Chapter 164

With the popularity of Gu Aotian, many viewers are attracted by Gu Aotian's pretentious skills.

So novel!

In other online novels, seeing the protagonist pretending to be aggressive sometimes feels visual fatigue and boredom, but watching Gu Aotian pretending to be aggressive does not have such a feeling at all. Instead, it feels very joyful, especially funny?

The online novels that followed the trend immediately created two genres based on this anime - Gou Liu and Nao Bu Liu.

While the audience ridiculed the Festival Society and those Internet writers who followed suit, they also began to admire that man.

This man is so talented. He can produce so many excellent web novels by just making an anime. Among them, several web authors wrote novels according to the setting of this anime, which have reached [-] subscriptions!
There is also the author of Pujie who became famous directly because of the novel he wrote.

Writing online articles depends on talent. People with extraordinary talent can directly become gods with a book, while those with poor talent, such as Zhao Ran in his previous life, can only barely pass the full time after one book after another.

Gu Aotian's pretense is getting more and more skillful.

Watching Gu Aotian's pretentious routines, looking at the overall situation, except that he underestimated his own strength and overestimated the enemy's strength, everything else was within his expectations.

This animation has been broadcast to this day, and the audience thinks that they have figured out Gu Aotian's pretentious routines. As a result, the show operations come one after another.

They never expected that classmate Gu Aotian was bored in Nasarick and wanted to go out for a walk, so the audience saw another routine in the Internet - a mage who doesn't play close combat is not a qualified good mage.

"Ahaha, every mage has a heart to be a warrior!"

"Gu Aotian is really acting passively, it's so funny, I can't stop watching it!"

"That maid is so beautiful! It feels so glamorous! I love love!"

As soon as Nabe appeared on the stage, the audience's eyes brightened. Compared with other female characters, this Nabe's character design is more popular with the audience.

Of course, everyone’s taste is different, everyone’s sexual orientation is different, some people like fat people, some people like thin people, some people like Yu Jie, some people like Lolita, and some boys like Gu Aotian Types of.

"Ah, this Nabe completely matches my xp!"

"He said the most ruthless words with a flat face, love love love! I like this character so much!"

"She has an extremely evil attribute! Do you think she is joking? What she said is very serious!"

The faction that Gu Aotian belongs to is the villain, his subordinates and himself have no objection to killing people, it's as simple as Nabe, who used to belong to combat maids and wants to eat more.

"I'm so sour, Gu Aotian's subordinates are so protective of her! Because others speak disrespect to Gu Aotian, Nabei wants to kill him."

"This is an anime, and it's based on Shuangwen's routine. It's normal for this to happen."

"You all envy Gu Aotian's treatment, why don't you think about Gu Aotian's nonsense? No matter how beautiful the maid is, Gu Aotian can still just watch."

The audience was laughing and discussing, because this animation is not like the Yu Fan made by Zhao Ran before, it makes people feel uncomfortable after watching, so the audience seldom scolds Zhao Ran in the comment area, but praises Zhao Ran a lot.

It is said that Zhao Ran's soundtrack is very good, the character design is also perfect, and the painting style of Jie Cao Society is excellent, etc.

"Hey, have you heard? That person bought the copyright of that novel."

"You mean, Zhao Ran bought the novel of Shuai Kid? No way. Don't tell me it's true, I don't believe it! This news must be fake!"

"It should be true. The Internet is going crazy. Zhiyu God of War is back? I'm a little scared! Jiangnan and "Soldier of Love" team up, that scene is unimaginable!"

"Think about the anime that Zhao Ran once produced, Zhanmei, Moyuan, and Fate, and then think about the plot of Jiangnan's novel. If the two of them cooperate, my God! The end of the world will come immediately!"

"After all...can't I give my favorite novel a perfect ending?"

"Zhao Ran adapted this novel, what ending do you think he will give? It's not bad that he didn't kill all the characters in it!"

Gossip was flying all over the sky, and Zhao Ran and the official Weibo of Jiecaoshe did not explain it. The audience could only discuss this matter in various forums.

Zhao Ran did not admit it, and they were not sure whether the news was true.

Of course, Zhao Ran did purchase the copyright of this novel, and planned to make an anime adaptation of this novel, but this time, it was not Jie Cao Club, but Jing Ani.

Zhao Ran participated in it as an art director, such as the soundtrack and pictures, etc. After a period of systematic accumulation, Zhao Ran has been able to make his own style of music, whether it is relaxed or cheerful or sad. Zhao Ran can perfectly control it.

Of course, this time the most important thing is Li Xuan and her team are in charge of this matter. The people in Li Xuan's team are almost all women, and they describe their feelings very delicately. It is still possible to produce an anime work that fits the content of the novel.

Zhao Ran is more inclined to transfer the important plots of the entire animation intact. Many excellent novels have become a mess after adaptation, and only a few can surpass the original ones. Zhao Ran thinks that he does not have that ability.

And Li Xuan is more inclined to adapt some of the plots in it. Of course, the most important plot will not be changed, and then add a lot of relaxed daily interactions to make the characters in it more full-bodied, and then in this way, the future audience It is easier to touch the heartstrings of the audience.

Wow, Li Xuan!You haven't learned anything else, but you have learned everything about depression!

Women are inherently delicate in heart, more sensitive to emotions, and very good at depicting daily life. If KyoAni is the main editor of this anime, then think about the interaction of "Light Voice Girl" in the previous life. In the past, the audience fell in love with the characters after the characters were fuller, no matter how crazy KyoAni is!Just thinking about it makes me shudder!
The Jie Cao Club can also join in when it is free. Compared with Jingani, the Jie Cao Club is better at fighting plots, and can make up for the shortcomings of Jing Ani's battle plot description.

The morality club in the last life may not be very good at fighting plots, so it is often mentioned in one stroke. The morality club in this life does not have that problem, but... After a while, Zhao Ran transferred the relevant personnel from the morality club who were good at depicting combat plots into the newly built " After the "Bone Club", there is a high probability that the Ethics Club will become the same as in the previous life.

Of course, when JingAni was working on a new work, the main focus of the festival club was the animation work of Gu Aotian.

Now the audience is bleeding from the character Nabe in this anime.

(End of this chapter)

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