The evolution history of Ultraman Jayden

Chapter 74 [Tiga World] Evolution EX

Chapter 74 [Tiga World] Evolution EX
Lin Yuxin seemed to see Saga's figure, surrounded by a faint mysterious purple light, her light blue eyes looked at her with a slight white light, mysterious, but after a few seconds, the figure turned into a phantom and disappeared.

Lin Yuxin's body glowed dimly, turning into a golden-red light ball and flying out.

"It's light!"

Ye Rui said excitedly, looking at the golden-red light group, it has taken shape, it is Lin Yuxin's Jayden form, but it is different.

The two golden ovals on the chest disappeared and turned into a golden-red soft armor resembling the shape of ex Jayton's chest. It seemed to be wearing a suit of armor. Her horns are shortened but black and sharp, and 90.00% of her whole beast is the image of ex Jaden, except that the face is still the original Jaden, and her body is thinner, which is much more pleasing to the eye than ex Jaden. The overall look has a great sense of power!

And she has successfully promoted from the high-level elite to the low-level legend. I have to say that the light of hope is really strong?It's no wonder that when Tiga gathered the light of hope for human beings and turned into Shining Tiga, it directly spanned to the legendary level comparable to the mysterious four Austrians.

"Isis!! It's coming!" Mayumi said excitedly.

"Isis..." Looking at Lin Yuxin's figure, Ju Jianhui breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems to be different."

Tiga was hugged tightly by the gob button, golden light flowed from his body, that was his blood, the timer was already flickering like it would go off every second, Pedron finally got impatient at this time, and was ready to launch fireball.

"No!" Dijia struggled hard, seeing that Pedron was about to gather fireballs, and the base would definitely be implicated by then, no! ! !
"JIA~" Dijia sneered, red light came out of his body, the energy in his body was burning, his whole body was red, and he wanted to use Ultra super power to blast, but before he could react, Pedron next to him suddenly flew out in a straight line , rushed out of the sea, Dijia felt a burst of dazzling, but before he could react, his energy had recovered, and the timer turned blue.

"JIA~", Di Jia flew out of the sea holding the gob button, his arms flashed with lightning, he struggled hard, threw the gob button in the air, put his hands on his waist, straightened and crossed, gathered energy, and put his hands into a L-shape, a silver zapelio light hit the gobu button, and with a bang, the gobu button was blown into pieces.

Lin Yuxin was not to be outdone, she slammed into Pedron with her body covered in flames, and her fist was burning with flames. Pedron, having learned human feelings and understood that it was a mantis like a cart, ran away decisively, but even if it wanted to hide Can't dodge it, because Lin Yuxin can teleport it but can't, so Pedron was seriously injured by Lin Yuxin's terrifying punch containing 25 tons of force, and the next punch couldn't bear it at all, and exploded with a howl Come.

Then a terrifying electric shock came from the air, Lin Yuxin raised her hands upwards, and a huge white barrier emanated from her palm, the "Zizi~" electric light was blocked by the barrier, Dijia and Lin Yuxin knew it must be the mechanical island!
Di Jia knew that Lin Yuxin had woken up as early as Pedron was knocked into the air. The two looked at each other, Lin Yuxin teleported to Di Jia, and Di Jia's figure flashed, and the next second came to the mechanical island.

But Ju Jianhui looked at the sky thoughtfully, seemed to be able to feel Lin Yuxin's existence, and spit out five words, "The miracle of recovery."

"team leader!"

An exclamation interrupted Ju Jianhui's imaginings. With a trembling voice, Ye Rui said in disbelief, "It has evolved, and its appearance is different from before. Its physical data is terrifying! The two punches I gave Pedron just now are all terrific. It has reached a terrifying force of 25 tons, no weak points can be scanned at all, and every part of the body is extremely hard, and it can no longer be harmed by Emelim's cutting and Dila Hume's shooting..."

"This guy, I knew it wasn't dead." Xincheng raised the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help but feel a little bit of joy in his heart.

