please stop making anime

Chapter 128 Excuse me, are you my master?

Chapter 128 Excuse me, are you my master?
"Be full, be full, be full, be full, be full, go round and round, followed by five things, when it's full, it's an opportunity to give up, declare, your body obeys my orders, my life is with you The sword is with you, answer the call of the Holy Grail, if you are willing to obey this will and this principle, then respond, I swear here, I am willing to accomplish all good deeds in the world, I am willing to put an end to all evil deeds in the world, and I will hold its chains in my hand Man, you are the seven heavens surrounded by the three spirits of words, from the wheel of restraint, the guardian of the scales."

The taste is too strong!
The audience looked at the masters who were trying to summon the heroic spirits, and they couldn't help but reveal a look that I understand very well.

That's right!This is Two-dimensional!This taste is simply amazing!
With the chants of each magician, a white light appeared, and then each heroic spirit appeared under the call of the master.

"Excuse me, are you my master?"

Called by Emiya Kiritsugu, a woman with blond hair wearing a blue skirt and silver knight armor appeared from the white light. The whole picture still continued the exquisite painting style of the Festival Club, coupled with the passionate soundtrack, Let the whole picture burn.

It has to be said that Saber is very popular with the audience no matter which world he is in. When that appearance appeared, many LSP's eyes lit up when they saw that girl.

This is a woman who has a different charm than other paper man wives!I like it very much!The festival society is no loss, it is a paper man wife manufacturing society!Any character that can be launched at will can become a big hit.

"The first episode is finally over. This episode is really long, almost as long as a movie, and there are various settings."

"Isn't it too early for me to brag about the festival? I think this work must be a masterpiece!"

"How much suffering did Matou Kariya suffer? His hair is all white? But you can also see the cruelty of this Holy Grail War from the side, and suddenly look forward to what will happen next."

"Funds are burning! Hey! Zhao Ran, you prodigal, I like it very much! Just keep this style of painting and don't stop!"

"I fell in love with that yellow-haired girl. She feels very cute, and her tone is so domineering. If hey, I can understand this sense of accomplishment."

"Fate, fate? Everyone can never escape their inherent fate? What does Zhao Ran want to express in this anime?"

"Jie Cao Club will launch a game related to "Fate". Have you heard about it?"

With the appearance of the last scene, many audiences began to discuss, and those heroic spirits fully satisfied the curiosity of the audience.

Those heroic spirits who appeared had extraordinary auras. Although the audience didn't know which era these heroic spirits were and which heroes they were, it was definitely not easy to look at their appearance.

No matter whether it is the King of Conquerors or the golden glitter, even Saber, the only female heroic spirit who appeared on the stage, is domineering, and each of them looks like an extraordinary person.

"Which period are these heroic spirits heroes? I really want to know who they are, and that guy who looks golden, why does he feel so stinky?"

"I like the big man in the red robe, so domineering, in line with my usual aesthetics!"

"Copper smelting? It's scary! What's wrong with young people nowadays? They wear women's clothes at every turn, and they look better than those young ladies after wearing women's clothes? Now there are still people openly smelting copper?"

"They are all famous heroes in history, so it's normal to look rebellious. After all, they were all big figures in that era."

""I ask you, are you my master? "This sentence instantly became popular! Where do the festival clubs find voice actors? Why is one better than the other? Let me see, who is the voice actor for Saber? With such a beautiful voice, the young lady must think of her name. Way to remember, I'll go! Zhao Ran?!"






"Damn it, it's Zhao Gou?! Damn it!!!"

Of course, there were still some small disturbances. For example, because the Festival Club couldn't find a suitable voice actor for Saber, Zhao Ran had to go on stage in person, and gave a vivid lesson to all the voice actors in the Festival Club.

What is a qualified voice actor?Zhao Ran is!Zhao Ran can know all kinds of loli voice and Yujie voice, and they all dub them very well. For example, this time for Saber's dubbing, Zhao Ran's voice can be said to have almost [-]% restored the voice of Saber in the previous life.

After Zhao Ran finished dubbing, he thought it was perfect, so he personally used Saber's voice to make a sleepy dubbing of about 10 minutes and posted it on the Internet.

"I'll go! How coquettish!"

"Zhao Gou! How can you be so angry?!"

"Is this the dubbing of Zhao Ran? I fell in love with this voice!"

"I don't have to worry about insomnia anymore. With my wife and adults by my side, I can sleep peacefully (Da Wu)."

"Hey, hey, "My wife" can't be called casually. You can see the name of Saber's voice actor——Zhao Ran! Do you call him wife?"

"Hey voice! As for Zhao Ran, if he dares to appear in front of me, I dare to send a box of blades directly! I simply like every character he plays."

I have to say that Zhao Ran's sentence "I ask you, are you my master?" The crisp voice was full of domineering and self-confidence, and instantly attracted countless fans. Now the audience does not know the specific plot in the future. After watching the relevant plots about Saber, it is difficult for those audiences not to be fascinated by the role of Saber, and even the voice actors of the role of Saber will have super popularity.

Zhao Ran was very helpless. He knew that after the anime "Fate", the role of Saber would definitely become popular. In his previous life, Saber, a cat station, could be said to be the code of wealth. It is conceivable that the influence of this character in Two-dimensional, and In addition, Zhao Ran, who dubbed Saber, will also have a certain reputation in the dubbing circle because of this role.

Zhao Ran refused, because he didn't want to dub this character. However, there is a shortage of people in the Jie Cao Club!As the president of the ethics club, Zhao Ran had to go wow!Crying.

Moreover, Saber appeared and added "I ask you, are you my Master?" This scene is a famous scene in the entire anime! One of the most classic shots of "Fate"!But Zhao Ran was lucky enough to participate in the whole process, and there was still a little excitement in his heart.

As for the fact that I was flogged by the audience for five hours because of a line, it's too shameful!Zhao Ran had no choice but to spend money to remove the trending search!
Others are trying to spend money to buy trending searches, such as someone Cai, who is sulking in his room with a small handkerchief in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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