please stop making anime

Chapter 148 Assassin 567

Chapter 148 Assassin 567
Zhao Ran made another Depressing Fan.

He was looking forward to it, looking forward to the audience running to his comment section and scolding him.

He enjoyed the pleasure of depressing the audience, yes, that's right, seeing the audience depressing, fantasizing about the audience crying on the other side of the screen, Zhao Ran was very happy.

Therefore, after the end of "Fate" this time, Zhao Ran imagined that the audience would be like the scene after the show ended, expecting the audience to go to his comment area to scold him, but all this did not come
And this made Zhao Ran very upset.

"Fate" is a depressing show!The people watching are depressed!
Zhao Ran decided to check to see what went wrong, so he repeatedly read the comments in the forum of the anime "Fate", and found that the most frequently said sentence was: It's Yufan again, I'm used to it. .

got used to? !

How can you get used to it?This weakens the sense of accomplishment that I, as a producer, expected too much!
Of course, the term "Soldier of Love" is used quite a lot. It seems that Zhao Ran can't take off this title for the time being.

People will gradually get used to a thing, for example, an audience who watches a horror movie for the first time will be bluffing at the first time, but after watching three, four or even ten movies in a row, he will He will get used to this atmosphere, and even he will be happy in this atmosphere, and criticize the ghost with unqualified makeup.

At this time, if you want the audience to feel the horror atmosphere again, you need to put him in the cheerful and sunny atmosphere, let him get used to the cheerful atmosphere, and then put him in the scary and depressing environment again. The mutation of the human body will cause stress in the human body, and the hormone in the body will rise several times in an instant.

Zhao Ran had worked in a pig farm in his previous life, so he is very familiar with the stress response. Those fat pigs who stay in the pig pen all day are used to the comfort in the pig pen. These fattened pigs are driven out, and those fat pigs that are used to being comfortable will immediately have a stress response due to a sudden change in the environment when the cold wind blows out of the pigsty.

Now those audiences are not as "enthusiastic" as Zhanmei back then. Most likely they are used to Zhao Ran's depression. From Zhanmei to Moyuan and later "Fate", there are three or four animation works in a row for several months. They were watching, they were already used to the current atmosphere, so although they were in a bad mood after watching "Fate", thinking about the works they had seen before, they instantly felt relieved.

Most of them now are teasing Zhao Ran, and their mood at this time is probably not as bad as after watching Zhanmei. Mostly, the audience's mood at this time is clear at a glance.

This can't be done!
A creator who cannot mobilize the audience's mood is a loser!
Although "Fate" did mobilize the audience's mood, and there were a lot of bullet screens when watching it, but it was far from Zhao Ran's expectations.

Even the points raised by the system are a few million short of Zhao Ran's expectation, is that okay?
The audience is used to my rhythm? !

Time to change the vibe and let them stress out!Zhao Ran thought so.

Originally, Zhao Ran planned to directly make the next part of "Fate", but now that the situation is under consideration, it is better to cancel this plan and change the style, so that they can experience a different moral society.

After they stay in the cheerful environment for a long time, they will quietly produce a depressing show. The audience who are used to the cheerful environment can immediately enter the state of stress, and the effect is absolutely leveraged.

Is it a cheerful anime?

Do you want to have a hunk show?Let the audience experience the feeling of an angel descending?Zhao Ran shook his head. It’s not appropriate to come up with a macho show right now. It’s better to have a cheerful and funny battle show in the next one. It doesn’t matter if you wear a battle show. This can give the audience a sense of surprise .

"Fate" is a depressing series of battles, and the next chapter will be a series of battles. The audience will definitely think that the content of this work is still very depressing, but the result is cheerful, so the surprise in the hearts of the audience will appear immediately up.

Life needs a little surprise, and so does anime.

Perhaps, Assassin 567 is not bad
Zhao Ran thought about it, and finally decided to make this animation work.

There are also fighting plots in this anime, but there are more funny elements, and there are many heart-warming plots in it.

Switching from a battle-depressing show like "Fate" to a funny battle anime like Assassin 567 can directly make the audience feel a sense of surprise.

"Hey, shouldn't it be Zhiyu Fan?" The audience will definitely have such thoughts after seeing it.

The animation of Assassin 567 doesn’t look too exquisite, but the plot inside is quite good. In the previous life, this animation has an amazing amount of broadcasts on station b. Most Two-dimensional fans who like Chinese comics have seen this anime.

The life of Chinese people is very stressful, and 996 is just the norm, so Two-dimensional lovers who have a busy day go home and prefer to watch animation works that can make them feel happy. Some plots in Assassin 567 are particularly funny, especially suitable for those social animals to relax.

In China, most of the most popular animation works are cheerful ones, and not many people watch the depressing ones. This is related to the internal environment of the country. Housing prices are too high, the economy is too poor, and the income level of Chinese people is low. Every day, they are tired to death. Those who want to live will naturally choose those anime works that can make people happy.

In this life, most of the animation works produced by Jie Cao Society are students, and the social animal audience is not too large. The reason is that the content is too depressing and not popular with busy workers.

"It's decided that it is!"

Zhao Ran slapped the table to conclude the next animation work.

The most popular ones are always fighting and funny. This anime combines these two elements, so it's hard not to think it's popular.

However, before that, Zhao Ran still needs to make a notice to tell those viewers who are still looking forward to the second season of "Fate" that their expectations may come to nothing, and the broadcast of the next season will be delayed for a long time.

Of course, it is impossible not to produce, such a good IP is simply a sharp tool for making money, and, if the fgo game wants to maintain its popularity, the launch of animation is essential.

However, before that, Zhao Ran felt that participating in the comic exhibition would connect with fans.

As for the anime "Assassin 567", it's time to start preparing. Zhao Ran, who is busy all day, feels that the life he is living now is very comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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