"Lina, try to launch the Artdis." Zong Fang ordered.

"Understood." Lina tried to start the Artdis, but failed after several attempts, and said anxiously, "Commander, no, the Artdis is charging and cannot be launched at all."

"Damn it, Dijia and Isis both fought side by side, how can we stay in this ghost place?" Xincheng's happy mood suddenly fell, and he said sullenly.

Hori, on the other hand, was thinking with his right hand on his forehead, and unconsciously said, "Maggs power system..."

He clasped his head with his hands, his eyes suddenly lit up, "By the way, the Magus power system!!"

Horei slammed the table and said excitedly, "I know!"

"What do you know?" Xincheng frowned, startled by Horei's words.

"It's the Magus powertrain," Hori said.

"What happened to the Magus power system?" Zong Fang asked, wondering.

There was a smile on Horei's face, "I just wondered how such a smart person as Yu Xinsang would leave such a shortcoming on the Artdis, now I think about it."

Having said that, he walked to the console, tapped the button with his hands for a while, and then pulled the joystick, and the tail of the Artdis suddenly burst into white light with a "buzz", and the fuselage moved slowly. stand up.

"Oh my god, how did you do that?" Xincheng opened his mouth wide in shock.

"The Magus propulsion system is powered by light," Hori explained to everyone, "Although the Atdis's activation of the Neomagus reverse propulsion consumes a huge amount of energy, don't forget that we are now in the universe. Then I ask you what is the most indispensable energy in the universe?"

Xincheng scratched his head and said very honestly: "I don't know."

Zong Fang also shook his head. He graduated from a military school, so he is really not proficient in physics and doesn't know anything about it.

Lina said with some uncertainty, "Is it dark energy?"

As for the other people looking at Hori in a daze, Hori rolled his eyes, maybe it was because he stayed with Lin Yuxin for too long, and he couldn't help complaining, "I haven't learned physics well, is this problem difficult?" ?In physical cosmology, dark energy is an imperceptible form of energy that fills space and increases the rate at which the universe expands. Dark energy is one of the most popular explanations for the observed acceleration of the expansion of the universe today."

"In the standard model of the universe, dark energy accounts for less than 70% of the mass energy in the universe. It is more like a background and a "superconductor" in the universe. It is like air to humans or the sea to fish The same, so it does behave more like a vacuum in cosmic physics, so some people call "dark energy" "vacuum energy."

Horijing paused when he said this, and sighed, "I still won't tell you too much, I'm afraid you won't understand, so I'll just say that the empty space is filled with a kind of temporary and ethereal particles. "

"It keeps forming from nothing and disappearing back to nothing. The energy of these particles is probably dark energy. Dark energy is also an unknown dynamic energy fluid or force field that permeates the universe. But somehow, it It has the opposite effect to ordinary matter and ordinary energy."

"Then we," Zong Fang had an epiphany, "need to use this energy to temporarily power the Atdis?"

Horei nodded, with joy in his tone, "Yes, I only knew about it before, and I never heard of using this kind of energy as a power source. After all, no one has tried it. But I once transformed it in Yuxinsang. I went to see it when I was on the Artdis and heard her talk about it."

"Install a particle conversion device specially designed for the Atdis in the Atdis, which can promote the collision of protons and antiprotons when the Magus power system is activated."

"When the Neomagus anti-propulsion is activated, the anti-reversal of the collision and action of protons, antiprotons, and light particles is generally normal power, but just now I activated it with the highest power, so the surrounding dark The energy is converted into energy by the particle conversion device, which is used as the energy source of the Atdis."

"Then can we activate the Mags system now?" Lina was a little excited.

Hori replied, "That's right."

"Yu Xinsang is really a genius!"

On the other side, Lin Yuxin looked at the mechanical island and couldn't help laughing, "Is this the thing that pushed the earth into a corner?" If it were her before, it might take a little effort to destroy the mechanical island, but now?

For her in front of her, it was not enough to see.

(End of this chapter)

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