please stop making anime

Chapter 121 The Perfect Ending

Chapter 121 The Perfect Ending
"I'm sorry, Homura, I want to become a magical girl." The heroine turned her head and said to Xiao Meiyan: "I have already figured it out, and finally found what I want to achieve. For this wish, even if I pay my Life is at stake.”

"No! If I do this, what on earth am I doing for it!" Xiao Meiyan was crying, sobbing helplessly.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Yan, I've been guarded by you all this time, I'm really sorry." The heroine walked up to Xiao Meiyan and gently hugged the girl, her face full of tenderness.

The hostess continued: "I have found the answer, please trust me, Homura, I will never let Homura's efforts go to waste."

"Madoka." Xiao Meiyan looked at the heroine Madoka, and Madoka stood up, then turned to look at Chubby beside her.

"You who have already contained the fate of countless worlds have become the causal singularity, and any wish can be fulfilled." Chubby said.

"In that case."

"So, what kind of wish do you want to achieve at the cost of your soul?" Chubby continued to ask.

"I" the heroine Madoka was silent for a moment, hesitating, and then looked at Qiubi with a deep breath, with a look of determination in her eyes: "I want to destroy all witches before they are born, all the creatures in the universe Level, no matter the past or the future, I will destroy them with my own hands."

As the heroine's words fell, the heroine's chest began to glow, and Qiubi was surprised. He didn't expect such a wish to come true.

"If such a wish comes true, then it's not just time interfering with that level, it's a rebellion against karma itself! Madoka, are you planning to become a god?!"

At this time, the heroine's whole body is bathed in pure white light.

"Those things don't matter, I just don't want everyone who fights witches, magical girls who once believed in miracles and wishes, to stop crying! Then, I will take care of the rest! They just need to keep smiling, Let me break the rules! Incubator, let my wish come true!" The white light illuminated the surrounding area, and the white light finally occupied the entire screen.

"What a terrible wish!" Senior sister said.

At this time, in an unknown world, the heroine is drinking tea at the senior sister's house.


"In the future, perhaps all the time, you will continue to fight forever. If so, then there must be an individual that makes you unable to maintain yourself. In this case, it is not just a simple matter of death, you will be destroyed as a The concept of a witch is endlessly fixed in this universe." The senior sister explained.

"That's my wish. If someone tells me that it's wrong to hope, then I will tell them that's not the case. No matter what, I will carry on like this." Madoka said.

"Then go and try. Now that you have made your decision, let's fight. Now that you have found the reason to fight, then there is no need to escape. For the rest, you just need to rush forward." Kyoko on the side said while eating the cake.

"Since I have made up my mind, I will return the things I left with you." After finishing speaking, the senior sister took out a notebook with a very cute portrait of a magical girl drawn on it. Before my sister died, the hostess placed it here: "You yourself have become hope, all our hopes."

With the end of this shot, the full screen of white light slowly disappeared, and at this time he had returned to the battlefield where he had previously fought against Witch Night.

The heroine has become a magical girl at this time, and the witch's night in the distance smiles strangely, but that smile is uglier than crying.

Holding a longbow, he shot an energy arrow into the sky, and a huge magic circle spread out to disperse the darkness in the sky. The gloomy sky instantly cleared up and turned into a blue sky with white clouds.

Energy arrows shot in all directions in an instant. Those energy arrows penetrated time and space, and reached the magical girls who were about to blacken into witches, and then took away the soul gems full of dirt. Those witches are still there. It was wiped out before it was born.

"I will never let your prayers end in despair! You will not curse or frame anyone, and I will bear all the karma. So, I hope you will continue to pray until the end. Believe in yourself!" The hostess said softly, and then the camera turned to Witch's Night, at this time the hostess had accepted the cause and effect of different time and space, above the sky, Witch's Night continued to smile strangely.

"Enough! It's enough! Don't resent anyone anymore, don't curse anyone anymore, let me accept you before you become what you are now." Explosion, the hostess opened her arms and looked at the witch's night.

As the strange scene flashed by, the battle ended, and Xiao Meiyan was transferred. When she woke up, she found that the surroundings were deserted: "Where is this?"

"Because of the new rules brought by Madoka, the universe has now been compiled, and now, let us witness her final ending together!" Chubby said to Xiao Meiyan who was beside her.

Far away, a black comet is heading straight for Earth.

"This is the soul gem brought by Madoka's prayer. Due to the need to fulfill that too large prayer, Madoka needs to bear the same curse and the same hope as creating a universe. Then, at the same time, it needs to bring the universe that can end. Despair." Chubby on the side explained, and the black comet rushed towards the earth, and soon turned into a witch and then enveloped the earth, weird laughter sounded, despair and uneasiness, and even the entire surface of the earth was full of dirt.

Xiaomei Homura was crying, watching the scene trembling slightly, and at this time the voice of the heroine came: "It's okay Homura, my wish is to eliminate all the witches, if that can really come true, There is no need for me to despair anymore!" After finishing speaking, the heroine shot an arrow directly, and a scene like a nuclear explosion appeared.

"In this way, your life will never begin and never end, and your memory of ever living in this world will disappear, because your existence has been transferred to a better understanding. It can exist as a concept, and at that time, no one will be able to recognize you, and you will not be able to interfere with anyone, because you are no longer a member of the universe." Chubby's voice came over.

"Stop joking! What is this? Is this the ending Madoka you hoped for?! This is simply worse than death!" At this time, Xiaomei Homura was already sobbing.

