please stop making anime

Chapter 127 The old bug must die!

Chapter 127 The old bug must die!

The plot continued to develop, and the audience felt a little uncomfortable watching the characters appearing one after another.

Is this what this anime is about?All people cannot escape their fate no matter how hard they try.

Matou Kariya returned from Tosaka Shichen's house, and angrily walked into the door of the house's head, Jiantong Zouyan, who was also Matou Kariya's father.

The dialogue between the two is full of gunpowder, and the audience also learns more information from their dialogue.

It turned out that it was the departure of Matou Kariya who wanted to escape the world of magicians that led to the decline of the Matou family, and Matou Kariya's words also explained why he was unwilling to step into the world of magicians. Ye explained that it was because of the secret art of the Matou family that he was unwilling to inherit it. He believed that the secret art of the Matou family was just to satisfy Matou Zouyan's immortality.

There are too many settings, and there are too many places that the audience can't understand. At this time, the audience only thinks that the world view of this anime is very grand and the setting is very bizarre.

However, the audience also began to understand the core of this animation, which is about the arrangement of fate.

Following the conversation that followed, the audience heard that Matou Kariya was willing to replace Matou Sakura in this Holy Grail War and bring back the Holy Grail. As a condition, Matou Sakura must be let go.

You must know that Matou Kariya is just an ordinary person at this time. If he wants to participate in the Holy Grail War in a short time and become a master who can drive heroic spirits, then the price he will pay must be astonishing.

"Walking around and finally returning to the original point."

"Is this the fate of Kariya Matou? Trying to get rid of the world of magicians, and finally had to give up his identity as an ordinary person to participate in the Holy Grail War."

"Perhaps this is what Zhao Ran wants to convey to us."

Because Kariya Matou wanted to escape from the world of magicians, Tohsaka Sakura was finally adopted by the Matou family, and in order to protect Tohsaka Sakura, he had to compromise with fate and accept the Matou family's secret skills to participate in the Holy Grail War.

What I originally wanted to escape had to be accepted in the end.

However, the only thing that can comfort the audience is that now Kariya Matou accepts fate and compromises with fate, and takes up his own responsibilities again. Then, the girl named Sakura Matou should be able to be exchanged, right?
It's a pity that Zhao Ran didn't give the audience any chance to get lucky, and also ruthlessly extinguished the last fantasy in Jiantong Yanye's heart.

Even if he accepts his fate, the hope in his heart cannot be realized.

"If you wish not to involve other people, then it's too late for you to tell me this now, Kariya."

An indifferent voice came out of Matou Zouyan's mouth, and then the bad old man took Matou Kariya to the basement.

"In the first three days, she yelled very hard, but on the fourth day, there was no sound at all. It seems that she has accepted everything she should bear."

"I took her to the basement at dawn today to see how long she can hold on to being raped before she starts to die."

"This material from the Tohsaka family is really valuable."

hiss! ! !
The next scene directly made all the audience feel their scalps go numb and take a deep breath. The horrific scene made people look at the little girl in that scene and couldn't help but turn their heads and dare not look at it again.

Countless bugs were crawling on the girl's body. The girl's eyes were open and she was absent-minded. She accepted her fate!

"Damn it! Zhao Ran, you bastard! Are you still human?!"

"What a girl, how can you bear to treat her like this?!"

"It's so cruel, it's so cruel, how can you do such a thing to such a young girl?"

"Sure enough, Zhao Ran has a grudge against all the audience! Can Zhao Gou imagine this kind of picture? In the future, Zhao Ran's anime will not even be able to watch! It really makes people want to hit people! "

"This old man, if I can enter "Fate", I must try to kill him! It's too bad! Is this still human?"

"Human? Judging by his appearance, he can't be ugly. He smells musty at first glance, like a bug! If you say he is a human being, you can call him an old bug!"

"The old bug must die!!!"

"It's no wonder that Jiantong Yanye tried every means to escape from Jiantong's house. Who can stand this secret technique!"

Watching Sakura Matou lying among the bugs and being ravaged by those nasty bugs, the viewers who are watching this anime have some grumpy punches directly on the keyboard.

This Zhao Ran!Really angry people itching!Such a cute little loli, how can you bear to let go!
And, Zhao Ran, are you a hater!Not one of the women who appeared here is not miserable!Now that Matou Ying is in such a miserable state, all gentlemen are starting to crusade against Zhao Ran.

Of course, Zhao Ran has long been used to the threats from the audience. At this moment, he is looking at the scene of Jian Tongyan being ravaged by bugs with an admiring expression. This scene is so vivid and exquisite!

After all, Zhao Ran is an animation producer, so his viewing angle is different from those of the audience. What the audience sees is the tragic situation of Matou Sakura, but Zhao Ran is silently counting this picture in his heart. How much money did the festival club spend.

Seeing the scene where Matou Sakura was ravaged by bugs, Matou Kariya couldn't bear to rescue her from the bugs, but he didn't know magic at all, so he couldn't do anything about the current scene.

In the end, Matou Kariya had to accept the arrangement of fate. As for Matou Kariya who wants to replace Matou Sakura, he needs to wait for his victory in the Holy Grail War. Before participating in the Holy Grail War, Matou Sakura still has to accept the Matou family’s secret technique , looking at it like that, the old bug didn't intend to let Matou Sakura go.

As for Matou Kariya's choice?The weak have no right to choose, he can only be forced to accept the arrangement of fate!
By this time, the audience has a general understanding of the magicians who participated in the Holy Grail War. They come from different families and participate in this war for different purposes to compete for the universal wishing machine.

Compared with the previous group of people, the plot of the boy named Weber is relatively easier.

Wanting to prove it to his teacher, Weber directly withheld his teacher's relic, intending to participate in the Holy Grail War for summoning.

In Weber's view, this is a very good opportunity to prove himself.

Coupled with Weber's vulnerable appearance, the cheerful plot made many viewers who are watching this anime have a lot of affection for this boy.

"Young man, do you also want to accept Zhao Gou's full malice?! Hurry up and return the holy relic!"

(End of this chapter)

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