please stop making anime

Chapter 159 Your account is gone!

Chapter 159 Your account is gone!

I've known for a long time that Zhao Ran is very capable of killing people, but I didn't expect, I didn't expect, this time I started to make explicit animation directly. Is this because I hate the development of the morality club?
"I would like to suggest that this man (Dongwu) be banned immediately, so as not to let his distorted views harm more ignorant viewers!"

"The social atmosphere should be rectified. There are so many minor crimes now, and there must be people like Zhao Ran who are guiding them! For the sake of the motherland, quickly block him!"

"He is so handsome, but he looks like a scumbag. Even if he is not a scumbag, his character is not much better!"

On the Internet, there was a lot of excitement, and all kinds of keyboard warriors caught Zhao Ran and began to complain, but Zhao Ran's colleagues were overjoyed, and they wanted this result!

Zhao Ran's fans were very strong and rose up to resist. However, they were outnumbered, and this time, Zhao Ran was troubled by a principled issue. The resistance of the Two-dimensional fans ended in failure.

"Impossible! As I said, impossible! It is absolutely impossible for Zhao Dada to be such a person!"

"Upstairs, are you the navy hired by Zhao Ran? How much did he pay you? Are you protecting him like a dog?"

"If you look at Zhao Ran's previous works, you will find that this guy likes to challenge the audience's bottom line. This time it's good, he started to challenge the moral bottom line!"

"I don't know the truth, I don't know right from wrong! I'm talking about you Zhao Ran's brainless fans! No matter what your idol is doing right or wrong, you are desperately defending him?"

"It is said that the fans of traffic stars are crazy, I see, these two-dimensional fans are even more so, they are just like idiots!"

This Internet storm surrounding Zhao Ran has been ignited, and the black fans and keyboard warriors have amazing attack power, not only spraying blood on Zhao Ran, but also scolding his fans.


Zhao Ran doesn't care about those keyboard warriors and black fans' comments on himself. As an animation producer, it's normal for someone to criticize him. Everyone has different tastes. Some people like your work, and some people think your work is a mess.

Zhao Ran doesn't care if he is scolded, but Zhao Ran cares a lot about his fans being scolded!

Although Zhao Ran's usual source of happiness is to abuse his fans with his works, but when something happens, Zhao Ran must still be firmly on his fans' side!Zhao Ran is a fan favorite!

Besides, this time was originally a hype. Since it was a hype, Zhao Ran was already prepared to be scolded. As long as there is enthusiasm, Zhao Ran doesn't care how many words he recites, but fans who scold him can't do it!Especially now that the situation has begun to shift from scolding him to pinching each other!That's not bad, Zhao Ran is going to pull it off!

"Li Tong, have you seen these online names? You go to the design department and ask them to give me all the accounts of these people and cancel them! Let them go online after half a year!" Zhao Ran's face was very upset at this time Looks good, said to Li Tong on the side.

"Huh?" Li Tong was obviously stunned for a moment, and then glanced at Zhao Ran who was furious: "President, if we do this, the number of viewers at Xiaopozhan will definitely drop sharply! This is a great loss to us, Moreover, canceling the accounts of these people is too much work!"

Now there are too many people who take Zhao Ran and the morality club, how can you block the accounts of so many people all at once?The relevant departments are too busy even if they are exhausted.

Besides, doing this is simply to bury the future of Bee Ka Bee Ka in a sigh of relief. If so many people's accounts are blocked all at once, who will dare to use this video software in the future?

"Then cancel the accounts of the ten netizens who scold you the most." Zhao Ran thought for a while and said, there are only ten people, and it will not have much influence on the Bee Ka Bee Ka and the Ethics Club, and it can also serve as an example to scare the monkeys. .

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhao Ran wants to express an attitude to his fans, that he will always stand behind them!

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Li Tong nodded, this matter is easy to handle!
Seeing Li Tong leave, Zhao Ran rubbed his temples, then picked up the keyboard and kept typing with his fingers.

[I sincerely thank the fans for their love for the Festival Club. At the same time, I also want to say that I, Zhao Ran, will fight side by side with you in my own way!Of course, I still hope that the fans of the Festival Club can be rational and don't fall into their trap! 】

[In order to maintain a good viewing environment for Beep Beep, the Festival Society decided to cancel the accounts of the ten people with the most negative comments, and these accounts will reappear in half a year later! 】

Zhao Ran's hands were fast, almost in one go, and then he clicked to send the two comments.

There are many netizens who follow Zhao Ran. There are tens of millions of people. They cannot all be loyal fans. There are many passers-by and black fans. After waiting in front of the computer for 5 minutes, I opened the comments, wanting to see what those black fans had to say.

"Your number is gone?"

"That's it? That's it? Zhao Ran is so narrow-minded! There are still people watching the works created by such a person."

"Your account is gone [Zhao Ran's picture]"

"Awesome! Is this the morality society? Really great authority! This kind of garbage company can develop so well? Are the relevant departments not going to take care of it?"

"Don't let people tell you if you made a mistake? How glass-hearted you are! If you make a mistake, you are wrong. Don't you just admit it?"

No matter which world, there are too many keyboard warriors out there. Zhao Ran randomly clicked on a keyboard warrior's comment, and found that nine of the ten comments made by this guy were curse words. This kind of person completely uses online comments as an outlet for his negative emotions. !
And Zhao Ran's diehard fans naturally desperately defended Zhao Ran and the ethics club, they were filled with righteous indignation, and raged at those keyboard warriors.

They chose to believe in Zhao Ran unconditionally, even if Zhao Ran had tortured them to death, they would firmly stand by Zhao Ran's side!
Two-dimensional powder is so iron!Compared with those idols who collapsed their houses casually, Zhao Ran's fans are relatively more solid.

Zhao Ran's fans are accumulated from one work after another, and it's not that those traffic stars all rely on a single face.

This debate burned for more than a week, and finally subsided with Zhao Ran's fans retreating steadily!
Two-dimensional fans feel aggrieved!

They are waiting!Waiting for the day when Zhao Ran's works are released to slap those people in the face!

Zhao Ran's hype was successful, too many people already knew about this explicit anime before it was released!Some people are trying to find a way to add insult to injury, some are waiting and watching, some are mocking in their hearts, and some are secretly cheering for the Festival Society!
While everyone was in complicated moods, several months passed, and this work, which has long been known on the Internet, was finally released!
(End of this chapter)

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