please stop making anime

Chapter 133 Wang Lai Pleasures the Whole World

Chapter 133 Wang Lai Pleasures the Whole World
Wang Lai admits, Wang Lai allows, Wang Lai bears (joys) the whole world!

Although Gilgamesh's words were very domineering, Saber and the King of Conquerors still recognized the hidden meaning in his words.

"You mean, to obtain the Holy Grail, all you need is your approval?" Although the King of Conquerors usually looks carefree, he has a very delicate heart. At this time, he has already admitted the rationality of Gilgamesh's words.

When the King of Conquerors said these words, the audience who were watching this anime showed a hint of surprise on their faces. What the King of Conquerors said made sense. Since the Holy Grail belongs to Gilgamesh, then let Gilgamesh give it to him directly. OK?
But, what would the arrogant Gilgamesh give?
The plot continued to advance, and the different ideas of the three kings appeared in front of the audience, making the audience unable to stop watching this scene.

Different kings have different ways of kingship, whether it is Saber or king of conquest, these three kings have different views on their own inner kingliness.

From Gilgamesh's point of view, the Holy Grail is naturally impossible to be given to the King of Conquerors. If it is his own people, then it is okay to give it to them, but in Gilgamesh's point of view, the King of Conquerors just wants to take it from himself. The thief of the treasure, then, he must be punished accordingly.

In fact, although the audience looked at Gilgamesh very upset and felt that this guy was too pretentious, but at this time they had to sigh that Gilgamesh was still very kingly, even if he was just "the head of a village." "But, at this moment, his kingly demeanor has already convinced the audience.

Of course, the King of Conquerors is not bad, and I had a great conversation with Gilgamesh. Although Gilgamesh talked a little bit about each other, he still agreed with the King of Conquerors in his heart. In his opinion, the King of Conquerors is actually considered A qualified king, but his way of kingship is different from his own.

While Gilgamesh agrees with the King of Conquerors, the King of Conquerors also agrees with Gilgamesh, the "oldest king" rather than "the head of a village", but his approval does not mean that he will give up the Holy Grail.

Since you want it, then grab it, fight for it, and conquer it. This is the kingly way of the conquering king.

The heroic King of Conquerors uttered his inner kingly way in front of the other two kings, and his concept made the audience watching this anime excited. This is what men should do. If you want it, then grab it. The King of Conquerors is not Thanks to the King of Conquerors, his charismatic personality made the audience deeply obsessed with this character with just a few words.

In history, the King of Conquerors was also a very charming king. The famous Alexander the Great, the head of the four major military strategists in the West, in the eyes of Westerners, the military and political capabilities of the King of Conquerors were even better than Napoleon who almost unified Europe. Much more powerful.

During the reign of the King of Conquerors, the country he established was the largest country in the world at that time, surpassing the total territory of the seven eastern countries.

According to historical records, Alexander the Great has never been defeated, and the secret of his invincibility is the tactic called "Macedonian Phalanx".

The Macedonian phalanx is an early infantry combat tactic and an improved phalanx of the Greek heavy infantry phalanx.

Before Homer's time, the infantry fought like a swarm of bees and were chaotic. Therefore, the Macedonian phalanx with strict formation could easily defeat the numerically superior but chaotic enemy, which can be said to be a tactical advantage at that time. innovation.

Of course, if the King of Conquerors came to East Asia where Hell started, his small wave of troops would not be enough for Qin alone. East Asia is different from Western culture. It is very peaceful in peacetime, and it can directly kill one-third of the population in times of war. , even, straight out of ten, the cruelty is staggering.

Of course, as a king, the King of Conquerors is still very qualified, but in terms of mind, the King of Conquerors is not worthy of carrying shoes with Brother Zheng.

"Is this the king? Will Brother Zheng appear? I want to see Brother Zheng!"

"Anything in the world can be obtained through conquest, if not, then conquer twice, good guy, you are indeed the King of Conquerors!"

"The King of Conquerors is to my liking. I hope he can win. Of course, I don't want Saber to lose. I'm entangled. Who will win the Holy Grail in the end?"

"The atmosphere is starting to get tense, won't it start fighting right away?"

"Probably not. This time they are just here to drink. If they fight, they should be fought the next day. As a king, I won't lose my interest while drinking."

Although the atmosphere began to become tense, the kings had no intention of doing anything at this time.

The kings knew well at this time that whoever made the move today would definitely be looked down upon by the other party, which is why Tohsaka Tokichen made Gilgamesh extremely unhappy with his dirty tricks during the meeting of the three kings.

"King of Conquerors, you admit that the legitimate ownership of the Holy Grail belongs to others, but you still want to fight for it by force? You don't hesitate to do so, so, what is your pursuit of the Holy Grail?" King of Conquerors, asked him why he robbed the Holy Grail.

When the Conqueror King heard this question, he who was always bold and unrestrained remained silent at this moment.

As a king, the King of Conquerors is proud, so at this time, he does not hesitate to fight for it even though he admits that others have legitimate ownership, so the King of Conquerors must have his own purpose.

After a while, the King Conqueror who took a sip of wine turned a little blushing, which made the audience unbelievable. Is this still the bold King Conqueror?
When the Conqueror slowly explained his reasons for wanting the Holy Grail, both the audience and the other two kings showed surprise expressions.

It turned out to be a physical body?The well-known King of Conquerors actually only asked for such a simple wish?

Shouldn't it be a wish to conquer the whole world?After all, the man with the world map printed in front of the hero, plus all the previous plots about the King of Conquerors will mention the King of Conquerors' desire to conquer the world from time to time.

The King of Conquerors glanced at Gilgamesh and Saber, and continued.

"What's the point of letting a cup conquer the world for me? Conquest is a dream I want to realize. What I want the Holy Grail to realize is just the first step of the dream."

"I want to reincarnate into this world, become a real life and take root, and then use my own body to conquer the world, advance like this, and finally achieve it. This is my overbearing."

The King of Conquerors smiled boldly, and explained that the audience understood at this moment that they really deserved to be the King of Conquerors, enjoying the process of conquering, rather than directly obtaining the results.

This is the king. The real king is proud. The king disdains this way of directly using the holy grail to obtain the final result, especially a person like the king of conquests who can leave a great name in history.

ps: Last month, the royalties from one month’s advertising revenue were barely enough to buy a bottle of cheap perfume. Miserable!
(End of this chapter)

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