please stop making anime

Chapter 129 Games

Chapter 129 Games
Human beings always have some behaviors that make people feel very confusing.

For example, "Excuse me, are you my Master?" This line has gradually stepped out of the Two-dimensional circle and become a meme. In fact, Zhao Ran also understands that the audience in the Two-dimensional circle will always try their best. All ways to blackmail myself, probably because Zhao Ran's methods are too ruthless, and most of the characters that the audience likes have no good endings. Slowly, in order to revenge Zhao Ran, as long as the things related to Zhao Ran, the audience always He will try his best to avenge the murder of his wife.

But this time, Zhao Ran's dubbing obviously gave the audience a chance.

As long as there are comment sections in the forums of major websites, there will always be people who click the words "Excuse me, are you my Master?" to find a sense of existence, which makes Zhao Ran feel a headache.

"Hey, Zhao Gou's dubbing sounds really nice, why am I a little delusional?"

"By the way, Zhao Ran is very good-looking. Women's clothing can even be said to be more stunning than those girls, I promise."

"Have you seen it? Zhao Ran is too tall. If he doesn't look cute in women's clothing, then it's meaningless. It would be great if he was thirty centimeters shorter."

Zhao Ran has already spent money to remove the hot search, but the discussion among the audience is still too intense.

The line that he narrated now has a tendency to be known to the whole people, which Zhao Ran did not expect.

Saber is very charming, there is no doubt about it, even if Zhao Ran, a topical character with a lot of traffic, is not required to dub her, then when the anime "Fate" ends, Saber will become one of the two-dimensional high-profile wives .

Just when those people were still teasing Zhao Ran and made that line into a meme, Zhao Ran started thinking about the game FGO while having a headache.

This series of Fate animation works was originally produced to promote the game.

In the previous life, anyone who has been in the Two-dimensional circle knows the term "Moon Kitchen". It is conceivable how popular the FGO game and related animation works are. The fan works of the FGO series on the light novel platform have become the wealth code of this website. As long as you know how to cook, you can say that you are carrying money in a sack on Maozhan.

Now the Festival Society needs a project that can continue to bring income to the company, and the game FGO just fits that bill.

Animation can show the character of a character to the audience through multiple angles such as character background, lines, storyline, etc., so that the audience can't put it down.

After finalizing the plan, Zhao Ran discussed with Li Xuan, Li Tong and other important cadres and waited for many days before officially starting to work on the game.

As for the animation work "Fate", Zhao Ran naturally didn't let it go. Before it was finished, he had already launched a variety of figure types.

Due to the opening problem of this anime, and the fact that Zhao Ran, a Two-dimensional fan, nailed the sign of the Warrior of Love, many viewers who like this anime are very cautious when buying figures of related characters, for fear that they will be killed again. There was a "senior sister incident".

However, no matter how cautious the enthusiasts are, they still can't help but spend all their money when they see the dazzling array of peripherals launched by the Festival Society.

"It's amazing! Damn Zhao Ran, he likes to make money with all kinds of figurines!"

"No, there is something wrong with this figurine. Saber is wearing a wedding dress and looking at the "hot man" with a happy face? Zhao Gou actually pinched himself into a figurine? Still holding Saber? Shameless dog! Pooh! "

"I heard that the people who buy this figure mainly want a "hot man", and the people who buy it are mainly men."

"I bought it here just to smash it! Don't ask me how much hatred I have with Zhao Ran, I spent money to buy it and still won't let me smash it?!"

"Heroic, I really like it, how can Saber be so handsome?"

"Jin Shining is actually pretty good, and the reproduction is very good. It really deserves to be produced by the Jie Cao Club. The figure it makes is a must."

Up to now, the most eye-catching thing in the whole anime is naturally the Three Kings, the King of Conquerors, the King of Heroes, and King Arthur, and the figures related to the three are also the most sold.

With the further development of the plot, the audience also saw the admirable life of the lovely and heroic King Arthur Arturia, a woman, which naturally caused a heated discussion on the Internet, and the audience became more and more fond of it. this role.

Of course, the audience also saw clearly the man Emiya Kiritsugu, for example, let his wife take King Arthur Arturia to Fuyuki to confuse the enemy's judgment, so that he could stay in the dark and win the battle in his own way war.

It can be said that it also allows the audience to see a protagonist with a different personality from other animation works.

Of course, Emiya Kiritsugu's series of operations now seem to be very successful, and the rest of the participants have already regarded his wife as a participant in this Holy Grail War,

With the development of the plot, the audience liked this white-haired woman more and more, and they also began to regret from the bottom of their hearts. What a wonderful woman, did she want to fade away in the end?
Every shot of this self-proclaimed puppet who is no different from a human shows her fascinating side.

Sure enough, Zhao Ran had a mortal hatred with him!You said, if you want to write a character to death, you can write it to death. Why wait for the audience to like this character before writing her to death?It made the audience feel uncomfortable watching him, and they wished they could catch him and beat him up.

However, there are still some audiences who are lucky. They feel that this character is very likely not to die. With Zhao Ran's character, if he wants to write a character to death, he will definitely not tell the audience. Zhao Ran prefers to give the audience a meaning. Unexpected God unfolds.

Of course, it is impossible for the protagonist group to go smoothly. From the very beginning, there have been internal problems and differences of opinion.

For example, the kingly way in Saber's heart, the chivalry in her heart, Saber is a king after all, so she disdains and dislikes Emiya Kiritsugu's various actions. As a "magician killer", Emiya Kiritsugu does whatever means for the purpose , can be said to be the ultimate Voldemort, a super old silver coin, his behavior style and King Arthur Artoria's formal style can be said to be two irrelevant paths.

At this time, King Arthur Artoria and Emiya Kiritsugu, whose personalities are extremely inconsistent, had to work hard for a unified goal. Fortunately, Irisviel's character was weak, and staying with King Arthur Artoria could stabilize Saber. In addition, Emiya Kiritsugu also worked hard to reduce the conflicts between himself and Artoria, and the two sides are relatively harmonious at this time.

"Listening to Zhao Gou's voice for Artoria, I still feel a little weird. Why is this guy's voice so nice?"

Not only one person has such doubts in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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