please stop making anime

Chapter 122 Classic Anime!

Chapter 122 Classic Anime!

It was already one or two o'clock in the middle of the night, and the discussion on the Internet was extremely exciting.

Those fans of the anime "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" are all leaving their own comments in various related posts or comment areas at this time.

"It's perfect! This anime is really amazing! Such a work is not a masterpiece, so what kind of work is worthy of being called a masterpiece?"

"Zhao Gou is amazing! The whole story exploded, all kinds of gods unfolded, and the last two episodes made me cry, obviously my tears are very high!"

"So, can it be played now? Can it be said in a high-profile way that it is a masterpiece? Before it was finished, I was afraid that such a work would end up unfinished. Now that it ends perfectly, I can play it with confidence. .”

"Although I don't want to be abused, I still don't want to see such a work end from the bottom of my heart! I hope there will be more than a dozen or even dozens of episodes in the future."

"Is this the cult classic of the magical girl genre? I love it! It's hard to surpass anime like this."

"Although Zhao Gou is a dog, his talent is really indescribable. He is simply brilliant! A national treasure! He has created such an astonishing animation work."

Of course, in addition to the above comments, there are more comments left by the audience discussing the plot of this work.

"So, Madoka has become a god?"

"Looking at the meaning of the plot, in the end, the heroine Madoka made a wish and then directly became a god in one step, and then used her own ability to end all the witches?!"

"It should be like this. Look at the introduction of the plot. Because there are too many karma in Madoka, she can realize any wish, so it is not impossible to directly reprogram the universe through this wish."

"I really didn't expect that Zhao Gou, who took killing sisters for fun and proved the Tao, would be merciful in the end and revive senior sister and Xingzi. It's just that Sayaka didn't resurrect, it's a pity."

"I think this is because of the heroine's wish. The heroine's wish is to destroy the witches before they are born, and the senior sisters died because they dealt with the witches. Now that the witches are gone, they can naturally survive. And Sayaka It's different from them, so I didn't survive, but this ending is actually pretty good."

"I've shown mercy! Hey! Don't be dissatisfied. Think about it, who is the creator of this animation? Zhao Ran! With him in the end, the ending like this is already very good!"

"Is such an ending really good? You are too easily satisfied! Think about it, how miserable the heroine's final end is. Except for Xiao Meiyan, everyone has forgotten the heroine. The Lord and Xiao Meiyan are extremely cruel! Thanks to you, Zhao Gou! You can write such an ending!"

"The ending? It's still far away! Didn't you see the last easter egg? Is Zhao Gou planning to continue with the next season?"

"It should be a theatrical version! I look forward to the theatrical version of the Magic Circle from the Festival Society, hello!"

Of course, there are also many people who have doubts about Zhao Ran's postponement. They feel that the festival has changed the final ending of this anime. Although the ending is perfect now, when I think of the anime Zhanmei, I will watch the magic circle again. Suddenly, I felt something was wrong.

Why didn't this ending all end? !

This is not the Zhao Ran I know!
"According to gossip, the final ending of this anime is actually much darker than the current ending. Why do you think this anime work was postponed? Was it because it was too dark to pass the review, and the ending had to be changed in the end."

"I'm afraid you have a tendency to be masochistic. This ending is not okay? You still want them to die? This ending is enough to cause depression in the future. If they are all wiped out, the audience may set off the morality society. "

"What are you all thinking? If Zhao Ran changes the ending, he will definitely say it. He didn't say it now, which means that the current ending is the final ending."

Discussions on this matter were also very heated on the Internet, and the Jie Cao Club did not make any excuses or anything. Those viewers had to let it go after they could not wait for the official statement.

But in any case, this anime work can finally be regarded as a satisfactory explanation for all audiences. In addition, this anime work is really exciting enough to make people want to watch it. All kinds of gods unfold. Although the plot is very depressing, but It is undeniable that this anime is a masterpiece, and the audience has received rave reviews.

Those up-masters who have long been admired by Zhao Ran's talent are directly blowing hype about this animation work, analyzing the plot in various directions. These explanation videos have an astonishing number of hits, and even tens of thousands of comments. It can be seen that the popularity of this anime is how high.

And those professional reviewers are not idle at this time. Originally, they didn't dare to comment rashly when this animation work was not finished. Now that it has been successfully completed, many more professional people have started to come out with all kinds of compliments.

From the script to the soundtrack, the picture, the storyboard, etc., it is analyzed from all angles, and then various long reviews make this animation work a hype.

Of course, apart from bragging about this animation, Zhao Ran is more flattering. There is no way, the animation production industry is just like the film and television industry. If you don’t have a work, everyone will look down on you. If you have a work, everyone will start to praise you.

This is a work that can determine Zhao Ran's status!A work that is enough to attract the attention of all insiders!Even, some professionals have already started to think in their minds after watching this work, Zhao Ran is very likely to be unable to create such an excellent work again in the future!Because this work is so powerful, it is hard to beat it!It is very likely that Zhao Ran will experience this kind of pain that he cannot surpass himself in the future.

However, it doesn't matter if you can't create a classic animation work like "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" in the future, because this work is enough for Zhao Ran to eat for many years, even if the animation works produced by Zhao Ran can't reach such heights in the future, it's okay , because as long as there is a magic circle, Zhao Ran's status will be hard to shake.

Just like the director of "This Killer Is Not So Cold", he has directed so many bad films, but he is still a great director because he once directed a classic film like "This Killer Is Not So Cold".

Of course, these are just some of the judges' guesses. Most of the judges still believe that Zhao Ran can create a better work than this one. After all, Zhao Ran is an all-rounder!

Zhao Ran knows all about soundtracks, scripts, supervision, screens, storyboards, etc.!Such an all-rounder can be said to be a classic creation machine!
At this time, Zhao Ran didn't know about the audiences and people from all walks of life discussing him on the Internet. He was busy preparing for the next animation work at the Festival Club.

In fact, Zhao Ran didn't read the comments because he was too confident in himself, or in other words, Zhao Ran was very confident in the anime "Magic Girl Madoka Magica". Even if he didn't read those comments, Zhao Ran knew that he must have all kinds of compliments Blow it!

(End of this chapter)

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