please stop making anime

Chapter 132 The Holy Grail Question and Answer

Chapter 132 The Holy Grail Question and Answer
"The Holy Grail War that took place in Fuyuki is actually just a selection ceremony, and only the most suitable people can have it."

"And if it's just a selection ceremony, then there's no need for bloodshed."

"As long as the heroic spirits understand each other's structure, then it will be clear who is better."

The King of Conquerors took a sip of fine wine happily, and slowly stated his purpose for coming this time.

The heroic spirits fight each other in the final and the winner will be determined, and as the kings, they will also decide the winner in the end.

As a king, the King of Conquerors does not want to engage in these unnecessary fights in his heart, and wants to have a "Holy Grail Question and Answer" to finalize who is more suitable to obtain the Holy Grail.

And the audience who saw such a scene showed a trace of weirdness on their faces.

"Hahaha, has Zhao Gou watched too much of the Three Kingdoms? There is actually a "cooking wine and asking a hero"? However, it feels very appropriate for this classic scene to appear in the Holy Grail War now!"

"So, who is Cao Cao and who is Liu Bei? Besides, isn't it the three kings? Now there are only two kings. Why don't I, Gilgamesh, deserve to drink with you?"

"To be honest, although Gilgamesh is powerful in mythology, but speaking of it, he doesn't seem to manage too much territory. Saber is the legendary king of ancient Great Britain, let alone the king of conquests. He conquered all the way from Greece to Egypt. There is also the Middle East, once entered Central Asia and India, if not for his untimely death, the history of the world will be rewritten, and what is Gilgamesh? The village chief of a village."

"Gilgamesh: Miscellaneous cultivator! Who do you say is the village chief?"

"Hey, hey, can you stop looking down on Gilgamesh? Although the territory he manages is not as big as these two, according to the setting, among the kings who appeared this time, Gilgamesh has the most powerful skills. , I feel that if he gets serious, the rest of the heroic spirits won't be enough to deliver food."

"At this moment, Gilgamesh is on his way."

Looking at the famous scene at this time, all the audience complained one after another. Although the audience likes the current scene and wants to see the minds of the kings, but do you really plan to invite Gilgamesh, the oldest king?

I, Gilgamesh, don't want to lose face?
And just when the audience wanted to type on the keyboard to name the scene but was alone, an arrogant voice came.

"Miscellaneous repair! The farce ends here!"

After all, a gleaming golden figure appeared, with that aura of aura, who else could there be except the local tyrant Gilgamesh?

Saber looked at Gilgamesh with vigilance, and Saber was explaining why the shiny golden guy came over.

Said it was a chance encounter, how could this be possible?In fact, only Saber and Gilgamesh, who are also kings, can enter the eyes of the King of Conquerors this time in the Holy Grail War. As for the others, they are not kings, so how can they discuss kingship with the King of Conquerors who is a king?

Gilgamesh was not angry when the King of Conquerors called him Jin Yingying. In fact, Gilgamesh still agreed with the King of Conquerors in his heart, otherwise he would not have come to participate in this "Holy Grail Question and Answer".

Picking up the wine glass and smelling the fine wine, Gilgamesh showed a look of disgust on his face, complaining that the King of Conquerors had no taste, and then took out the fine wine from the king's treasury.

To be honest, the force is full, and the King of Conquerors is simply incomparable.

Saber and the King of Conquerors both showed surprise on their faces after drinking it. After all, both of them were kings. In their era, they drank the most delicious wine at that time. Wine on a par.

"Another day of envying the rich."

"The life of the rich is always boring and boring. I'm so sore, local tyrant, please make friends with me. I'm a good bed warmer!"

"The skill of King's Treasure is a bit awesome. This is the most awesome skill in the anime I've seen so far, bar none."

"Now in my dreams, I want to be woken up by the treasure in the king's treasury. It's so inhumane!"

Gilgamesh sat on the ground casually. This scene also let the audience see how much Gilgamesh valued these two kings in his heart. According to Gilgamesh's consistent character, he didn't even bother to do so. , he is the King of Heroes who is dissatisfied even standing on the same ground with other heroic spirits, but at this time, he is sitting cross-legged.

"Whether it's a sword or fine wine, I only have the best treasures in my treasury. In this way, the pattern of the so-called king is already clear."

Gilgamesh looked at Saber and the King of Conquerors who had surprised expressions on their faces after drinking, and said.

With Gilgamesh's words, how could Saber and the King of Conquerors, who are both kings, be subdued. In their view, only the wishes placed on the Holy Grail can show the king's mind.

"From the premise of competing for the Holy Grail, you are already wrong. It is my thing. The origin of all treasures in time can be traced back to my treasure house. The number of my treasures has exceeded my cognition. However, since the Holy Grail If it is a treasure, then it must be my treasure."

Gilgamesh was still very arrogant, and said domineeringly, since the Holy Grail is a treasure, it must be his treasure. As for the reason, it was originally his thing.

It's reasonable to take back what belongs to you by yourself, right?
Although the audience is complaining, Gilgamesh is too domineering for a mere village head, but after checking the information, you will know that Gilgamesh is really right.

In the era where Gilgamesh lived, he did collect all the technology at that time and took it as his own, because he represented the beginning of mankind, so it is true that the technology he collected was the prototype of all treasures. have both.

Gilgamesh, the first king in human history, the oldest king, even in his era, the area he controlled was not large, but this did not affect his status in human history.

Because he collected the rudiments of all technologies, which is the beginning of all treasures. In this way, Gilgamesh owns all the treasures in the world, and it is reasonable to assume that there are so many treasures that he can't even count them.

If I can go back to the past, I must find a piece of corrosion-resistant rock to engrave my glorious experience on it!
At this time, after reading Gilgamesh's information, many viewers couldn't help but have such thoughts in their hearts.

Even if I am very good now and a member of the general public, but as long as I go back to the era when human history has just begun and find a piece of rock to make up a hymn to myself, then, in the anime "Fate", maybe I It's the prettiest boy!
(End of this chapter)

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