Tiga!

Lin Yuxin closed her eyes, her body hung in the air in the vast white consciousness space, and she felt the light of belief from many places.Sure enough, Tiga is fighting hard now.

Will she protect the earth so kindly?The answer is no.

It's just that everyone takes what they need, and there are reasons for Tiga and the others.

There was a smile on Lin Yuxin's pale face, the will of the earth, after all, is going to hand over that light, and the light of the giants, together with these lights of faith, is enough.

Lin Yuxin opened her eyes all of a sudden, her eyes were flat, and she murmured, she didn't know who she was talking to, "Hand over that light."


The surface of the earth is buzzing, and faint fluorescent lights are emitted from the surface, condensing together, forming a beam of light at once, shooting towards a certain place like a rocket!
In the space of consciousness, Lin Yuxin looked at the light in front of her, smiled lightly, her pupils under the lens shone brightly, "Not bad."

Lin Yuxin touched the light of the planet with her hands and felt a powerful energy. Sure enough, the light of the planet is not simple.Aguru and Gaia are Ultraman from the earth. It is not bad that the earth can give birth to two Ultraman with medium and high strength.

However, the light of the earth in the Tiga world is obviously weak, and it is far from the energy that can give birth to an Ultraman. However, there are other lights.

Lin Yuxin closed her eyes, a large amount of white light emerged from her body, and she exited the space of consciousness in a flash.

A white light flashed in the ward, and a person appeared in the ward out of nowhere. If someone was there, they would definitely feel very horrified, because the person standing beside the hospital bed looks exactly like the person lying on the hospital bed!
Lin Yuxin stretched out her hand, and just about to touch her body, her hand stopped suddenly.

Lin Yuxin squinted her eyes, put her hands down, Dijia, she is still waiting for her to save her.

Lin Yuxin turned into a beam of light and flew out of the TPC.

Lin Yuxin flew into the Pacific Ocean, and there was a character that she couldn't deal with in front of her, Gatanjae!It's impossible to deal with it at the moment, but after this time, it may not be necessarily the case.

The strength of the evil god has reached the legendary level, but she doesn't know which level it is.

Lin Yuxin was swimming in the sea, and when she got to the bottom of the sea, she saw Gatanjeh, and there were some strange buildings around it.

Lin Yuxin didn't pay attention to Gatanjiehe, but swam deeper, but when she reached deeper, Lin Yuxin felt a wave of light energy and a seal.

Lin Yuxin was suspended above the wreckage of many giants, her expression was numb, her lips moved, "Light."

After she finished speaking, sacred golden light spots gushed out from many giant stone statues, condensed together to form a golden light, and flew into Lin Yuxin's hands.

Lin Yuxin took the light in her hand, turned into a white light and shot out suddenly, leaving Luluye.

When Lin Yuxin left, a slim white figure stood beside the cliff, looking at the city below in a daze, then turned his gaze to the place where Lin Yuxin left.

A mature and beautiful face showed a complicated expression, which seemed bitter and relieved.

She stretched out a hand, as if she wanted to grab something in the empty air, but just as she stretched out her hand, she suddenly put it down as if discouraged, and smiled desolately with her lips curled up.

Camilla, this is the person you envy and envy.

In the space of consciousness, Lin Yuxin looked at the three lights in front of her, feeling a little excited, she slowly closed her eyes, adjusted her breath, and prepared to absorb the three lights.

Lin Yuxin took a deep breath, and the three lights not far from her were buzzing, as if they couldn't wait to enter Lin Yuxin's body.


A ray of light flew out, slowly descending from the top of Lin Yuxin, and merged into her body. Lin Yuxin's expression was light, and the surface of her body was shining, but in fact, her body was not as calm as the surface.

The energy she had just absorbed hadn't been absorbed yet. She was sweating slightly on the outside of her skin, her body was a little red, and even some strange lines appeared, but it was very light.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, dazzling light erupted from her body, and the air flow was chaotic. Lin Yuxin opened her eyes, and the eyes were full of light.

"not enough."

Lin Yuxin set her sights on the Giant's Light, and the Giant's Light seemed to sense that Lin Yuxin was looking at it, and it automatically flew towards Lin Yuxin and merged into Lin Yuxin's body.


Lin Yuxin tried her best to absorb that energy, and her skin continued to grow metal, covering her whole body, completely turning into a beast body, and the body surface emitted a golden light similar to shining Tiga.

But on the first day, it completely dissipated, and the last remaining light of faith did not enter her body.

Lin Yuxin's metal skin ignited raging fire, and various parts of her body were constantly falling off, and at the same time, she felt her body's new life!
And the miraculous power flowing in the body is even more active.

Her body and complexion also recovered, she slowly opened her eyes, and muttered, "Miracle Saga..."

(End of this chapter)

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