"No!" The heroine said at this time, seeing Xiao Meiyan turn her head to look at herself, Madoka explained:

"I'm sorry, Homura, the current one can see everything in the past and the future, the universe that existed in the past, and the universe that will appear when I don't know when, I can see everything, so, about Homura, you I already knew everything that I worked hard for, and I knew everything. During those countless hours, Homura cried for me time and time again, and carried scars all over her body again and again, just for me. I already know it all! Only when I become the current me can I truly understand you. It turns out that I also have such an important friend as Homura! Thank you so much, Homura!" The heroine put her arms around Xiaomeiyan Said slowly.

"Does it have to be like this? Do you really want to stay alone forever in this kind of place?" Xiao Meiyan said in tears.

"I'm not alone, everyone is with me, I will always be by everyone's side, no matter what." The hostess said with a smile.

"Is this really okay? Even if I forget about Madoka, even if I can't sense your existence again"

"Maybe Xiaoyan won't forget me. After all, even this kind of place can follow me, so maybe I won't forget my existence when I return to the original world." After finishing speaking, the hostess gave her hair tie to Xiaomei Homura: "It's okay, Homura! It's definitely okay, magical girls can realize dreams and wishes, so maybe there will be real miracles." After saying that, Madoka has drifted away.

"Don't go, Madoka!" Xiao Meiyan stretched out her hand and shouted reluctantly.

"I, I'm going to pick you up. One day, I will meet Homura again. Before that, we can only say goodbye briefly." The shape gradually disappeared, and Xiao Meiyan's body was also pulled away from here by an invisible force.

On the other side, the hostess found Sayaka.

"To save Sayaka, the only way is to make everything disappear, so this future also disappears, I don't think this is what you want, right?" the heroine said, looking back at Sayaka.

"However, this is enough!" Sayaka said with emotion: "I just want to hear that guy's performance again, and I just want more people to hear that guy's violin. Now just remind me of this, That's enough, now I don't have any regrets, but I still feel a little bit unwilling about that matter, but there is nothing I can do now, that guy is also a good boy, he should be very happy to be with him. "

Saying that, tears flowed from the corners of Sayexiang's eyes, and the hostess patted her on the shoulder and said softly, "So, let's go."

And on the other side.

When Xiao Meiyan came back to her senses, she was already in the middle of a battle. At this time, there were two people beside her, one was senior sister, and the other was Kyoko.

"Where's Sayaka? How's she doing?!" Kyoko asked the senior sister beside her in a panic.

"She has already left, and was guided away by the principle of the ring. She used all her strength in the last blow just now." The senior sister explained with a sad face.

"What's the matter? You're such a fool! She disappeared because of the man she fell in love with!" Kyoko clenched her fists tightly at this moment, her body was shaking, and there was an expression on her face that wanted to cry: "Idiot! We've finally become friends!"

"There's no way around it. Didn't we already have enlightenment when we got this power? While pursuing hope, before we bring a curse to this world, we can only disappear like we did just now. "The senior sister said with some emotion.

On the other side, Xiao Meiyan stared blankly at the red hairband in her hand, then put the hairband on her chest, and said with a whimper, "Xiaoyuan."

"Eh?" The senior sister and Kyoko who heard Xiao Meiyan's voice couldn't help turning their heads to look at her, their faces full of doubts.

"Xiao Meiyan, that Madoka you're talking about is..."

"Who is she?"

At this time, no matter whether it was Kyoko or senior sister, both of them had already forgotten the existence of Madoka, and there was no information about Madoka in their memories.

Even Madoka's parents also forgot about Madoka, and even Chubby, when Xiaomeiyan told him about it, would suspect that it was just a dream of Xiaomeiyan.

This is a brand new world. In this world, the witches have disappeared, replaced by those monsters that emerged one after another in the dark night. Akatsuki Homura led Cupid to fight those monsters.

"Although this is just a world full of sorrow and hatred, but even so, this world was once the place that the child desperately wanted to protect!"

"So I, keep fighting!"

Xiao Meiyan drew the longbow, and shot an arrow towards a monster. At this point, the whole animation is almost a perfect end.

However, the plot also gave the audience some hints, such as a picture at the end, where a figure appeared in a desolate place, and some text appeared on the screen to let the audience understand the final ending of this anime.

[Never forget that somewhere there is someone who will always fight for you, as long as you remember her, then you will never feel alone. 】

And this text will be accompanied by Xiao Meiyan who is fighting those monsters in the future.

"Come on, Homura." The heroine's voice sounded, Xiao Meiyan smiled, drew a bow and shot an arrow towards the monster.

At this point, this animation work that was widely circulated by the outside world and made all viewers want to overthrow the Jie Cao Society is officially over.

Some were worried about gains and losses, and there were too many regrets in their hearts that could not be vented. Countless viewers stared at the blacked-out mobile phone screens and started to stare blankly.

This feeling is even more shocking than watching all the animation works produced by Jie Cao Club such as Second Five and Zhanmei!

Countless viewers waited at least 5 minutes before remembering to turn on their phones with blacked-out screens. Is this work over yet?Suddenly there is a feeling of green knot in my heart, what's the matter?Do you have masochistic tendencies in yourself?

I have to admit that this is a masterpiece that can be said to be unsurpassed!Almost every episode in the previous episodes unfolded like a charm, making the audience itch to watch, and wanted to smash Zhao Ran in anger. However, in the last two episodes, the ending of this anime was very perfect, which made the audience feel very happy. There is such a feeling of being angry but unable to vent, which is extremely depressed.

Zhao Gou, can't you give us a bad ending? !Such a perfect ending makes it difficult for us to do it!

(End of this chapter)

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