Chapter 163

Watching Gu Aotian pretending to be forceful makes the audience have a visual sense of reading an online novel, but it is a little different.

The routine of ordinary online novels is nothing more than: Fuck me, the enemy is so strong, we are so weak, what should we do if we can't do it at all?
And at this moment, the protagonist stood up and defeated the enemy with the advantage of remaining blood, and the melon-eaters on the side said: I'll go, who is he?It's so terrifying!
And Gu Aotian is also pretending to be aggressive, but the way of acting is different from the protagonist of the online novel. Gu Aotian saw the enemy: I'm sorry, there are enemies, little brothers, you go first!

Then after Gu Aotian hacked those enemies to death, Gu Aotian touched his own skull speechlessly: I'll go, why are the enemies so weak?
The pretentious routines are fresh and refined, no wonder the audience likes to watch it so much.

This anime was actually not very popular in the previous Neon world, but it was extremely popular in China. Domestic audiences like this one. For example, Mr. Sakamoto, that anime is actually not as popular as Neon in China. Well, the neon culture is not the same as domestic ones. Domestic audiences like this one, just like online novels. Although the audience say they are tired of reading pretentious novels, they don’t read novels that don’t pretend to be pretentious.

"Brothers, this anime tells us a story! You must remember how much money you spend in games!"

"I think this anime subconsciously wants to tell us that you should recharge FGO!"

"Do you want to be as awesome as Gu Aotian? Then recharge the game quickly!"

The audience cheerfully teased the morality society and Zhao Ran on the Internet, and the ratings of this animation also rose steadily, breaking through the good score of nine points soon.

After seeing it, some other animation production houses hurriedly conceived a work similar to Gu Aotian's routine. The routine, we are very familiar with it!Internet novels are all in the same way, and as a result, those Internet writers still lose money?
Gu Aotian bullies people!
The full-level boss brought a group of hundred-level younger brothers to Xinshou Village to abuse the vegetables?For a villain boss as strong as you, wouldn't it be a pleasure to fight against the air every day instead of doing what a villain should do?
Forget it, the key is, why are you so proficient!Pretending to be a bit too much!
Abusive food?

The cowardly Gu Aotian even brought his hands down to Xinshou Village!
This made countless bigwigs think of the past when they pretended to be Mengxin and went to the Bronze Bureau to kill indiscriminately.

"I thought about when I was writing online novels, a Wanding tycoon pretended to be cute. He cried and told me that a monthly salary of [-] is a bit low. I looked at my manuscript fee and cried."

"Is this the joy of abusing food? No wonder many kings go to the Bronze Bureau to take girls. The pleasure of pretending to be aggressive is really memorable."

"I hate the boss pretending to be cute! While talking about being cute, he single-handedly killed me more than a dozen times."

The audience happily complained in the comment area, and the game area was also very lively at this time.

Maybe it's because of the animation of Gu Aotian, or maybe it's because the game FGO is very fun, a large number of viewers are crazy about money, Zhao Ran who is sitting in the office is just happy, it's all money!No one has trouble with money!
clap clap.

Zhao Ran thought for a while, opened Weibo and started typing:
[Krypton gold?Recently, FGO is engaged in activities!The detailed promotions are as follows, and lucky viewers can also draw the autograph of Mr. Zhao Ran! 】

How can it be repaired!
As soon as Zhao Ran's Weibo was released, he directly squeezed out someone from Cai, and Two-dimensional fans burst into flames after seeing it, this Zhao dog!Taking advantage of this opportunity to engage in promotional activities? !

Krypton gold?I'll pay for it!The audience who were still thinking about scolding Zhao Ran resolutely gave up their wallets after seeing the activities launched by Zhao Ran.

And those fangirls are also crazy, Mr. Zhao Ran's autograph!

"My husband doesn't seem to have signed anyone else's name yet! So. Is this the first time for my husband (shy)? My old lady, I will accept it without hesitation!"

"You're thinking about eating peaches! It all depends on luck! And my luck has never been bad, so, this time, I'm going to order my husband's signature!"


Li Tong was pleasantly surprised to see the surge in the number of FGO game logins. Now the download volume of this game is astonishing. Although it is not as good as the game of DD Enterprise, it is not bad.

DD Enterprise once tried every means to buy this game, but was rejected by Zhao Ran. Later, he planned to buy it by force. Zhao Ran directly sued him for monopoly. Up to now, DD Enterprise is still under review.

Boy, you don't play your cards according to the routine!My DD company wants to buy games from other companies. It is a matter of minutes. How come there are so many moths here?

If it weren't for Zhao Ran's seldom going out, DD Enterprise, who couldn't swallow this breath, might plan to find a desperado to cause Zhao Ran a car accident.

Capital is a cat that smells fishy!They will do anything for their own interests. Sometimes, the president of a company cannot fully control the direction of the company, because the company has completely become a collection of interests that can only swallow money.

The fiasco of DD company taught them a lesson, for example, Zhao Ran is not easy to mess with, Zhao Ran is not afraid of DD company at all.

However, although the two families fight openly and covertly on weekdays, they have cooperated a lot. The two parties do not have pure friendship, but only eternal interests. When mutual benefit and win-win can be achieved, they will shake hands and make peace. Sometimes, they will fight each other again.

"President, the copyright of the novel you asked me to buy recently has been negotiated." Li Xuan, who was sweating profusely, walked into the door of Zhao Ran's company.

Although Jingani now needs to work on two animations at the same time, because the artists are very skilled, Li Xuan, the president of Jingani, still has time to come to the festival club to help Zhao Ran and Li Tong share some work. .

"Oh? How much do they want?" This time, the copyright of this novel is controlled by DD Corporation. The two companies almost met in court a while ago, but now they have started to cooperate with each other again.
"One hundred million!!! It's really a lion's mouth!" Li Xuan drank his saliva and said, with a somewhat vicious tone: "Originally, DD Enterprise asked me for three hundred million! The author asked for 2000 million copyright fees, and I just dumped it." Arms go away!"

"Actually, I've thought about it a long time ago. The copyright of this novel must be ridiculously expensive." Zhao Ran said with a smile, [-] million, the price is indeed very high!very high!However, Zhao Ran felt that this time the DD company actually gave the Jie Cao Society a fair price, and did not cheat the Jie Cao Society.

However, it's worth it.

There are countless ways for the Festival Club to use this novel to make more than 1 million yuan.

That bad kid, let the Festival Club show it to everyone in the form of animation.

Presumably, those fans will be crazy to hear this good news.

(End of this chapter)

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