please stop making anime

Chapter 158 Special Explicit Anime

Chapter 158 Special Explicit Anime

Because there are not too many characters in the whole anime, and the character design is not very complicated, so with the full firepower of the festival club, it is easy to get this anime done.

"Li Xuan, I will hand over the production of this animation to Jingani in the future. Haven't you been making Slam Dunk all the time? Now that your employees are all skilled, you can give them more workload." Zhao Ran He called Li Xuan to his office and said.

He has already handed over the plot development of the Assassin 567 animation to Li Xuan. Now Li Xuan is quite capable and has the ability to make this animation perfect.

"Huh?" Li Xuan looked puzzled, Assassin 567's grades are very good, why doesn't the Ethics Club continue to pick up money?
"First, Jingani is still too weak. You guys can take over this popular work and make Jingani famous. Second, I thought of a new animation work!" Zhao Ran seemed to see that Seeing Li Xuan's confusion, he opened his mouth to explain, his hands kept typing on the computer.

President of the Essence Society: "Gentlemen, recently I thought of a particularly explicit anime work, men, I understand everything!"

Lu. Explicit? !
Hey Hey hey!Hurry up and delete your Weibo!President, do you know what impact you will have if you say this sentence? !
There are tens of millions of people who follow Zhao Ran's Weibo. As soon as Zhao Ran's Weibo is posted, someone immediately knows the news, and then stares at Zhao Ran's words.

You actually plan to engage in sex? !

And blatantly post your thoughts on Weibo?
Don't you know, is the hiccup really bad now?Several streets in Dongguan have been investigated!

The big audience quickly reposted the comments, and in order to prevent Zhao Ran from regretting, he snapped screenshots and recorded Zhao Ran's words.

"Extra, extra! President of the Essence Society, Zhao Ran, will make an explicit animation in his next animation work! You know it!"

"Teacher Zhao Ran! You really deserve to be my idol! Really, I am convinced by this sentence teacher! I hope Teacher Zhao Ran can teach us the audience some posture!"

"I finally met a teacher who understands me! This is what the audience is looking for! I like the explicit ones the most, and the toilet paper is ready. This time it's not for wiping my tears! It's hehehe!"

Li Xuan's face was full of worry, this time, the president of his family played Dafa!I reminded my president a long time ago to discuss it when posting on Weibo, and don't post anything casually!

Fortunately, Li Xuan can imagine that his president's name will appear on the hot search list in a while, and it will be negative information! ! !
as predicted.

[Chatty society?An enterprise with no integrity and no bottom line! 】

【Shock!Well-known anime creators want to make explicit works!It is simply teaching the elementary school students badly, and I will ask the relevant departments to block it! 】

[Teacher Zhao Ran?It's the teacher! 】

[Well-known companies actually promote the production of explicit works? 】

[Unscrupulous companies in the moral society will ruin the social atmosphere! 】

【block!Strongly demand that such companies without moral bottom line be blocked! 】

[Zhao Ran's character is extremely corrupt!Know a thing or two from making explicit anime! 】

[The gentleman is ecstatic, toilet paper is selling well!This is all thanks to Mr. Zhao Ran! 】

Ten of the most searched messages, ten of which are about the Jie Cao Society and about Zhao Ran!

Just because Zhao Ran wants to make an anime that the audience understands!

The news was flying all over the sky in just a few hours. Some ordinary people who were not Two-dimensional lovers immediately gave a bah after seeing it, and then quietly followed Zhao Ran, waiting for Zhao Ran's new work. If it can be approved, then squat in the I watched it secretly by myself in the bed.

And those die-hard fans of Zhao Ran were in a hurry, Mr. Zhao!You are trying to die!Explicit anime can't do it!Will be blocked!

"President, hurry up and refute the rumors! Just say that you made a typo! Or that your account has been stolen!" Li Xuan persuaded pitifully from the side.

"No! I'm going to make an explicit animation! It's impossible to delete Weibo!" Zhao Ran twisted his neck directly, and Li Xuan looked like he wanted to hit someone.

"The Chaste Society is coming to an end!" Li Xuan had a sad and indignant expression on his face, she loved the Chaste Society so much!But the president of his own family is too unreliable!

The media has been reporting it all over the place, and everyone in the Essence Club is discussing this matter in a mess, and a few employees who are not firm in their will have already secretly planned to run away with buckets
Zhao Ran liked the media reports. This was the result Zhao Ran wanted. There was no need to spend money on advertisements, and the news that he was about to produce explicit animation was already flying all over the sky.

Hype!These days, those who make a lot of money are very hyped!For example, Xiaosi, the movie was shot in a mess, but there are a group of people who are willing to give him movie tickets for his bad movies. Isn't it because Xiaosi knows how to hype, and variety shows are popular every day.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhao Ran to really make a movie. Zhao Ran doesn't bother to make that thing. What he wants to make is actually "Overlord".

And Zhao Ran was a headline party this time. The animation is indeed very explicit, but it is not what the audience imagined, but really exposed the bones!A skeleton, isn't that blatant!
There are many potential enemies in the Festival Society, and people love to compare, and they especially like to add insult to injury and watch others have fun.

Because the works produced by the Jie Cao Club are more popular, and the works produced by other production companies have a small flow of people, they will inevitably not be jealous of Zhao Ran, so when the Jie Cao Club is in trouble, they will choose to push it down again. The Festival Club fell to the altar, and they watched the jokes from the sidelines.

The speed of news dissemination is very fast, especially the related platforms of DD company, all kinds of negative speculations are rushing in, Zhao Ran took a look at the phone and sneered.

I sincerely thank DD Enterprise for advertising its new works for free!
"President, I think it's better for you to quickly delete Weibo, then apologize and clarify." Li Xuan on the side said in a weak voice.

Now the rumors on the Internet are getting more and more evil, and what they say is very unbearable. Public opinion can kill people. This is not a joke. Too many people commit suicide because of public opinion.

"No need, everything is still under control." Zhao Ran shook his head. Zhao Ran, who has long been used to being in the center of public opinion, is very calm about the current negative news. I have survived, and being scolded a few times by others will inevitably lose a few pieces of meat.

Moreover, the popularity is so high now, it's too late for Zhao Ran to be happy, how could he stop it?At this moment, he only hoped that the bigger the trouble, the better!

Free advertising, don't be in vain!

(End of this chapter)

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