please stop making anime

Chapter 141 Posting Cards

Chapter 141 Posting Cards (First Order!)
As a member of the old Versailles club, Zhao Ran also likes to show off what others don't have, but what he has.

In this life, because the FGO game was developed by the Jie Cao Club, and he is the president of the Jie Cao Club, he has been careful not to reveal his account number to others, for fear that others will eat lemons.

As an insider, it's not too much to collect all the five-star cards with a little trick, right?Thinking so, Zhao Ran greeted the people in the relevant departments when the game was first released, and asked them to give him an internal number.

At the beginning, the leaders of the relevant departments were still reluctant, saying that they wanted to be fair and just. Zhao Ran threatened to deduct his salary if he didn't pay, so the other party reluctantly opened another account for Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ran played it and felt pretty good. Is this the fun of those European Emperors playing games?I didn't expect to experience it myself.

In his previous life, Zhao Ran was an ordinary otaku except for his looks, and he barely managed to live on the meager salary every day. Therefore, he must have no spare money to spend money in the game, in order to play FGO, a game that Zhao Ran likes very much. , he had to use his powerful liver ability.

He really wanted to experience the thrill of those krypton gold players. For example, Zhao Ran finally used his powerful liver ability to acquire most of the characters, while krypton gold players used their money ability to buy all the characters early on.

Therefore, if you have money in this life, you can go through internal channels, how could Zhao Ran let go of such an opportunity.

On the day the FGO server was launched, Zhao Ran's mobile phone screen flashed and did not stop at all, and even filled up the Saint Quartz. At that moment, Zhao Ran realized Gilgamesh's inner feelings, very lonely, why did he do this? powerful?There is no one in the world who can be his opponent!

Zhao Ran really wanted to show off and let netizens eat a wave of lemons, but he is a public figure, so it is too immoral to post cards with such a big fanfare, so Zhao Ran has been enduring it, and now these silly netizens gave him a chance , an opportunity to post cards.

Everyone else posts their cards, so it shouldn’t be a problem to post them yourself, right?

Thinking of this, Zhao Ran snapped a screenshot, typed all the cards he had collected on the forum, and added a Versailles comment.

The happiness of people comes from comparison with each other. Sometimes happiness is very simple, and sometimes happiness comes suddenly.

Silly netizens, open your eyes and take a good look at my card!When Zhao Ran thought of the expressions of those silly netizens after seeing his card, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Help me take a look. How about the cards I drew this time? I'm not very familiar with this game, so I hope you can answer it for me."

Pata Pata posted the comments he wanted, and there were many netizens who followed Zhao Ran. As soon as Zhao Ran's comments were published, those netizens who followed Zhao Ran immediately received a reminder.

Huh?Zhao Gou's dynamic reminder?

Zhao Ran's die-hard fans quickly turned on their phones to see what Zhao Ran had just said. Is there a new work coming out?Or is there a new game coming out?Although it's a bit weird for an animation production company like Jie Caoshe to make a game, but FGO is such a well-designed game, so it should be normal to release another excellent game, right?
And when they saw Zhao Ran's comments, those traffic stars couldn't help but panic. They had no choice but to live under the shadow of Zhao Ran, the Great Demon King. In order to keep abreast of Zhao Ran's movements, they all paid attention to Zhao Ran's Account, afraid that the trending search that I finally bought will be squeezed out because of Zhao Ran's sudden comment.

More and more people are watching that average, and the traffic stars who bought this hot search are getting more and more anxious. This is exposure!As for the stars, if they are not exposed, they will fall silent and become past stars in a short time.

Zhao Ran is indeed my lifelong enemy!Zhan Zhan, who was squeezed off the hot search list by Zhao Ran last time, gritted his teeth when he saw Zhao Ran's comments.

Of course, Zhao Ran didn't know that he had offended anyone, he just posted comments casually, plus Zhao Ran always underestimated his popularity, he thought he was just a very low-key animation creator, in fact, His popularity has long been higher than those top stars.

Originally, there were several variety shows that wanted to invite Zhao Ran to participate, but Li Tong stopped him on the grounds that the president still wanted to create.

"Does Zhao Gou want to play FGO? My brother will take you."

"Show cards? Zhao Gou even posted cards, he is not afraid of being hit by us."

"Hurry up and upload the screenshot, let Zhao Gou see how powerful Ouhuang is!"

I thought it was some important information, but it turned out that Zhao Ran was posting the card. Immediately, the audience who thought they were lucky became excited.

Before seeing the screenshots posted by Zhao Ran, those viewers began to mock Zhao Ran for being unlucky. Thanks to the "Soldier of Love", those viewers have changed their way of getting along since Zhao Ran cruelly killed a few of their paper wives. The taste has changed, such as now, directly mocking Zhao Ran.

Some viewers even posted screenshots of themselves in the comment area. They were very excited. They were imagining Zhao Gou's sour expression when he saw the good card he drew. If they could, they really wanted to make Zhao Ran sour Take a photo of the expression on your card with a camera.

Of course, that was just a fantasy, but it was a different scene in reality. After the audience excitedly commented, they hurriedly pulled up this post, wanting to see what cards Zhao Ran got, and whether they were good cards. The more you pull up, the more wrong the expression becomes.

how can that be?He is cheating!

The audience opened their eyes wide and looked at Zhao Ran's screenshots repeatedly, with incredible expressions on their faces. This is impossible. Why is his card so much better than mine?I am the Emperor of Europe!

"What's the matter? Why is his card so good? Suddenly I looked at my card and it didn't look good."

"This guy must be using power for personal gain! Cheating! This is definitely cheating!"

"I'm so angry, I'm so sour, how can his cards be so good?"

After carefully looking at the screenshot of the card posted by Zhao Ran, those viewers turned their faces to the screen and repeatedly confirmed that Zhao Ran's card was not uploaded by P, and then began to speak sour words in the comment area.

"He must have recharged it! Damn it now! Ahhh! I will also recharge!"

"Brother, don't worry, Zhao Ran must have looked at your comment and smiled secretly, you cute little leek, you can make me cut another wave."

"FGO is so fun, what's wrong with krypton gold? Besides, I have money and I will be willful."

"Damn instant charging"

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that Zhao Ran is not a card drawn by a lottery, that guy is made of krypton gold krypton, and where did the money come from?It wasn't in the hands of the fans yet, so another wave of rebellion against the Great Demon King Zhao Ran began, and then another rebellion ended in failure.

No way, FGO is so much fun!

(End of this chapter)

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