Chapter 134
Of course, when the three kings were having questions and answers around the Holy Grail, other people were not idle, such as Tosaka Toki and Kotomine Kirei.

Because each heroic spirit has its own skills, Tosaka Toki and Kotomine Kirei didn't know the true strength of Saber and the King of Conquerors at this time, so they planned to let Assassin go to test it out.

Saber and the King of Conquerors are great kings after all, and it is impossible for Tohsaka Tokito to underestimate them, so he must minimize the risk and test out their cards before the final battle, and at this time, the assassin Assassin is just right.

In fact, the heroic spirit of assassin matches Emiya Kiritsugu very well. Assassin, an assassin who is good at hiding, is the best way to use old silver coins. However, Emiya Kiritsugu’s heroic spirit is Saber with chivalry. Saber is very good at emiya Kiritsugu His behavior is very disdainful, after all, as a king, he hates sneaky behavior.

Like Emiya Kiritsugu, the relationship between master and servant is not very good. Tosaka Toki is very helpless. Although the King of Heroes is powerful, he is disobedient. He can't control Gilgamesh well at all. For example, During a meeting of the Three Kings, Gilgamesh didn't tell Tohsaka Tokichen what he meant at all, and went directly.

Gilgamesh was arrogant, he didn't bother to tell Tohsaka Tokichen his whereabouts, although Tohsaka Tokichen was happy because of Gilgamesh's super strength, but also because of Gilgamesh's character distressed.

He followed his collaborator Kotomine Kirei to discuss the plan secretly, this meeting of the three kings is a good opportunity, the three kings are all enjoying the feast, if they are unprepared, they may be able to catch them by surprise.

Of course, whether one of the kings can be eliminated in this assassination is something Tohsaka Tokichen dare not imagine. They are all kings. Assassin does not have the strength to confront them head-on, and can learn some of their trump cards , Tohsaka Tokichen is already very satisfied, as for assassin's life and death, it doesn't matter.

Assassin capitalizes a misfortune, and was directly sent to die by his master Kotomine Kirei. In fact, assassin can use it well, and he can use his own power to end the other six masters. Although he can't defeat the three kings in a frontal confrontation, But with assassination, they can still kill their Master.

In the Holy Grail War, before the assassin assassin was eliminated, no rider dared to act rashly, because they didn't know where the assassin would appear, and then terminated their own master, and stood at the time of Tohsaka with the assassin assassin It is foolish to find out the details of other Heroic Spirits.

With the assassin, the rest of the servants will be cautious if they don't dare to leave the master too far away. If the assassin dies, then those heroic spirits can fight freely.

Kotomine Kirei didn't care about Assassin's life or death. The most important thing for him to participate in this Holy Grail War was to cooperate with Tohsaka Toki.

Assassin's avatars are gathering, and they are heading towards the meeting place of the Three Kings.

"By the way, is it really good to just let Assassin give away the head? I think Assassin is still very strong. Although his skills are rubbish compared to other servants, he is an assassin, and confrontation is not his forte. item, if you use it well, you can directly give it to the other masters.”

"Very strong? Assassin dancing online, an elegant batch."

"Those are the three kings. Assassin can't survive at all. Any direct confrontation can kill him."

"Finally I know why that guy Jin Xingshan doesn't like Yuansaka Shichen. At the party of the Three Kings, an assassin appears, and he is one of our own. It can be said that this directly makes Jin Xingxian lose his lord in front of the other two kings."

"Is this the elegance of a magician? Hahaha, Tohsaka Shichen had a bad relationship with Jin Shining, but this time the estrangement is even bigger."

The audience was speechless looking at Tohsaka Tokichen's behavior of lowering intelligence, what a card, how could you use it like this?

At this time, the atmosphere in the meeting of the three kings was a little tense. Saber was severely preached by the King of Conquerors and Gilgamesh because he expressed his idea of ​​being a king. Not a qualified king, Saber has already drawn the invisible sword because of the reprimand of two people.

The Conqueror and Gilgamesh agree with each other, which is why Gilgamesh will end the Conqueror alone and give the Conqueror extremely high praise.

As for Saber, in their view, he is unqualified, so they were very happy to correct Saber's idea of ​​kingship, which also made Saber very angry, and at this moment, assassin suddenly appeared on the scene, breaking the solidification of the three kings' talks atmosphere of.

The appearance of a group of assassins naturally also attracted the attention of the three kings. The faces of the three kings were different. The king of conquest directly asked Gilgamesh, who was beside him, whether this was what he meant. The cooperation of Tohsaka Tokijin and Kotomine Kirei is well known things.

And Gilgamesh saw the group of assassins with extremely bad expressions. It can be said that Tohsaka Toki was repeatedly jumping across Gilgamesh's bottom line.

After the King of Conquerors heard Gilgamesh's evaluation of his master, he knew that this was not Gilgamesh's arrangement. In fact, it was understandable. It is said that he is also the first king of mankind, and the kingly spirit disdains to do such things.

"Kill a few assassins after drinking? It's really fun."

"Look at those kings, they don't care about assassins at all, they are too confident."

"Strength is not at the same level at all. If an assassin assassinates their master, they may still be panicked. This is a head-on confrontation, and they will go directly to deliver food."

"I was wondering how long the assassin can hold on for a few seconds."

The three kings looked at Assassin in the courtyard and still sat there drinking wine calmly. Of course, the injured Saber was still very vigilant. After all, his strength had declined, and Irisviel was by his side again.

The King of Conquerors boldly invited Assassin to drink together, but Assassin was not interested at all, and directly knocked down the wine with a throwing knife, and the wine spilled on the sleeve of King Conqueror's beloved, and a large area of ​​the world map was wet.

Assassin not only dances beautifully, but also performs top-notch. The audience couldn't help complaining after seeing it. The King of Conquerors especially liked the half sleeve, but it was dirty by Assassin.

The King of Conquerors also lost his leisure time and invited Assassin to drink, and stood up directly. For a while, the king's demeanor was revealed, and the wind was strong.

"As a king, is it necessary to be lonely?"

This was the last question the King of Conquerors asked Saber, and the King of Conquerors was undoubtedly a qualified king, every word and every question he asked touched on Saber's heartstrings.

Not only is the thinking of the conquering king a qualified king, but his treasure "The King's Army Power" makes the audience admire this king very much, and the king should be like this!
I see I conquer, I like I conquer!

To stand in front of everyone, to guide everyone, to be the direction of everyone, to live a life that shines brighter than anyone else, this is the King of Conquerors!
As for those who do not agree with their own ideas and are unwilling to follow themselves, then only force can make them submit, or die.

(End of this chapter)

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