please stop making anime

Chapter 147 Wang Lai Carries the Whole World on His Back

Chapter 147 Wang Lai Carries the Whole World on His Back
The destructive power of the shattered Holy Grail was astonishing, directly blowing Fuyuki into ruins.

When the audience was surprised by Emiya Kiritsugu's choice, Emiya Kiritsugu was also shocked by the destructive power of the broken Holy Grail.

He didn't expect that Fuyuki City would become what it is now after the destruction of the Holy Grail.

Hell, here is hell.

He never expected such a result, and frantically wanted to save it, but at this time, Fuyuki had been destroyed.

When Emiya Kiritsugu was insanely redeeming, Gilgamesh used the black mud of the Holy Grail to obtain a flesh body.

Fans stared blankly at the end of the last episode of "Fate", with mixed feelings.

Zhao Gou has made another Depressing Fan!

Even if the Festival Society invested a lot of money in this animation to make the fighting scenes in the entire animation wonderful, it can even be said that there are very few domestic animation fighting scenes that are more exciting than this animation.

However, even if the fighting scenes in this anime are wonderful, how can it be so good?This plot is supposed to be depressing.

Just like the name of this anime, everyone cannot escape his inherent destiny.

Emiya Kiritsugu, who participated in the Holy Grail War for the justice in his heart, finally got the Holy Grail, but rejected the Holy Grail with his own hands. In anger, he used two Command Spells to make Saber destroy the Holy Grail, but the huge energy of the Holy Grail destroyed the entire Fuyuki city.

Although Irisviel did not die at the hands of her husband in the end, she was doomed to die as the Holy Grail container.

In order to save the daughter of his beloved woman, the extremely miserable Matou Kariya did not hesitate to forcefully learn magic to become a man, a ghost, and participated in the Holy Grail War overnight, but was misunderstood by his beloved woman and killed himself The beloved woman, in the end, the people he gave everything to save not only did not understand him, but also ridiculed him, and finally died in the worm bank.

And Aoi Tohsaka was also miserable. Her second daughter was devoured by bugs, her husband was killed, her friend was betrayed, and she was murdered.

Not to mention Tohsaka Shichen's "it's all Shichen's fault".

If you think about it seriously, the only masters in the entire anime with a better ending are Weber and Kotomine Kirei.

This period of Weber's experience of fighting with the King of Conquerors will affect his whole life, and the final result of Mine Kirei is also good. The heroic spirit Jin Shining not only got a body, but the two of them went to evade taxes together.

However, if you taste this anime seriously, you will find that there is no so-called winner in this anime at all, just like the theme of this anime, the so-called fate.

"Hey, it's over, I'm a little bit sad."

"In the future, I won't watch Zhao Ran's battles if he kills me. I really use my hands to make the picture and my feet to make the script. The plot is the same as Shi."

"Upstairs, do you want to watch the next season? I saw the reminder of the last episode, there should be another season."

"Now I just hope that the plot of the next season won't be so miserable. It's been a long time since I finished watching it in one go, but I still can't get over it."

The audience was scrolling through the barrage at this time, and the atmosphere was a bit gloomy. There was no way it could be said that the last few episodes of "Fate" could be said to be the characters in Zhao Ran's Crazy Sword.

Of course, apart from saying bad things about Zhao Ran, the focus of their discussion was still the last few pictures.

The appearance of Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura, the boy who was rescued by Emiya Kiritsugu, the child named Emiya Shiro, and the boy who spoke boldly about pursuing the dream of justice in his father's heart all showed This anime has another season.

"I'm suddenly looking forward to what the next season will be like."

"Ahaha, who said just now that you won't watch Zhao Gou's anime if you kill him? Are you going back on your word now?"

"The next season should be the story of those children. There are so many girls and only one boy. Is Zhao Gou going to open a harem this time?"

"To be honest, compared to the stories of those children, I am more looking forward to the plot about Jin Xingxing. What will Jin Xingxing do after gaining a body? Rule the world?"

"Gilgamesh is not the king of conquest, he is not very interested in conquering the world, I think he will follow Kotomine Kirei to evade taxes with a high probability."

"Jin Shining is strong, he seems to be living the most nourishing life among the heroic spirits this year."

"Wang Lai agrees, Wang Lai admits, Wang Lai bears the whole world!"

"To be honest, I was quite shocked when Jin Xingxing jumped into the black mud. This kind of courage is no one else, and she directly carries the whole world on her back."

"By the way, don't you all think that Jin Xingxiong's marriage proposal is very joyful?"

"Pfft, nail Saber to the ground to propose marriage? Zhao Gou is a steel straight man with cancer, this plot can be arranged."

Of course, the audience prefers to use the word "Ming" rather than the proposal scene, and the proposal scene directly stunned the audience.

Gilgamesh's marriage proposal was also full of arrogance, and he directly opened the king's treasure house and nailed Saber to the ground, severely injured Saber, and then began to propose marriage aggressively.

"Saber, even if you are obsessed and fall to the ground, you are still so beautiful."

"Throw down the sword and become the king's wife!"

"What's the Holy Grail that brings miracles, what's the point of clinging to something that inexplicable."

"Abandon all your boring ideals and knight oaths. From now on, you only need me and exist only for me, and I, in the name of the King of Vientiane, will bestow on you all the happiness and happiness in the world." pleasure."

Good guy!
This is the first time the audience has heard of this marriage proposal, so it’s okay to say too much, the point is that Gilgamesh is pinning Saber to the ground at this time, and what he said after beating Saber seriously is no different from insulting Saber. Didn't you see that Saber was already furious?

Based on Saber's character, he must draw his sword to face each other. If Gilgamesh's tone is softer, let go of his kingly arrogance when proposing marriage, and calmly talk to Saber, Saber will definitely not be angry and want to kill Gilgamesh Mesh.

"Suddenly I understand why Zhao Ran is still single."

"Zhao Gou's personality should not be a straight man of steel, right? Besides, don't you know that a straight man flirting with a girl catches a girl off guard?"

"To be honest, sometimes a master in love is not as good as those straight men who can flirt with a girl. Although some straight men are straight, their sincerity can directly make up for their straight man's character, and their passionate heart can directly make a girl wet."

"I've learned it, I'll hurry up and record Gilgamesh's marriage proposal quotes, and I will use it next time I have a chance."

"Big brother, it's impossible for a straight man to flirt with a girl like Jin Shining. You follow him? You are destined to be single for the rest of your life."

"Billions of single tips every day."

(End of this chapter)

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