please stop making anime

Chapter 142 The Great Emperor Is the Real King in My Heart

Chapter 142 The Great Emperor Is the Real King in My Heart (First Order!)
Just when those fans were working hard on FGO, the anime "Fate" was coming to an end.

Looking at the scenes in this animation, the audience couldn't help but feel a little dazed. They seemed to have changed. Since they became fans of Zhao Ran, their rhythm of life was completely disrupted.

When did you start to become what you are now?Holding a Coke in my left hand, and holding a handful of potato chips in my right hand, watching anime with relish, this is not how I used to be. Is this the charm of Two-dimensional?

The main reason is that the animation produced by Jie Cao Club is so good-looking!

Regardless of whether it is Zhanmei or Moyuan, even the current animation "Fate", although the content is very depressing, but I have to admit that the work produced by Zhao Ran is exquisite, although some animation works have been watched by the audience. I want to catch Zhao Ran and give him a good beating, such as killing my sister
I really hope that the ending of the anime "Fate" is good. Although it is impossible, with the death of the first master, the audience already knows that this anime will not end with a perfect ending.

The atmosphere is getting more and more wrong, and the smell of Zhao Ran is getting stronger and stronger.

"Brothers, something is wrong with this plot."

"I'm going! Kotomine Kirei actually killed Tohsaka Tokito? This it worthy of being Zhao Ran? Aren't they collaborators?"

"Toki Tosaka: The baby feels bitter, and the baby wants to cry a little bit."

"Is there a Zhan Mei? If I still watch the next Zhao Ran's work, I'm a dog!"

"I don't dare to watch it either. The plot is a bit uncomfortable to watch. Let's not talk about it. I have tons of tears streaming down my face."

"Actually, when I think about it, I think Kotomine Kirei is pretty miserable, even though I enjoyed watching it."

"This plot is actually very pleasant to watch? Brother, do you have a problem with your brain? This plot is very depressing!"

At this time, Tohsaka Toki was lying in a pool of blood. He was killed by the dagger he himself handed over to Kotomine Kirei. This plot seems to be a bit of a trick of fate, but it makes people feel reasonable. It should be said that it is not a loss. "Fate"?Will Tohsaka Toki's fate end like this?The taste is getting more and more pure, pure Zhao Ran taste.

At this time, several people have died. According to the current trend, there will only be one master and one heroic spirit left in the end. princess.

The elegant magician playing tricks died at the hands of his apprentices, and the tacit duo who pursued evil both died, and Gilgamesh and Kotomine Kirei cooperated to form a happy duo. Snipe to conquer the king and his queen.

And the protagonist group is not doing well at this time, Irisviel is very weak, making the audience feel sorry for this gentle and lovely woman.

The life history of Emiya Kiritsugu, who is dedicated to pursuing peace, is also presented in front of the audience one by one, allowing the audience to see that this man's heart is complicated, his hands are stained with blood, but his heart yearns for justice and peace.

This man is very painful, and just looking at his life experience can make people realize how miserable his life is.

He ended the life of his father, and the life of the woman who was kind to him in nurturing him. In the future, he will also kill his wife with his own hands, just for his illusory wish.

He has witnessed all the evils in this world, so he is very eager to obtain the Holy Grail and use the Holy Grail to eliminate all the evils in this world, even if that wish seems so childish and ridiculous to the audience.

Eliminate all evil in this world?How is it possible?There are two sides to the world. Where there is light, there must be darkness. While people are kind, they will also have evil characters. People are selfish. Therefore, in human society, fighting and darkness will never stop.

And darkness, how can it be eliminated?

While the audience felt extremely complicated about the life experience of this man, Emiya Kiritsugu, they were also moved by another group, that is, the group of King Conqueror and Weber.

These two people can be said to match well, and their interaction looks very warm, and because of this, their exit is regrettable, and their interaction is moving.

On the bridge, the King of Conquerors put Weber down, and then galloped his horse to deal with Gilgamesh who suddenly blocked the way.

The addition of three Command Spells is moving and at the same time makes people look forward to it. Can the King of Conquerors defeat Gilgamesh?

Although the King of Conquerors at this time has not reached its peak, its strength is not weak.

Perhaps infected by the vigor of the King of Conquerors, the character of Weber, who was originally timid and fearful of getting into trouble, also began to change. The moment all three command spells were attached, the audience felt a little teary-eyed.

The meeting of the two kings again was not as friendly as the meeting of the three kings at the beginning, but Wang Jianwang must be different from fighting ordinary heroic spirits.

The two kings had a round on the bridge. Gilgamesh admired the king of conquest and took out fine wine from the king's treasury. This is the bearing of the two kings. Even if they fight to the death, they would be decent. grid.

Although the two people have different royal ways and are in different camps, this does not prevent them from admiring each other. For example, Gilgamesh is still very arrogant towards the King of Conquerors, but people can hear his love for the King of Conquerors inside and out. Appreciate.

After drinking, the battle officially began. Regardless of the outcome of this battle, it will become a classic scene.

"Assemble, my countrymen!"

The King Conqueror pulled out his sharp sword, and the picture on the screen began to change. This is the King Conqueror's full strength. From the very beginning, he used his true skills, and the king's army was in full swing.

The desert appeared, and countless soldiers appeared behind the heroic conqueror, all of whom were warriors who fought against him.

"The enemy is the King of Heroes who is not worthy of everyone, and it is enough for us to use our full strength. Warriors, dedicate our dominance to the original heroic spirit!"

At this moment, the audience can truly appreciate the charm of the King of Conquerors only by looking at that picture!That man is indeed a king, a king who is more like a king than Saber, and a king who is more human than Gilgamesh!
The shouts came from thousands of soldiers, what our king's sword points to, our heart's direction, it seems that as long as there is a king of conquerors, they have the determination to conquer everything, even if the enemy is the oldest king Gilgamesh, they Also dare to crush.

The charm of the king is fully displayed, and the fans are frantically swiping the screen at this moment, the blood in their hearts is ignited with every word of the conquering king.

"The Great Emperor is the real king in my heart!"

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Of course, there are also rebuttals. Everyone has a different understanding of the king, and will naturally recognize different kings.

However, no matter how they refute, how they proclaim how powerful and good the king they recognize is, but no one dares to say that the king of conquest is a bit unqualified as a king!

This is the King of Conquerors!
(End of this chapter)

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