please stop making anime

Chapter 123 My King

Chapter 123 My King
"You bloody licking dogs! Have you forgotten what happened to Zhao Ran before? That guy is a guy who sells Kewpie dolls!"

"At the senior sister's concert, I took out the senior sister and flogged her corpse. What's more, this guy is also hyping up detachable figures! Damn it! We need to be united! We can't give in just because his work looks good, hey!"

"When can we stand up?!"

Of course, it is impossible for those audiences to give up on Zhao Ran's previous actions just because Zhao Ran's works are good-looking. Featured figures, such as the decapitation of the senior sister. This is too disrespectful to the audience.

Tremble, Zhao Ran!Yield, Zhao Ran!Apologize, Zhao Ran!The audience has already thought of the scene of Zhao Ran pitifully apologizing on Weibo after a while, it really makes people feel happy just thinking about it, this Zhao Gou has used his talent to run amok, if the audience didn’t like his works so much, The saliva star has drowned him long ago.

[The new work is coming, if you are interested, you can pay attention to the official website of Jie Cao Society! 】

And when the audience was attacking collectively, the official of the Festival Society quietly posted a few words and attached a picture. The picture is very beautiful. My king is standing on the grass with a long sword in his hand.

In fact, before Zhao Ran really wanted to make the next animation work "Unheard Flower Name", but Zhao later changed his mind. After all, as a man, he is always very fickle, so he decided to make another one. Fighting Burning Fan, clean up the audience's previous impression of him, and tell those audiences who said that his fighting fan made a Yuzhi Fan, that he can also make a fighting fan that burns to an explosion!As for the ending?Sorry, I didn't control my writing skills. I understand everything.

Of course, as a fan of Lao Xu, how could he not show off his masterpieces?Tell those audiences what is full of malice!

Anyway, Zhao Ran was so depressed when he saw it at the beginning, after watching it, he just wanted to catch Xu Yuanxuan, the script writer, and fix him up!

"I'll lick! Lick the dog! Zhao Da, is there a new show? I'm so excited!"

"What kind of anime is this? Looking at the lines and the poster, could it be a battle series? I'm numb. You want to make a battle series?! I thought of Zhanmei!"

"It's so beautiful! This character looks so good-looking! It smells like a Valkyrie, and I really want to pull off that stupid hair on the top of my head!"

"I also want to pull it off. I feel that this character is a bit cute and cute. I hope she will have a good end, right? I have always thought it is Yufan before I watched the anime?!"

"Brother, you guessed it right. Apart from Zhao Gou's first work "Love You in vain", which other animation works make people feel refreshed? After watching it, I feel extremely depressed!"

"But I'm still willing to watch it. Although I feel depressed watching it, it is undeniable that it is a masterpiece!"

"I always feel that Zhao Da is also trying to change his style. I heard from insiders that Zhao Da is also suffering because the works he created are too depressing, because his original intention is to create a warm work. , but in the end it became more and more depressed. I have to say, this is a sad story."

At this time, the news that Zhao Ran is going to release a new work has already spread, there is no way, the popularity is too high, there are too many female fans, the main reason is that Zhao Ran is handsome enough, if Zhao Ran is not handsome, those female fans are even if Zhao Ran has They don't pay much attention to talents, but being handsome is not the case. Women are big pigs, as long as they have a good face, they will be fans.

"Ahhh! Husband is going to release a new work again? I'm so excited! Hey! You're so talented!"

"Who is the number one in the country?! Cai is a fart in front of my husband!"

"Hey, can you stop comparing those top stars to my husband? My husband is a creator, not an artist who relies on his appearance!"

Compared with female fans, although male fans also discuss the issue of appearance, they still talk more about the issue of this animation work.

"These days, there are more and more strange people!"

"Zhao Da is really good at everything except childbirth! Looking forward to this animation work, kick me after it is officially broadcast, I thank you eighteen generations of ancestors!"

"I like this kind of new series, and every work is of good quality. I want to be a good author! Although it is depressing, it is very good-looking! It is thought-provoking!"

"Jie Cao's productivity is like a sow! There is a new work so soon? I was panicked at first, but I am not afraid now!"

"The main reason is that Zhao Gou's hand speed is fast enough. Last time I watched a video of him showing his hand speed, it scared me to death."

"Do you not let men go now? Although Zhao Gou is indeed handsome, it always feels a bit weird for a group of big men to discuss a man."

"You are all too perverted, I am out of tune with you."

Seeing the building getting more and more crooked, Zhao Ran had no choice but to sigh helplessly. Why do young people nowadays not let go of good-looking boys?This is scary!
Of course, from the heated discussion of these audiences, Zhao Ran still felt the expectations of these silly audiences for his new work.

The more heated the discussion, the higher the popularity. If even the most basic discussion does not exist, then it means that the works produced by Zhao Ran, the creator, have a mediocre response from the audience and even don't bother to comment. That is sad.

However, so many netizens are talking about their appearance. Could it be that in addition to attracting women, does their appearance also have a certain lethality to men?Zhao Ran took out the mirror and looked at it, uh, it is indeed good-looking and handsome.

Since you guys all have bad intentions for me, let you taste the sadness you don't have after a while!The corner of Zhao Ran's mouth turned upwards, he thought of an anime that cut off the man's thing.

After this new work is finished, I will find another opportunity to make that anime work.

In fact, from the bottom of my heart, Zhao Ran still hopes to create a healing anime, but no matter what, Zhao Ran was a fan of Urobuchi in his previous life. In order to pay tribute to his idol, it should not be a problem to bring out his representative work. Big right?Zhao Ran liked many creators in his previous life, besides Urobuchi Gen, there was also a sister-controlling author, the guy named Fushimi, who was directly remembered by Zhao Ran when he wrote "My Sister".

Punching Hirasaka and kicking Fushimi, it's not just for fun, these sister-controlled light novel authors are existences that Zhao Ran loves and hates!
(End of this chapter)

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