please stop making anime

Chapter 143 The glory lies far away

Chapter 143 The glory lies far away
Gilgamesh was full of arrogance, and his face remained unchanged in the face of the menacing attack of the King of Conquerors.

As a demigod, he has his proud capital, even if the enemy on the opposite side is the conqueror who left a glorious history in human history.

"Gather your dreams and aspire to achieve dominance. Your enthusiasm is commendable."

"However, warriors, you must understand one truth, the so-called dream is destined to wake up."

Gilgamesh's faint words came from the sky and the earth, and then, a burst of golden light flashed, and a long sword with a strange appearance appeared in his hand.

The appearance of this sword is very strange. It is said to be a long sword but it has no blade. Although it has a hilt, its appearance is nothing like it. Compared to a long sword, it should be called a key.

It has to be said that Gilgamesh is definitely Zhao Ran's own son. As soon as he came to him, his combat prowess instantly rose to a new level, and Zhao Ran also gave a reminder of the source of the long sword.

Only then did the audience understand that the long sword of emotion is a key, the key to the king's treasure house, no wonder it looks so strange in shape.

Use the key of the king's treasury against the king's army that conquers the king?The audience does not doubt the power of this key, they are just guessing how to use this key.

With the infusion of Gilgamesh's magic power, this strange-looking sword also changed. The magic power surged, and the long sword began to rotate crazily, and a wave of palpitations was transmitted from the long sword.

"Awaken, the stage that suits you has been set up for you, look up, the heavens and the earth leave Pizhi Xing obediently!"

The blade began to rotate crazily, and the red light centered on the blade, and a tornado suddenly appeared from it. For a moment, the whole picture changed drastically, the scene exploded, and the funds were crazily burned.

In order to shape the role of Gilgamesh, the Festival Society has invested a lot of money in it, such as the current scene.

"If this episode of anime cost 500 million yuan, Gilgamesh's sword just now would have cost at least 200 million yuan. Zhao Gou really paid for this role."

"Gilgamesh is definitely the strongest among the heroic spirits in this class, I feel sorry for Tohsaka Toki."

"The Holy Grail War does not absolutely pay attention to the ability of the heroic spirit. I think it depends on the cooperation between the heroic spirit and the master. Luck and strategy are also indispensable."

"Golden glitter is awesome!!! This skill is amazing!"

"The King of Conquerors is going to be over, right? I think it's not good. I really like the combination of King of Conquerors and Weber."

At this time, the picture is extremely cool, Gilgamesh is full of arrogance, holding a deviant sword, and the red light fills the whole picture.

While the audience lamented that Zhao Ran was so willing to spend his money, they had to be amazed at the power of Gilgamesh's move. A huge crack appeared on the ground following the swipe of the sword, and it continued to extend, conquering Wang Ce. The horse jumped, but his men were not so lucky.

The army of the king who conquered the king is constantly collapsing, and countless heroic spirits are under Gilgamesh's move. Such a powerful move of the army of the king was broken by Gilgamesh's sword. The treasury of all things in the world, the king of conquerors is not wronged.

"Is the King of Conquerors about to lose? I feel a little uncomfortable."

"Probably because the King of Conquerors is so attractive. I also like the King of Conquerors, but I admire the strong ones more. I approve of Gilgamesh's strength!"

"I knew that Zhao Gou would definitely frustrate the audience in the end. His "soldier of love" is not called for nothing."

It seems that the Conqueror has not left the stage at this time, but the audience has already agreed that he will definitely lose. Gilgamesh is so powerful, even if he kills a Saber halfway, he will not be able to save the Conqueror now.

Not to mention, the King of Conquerors has no intention of leaving. His conquest and dominance have just begun!
He is the king, the king of conquerors forever!

The King of Conquerors must have his hole cards!Some fans of King of Conquerors clenched their fists at this moment, praying in their hearts, that is King of Conquerors, the famous King of Conquerors in history!

Gilgamesh is just "the head of a village". If it weren't for the anime "Fate", there would be only a handful of viewers who know this oldest king, but there are countless viewers who know the King of Conquerors!
After all, the history textbook specifically introduced this great king!

After thousands of troops, all that was left was the tranquility of death. Gilgamesh put down his right hand holding the deviant sword and let out a cold snort.

Although Gilgamesh kept saying that the King of Conquerors was just a false king who was spying on his treasures, it can still be seen from the fact that he personally ran over to end the King of Conquerors head-on and showed his true strength that Gilgamesh was the real king. He who puts the conqueror on an equal footing with himself.

He respects his opponent, the King of Conquerors, so he wants to personally sanction him!
"Speaking of which, I have one last thing to ask you."

"Weber Wilwitt, are you willing to be my subject?"

Facing Gilgamesh's offensive, the King of Conquerors did not show nervousness or fear. On the contrary, his expression was very calm and indifferent. At this time, he leaned down and asked his master Weber, his tone was very relaxed but irritating. It sounds sad.

This kind of question, just like the last words, made the audience's hope disappear, and the tear glands were uncomfortable. At this moment, the audience once again felt the charisma of the King of Conquerors that they couldn't help but want to follow.

Weber had already burst into tears, his eyes filled with reluctance, admiration, and admiration. All kinds of emotions were revealed from his crying face for a while.

"You are my only king! I am willing to serve you and be loyal to you. Please guide me forward! Please let me have the same dream as you!"

A firm voice came out of Weber's mouth, and tears slowly rolled down his face. This scene made many viewers cry. This scene is also one of the most tear-jerking scenes in the entire anime.

"Such a charming king, I really can't help but want to follow him, to see if his dream can come true!"

"This is probably the pair of Master and Heroic Spirit with the best relationship, and the cooperation is also the most perfect. The interaction between them is very loving."

"Emperor, are you leaving? Just leave your princess alone? What if Weber gets bullied?"

After hearing Weber's answer, the King of Conquerors got on his horse. He wanted to fulfill his responsibilities as a king.

Witness the dream shown by the king, and pass on this dream to future generations. This is the teaching of the King of Conquerors to Weber.

"The glory lies far away, and it is precisely because it cannot be realized that it is necessary to challenge."

"Come on, let's fight!"

"Go to the endless sea in the far east!"

(End of this chapter)

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