please stop making anime

Chapter 179 Come here if you have the guts!

Chapter 179 Come here if you have the guts!
The student party started their summer vacation one after another.

Zhao Ran thought about it, and decided to take advantage of this wave of holidays to cut the students' leeks.

After thinking about it, Zhao Ran decided to hold an anime song concert while the weather was not yet the hottest.

The venue for the concert was decided to be held in the Shanghai Sports Center. The economy of the city is prosperous, and the stadium built is also one of the best in China. This time, the stadium that Zhao Ran decided to hold 15 people can be regarded as one of the best platforms for concerts in China. Celebrities can't be booked at all, like Zhao Ran, just make a phone call.

Zhao Ran is really famous. In today's country, almost all young people have heard of Zhao Ran's name. You don't need to know someone, or you don't need to know Zhan, but if you don't know Zhao Gou, Then the people around you will definitely explain to you what kind of character Zhao Gou is in a surprised tone.

The staff of the stadium were very enthusiastic. As soon as they heard that Zhao Ran was going to use their venue, they began to prepare everything Zhao Ran needed before Zhao Ran asked. As long as Zhao Ran asked, they would find a way to get it. Of course, The money and their business expenses are paid by the festival society.

The people in the stadium liked Zhao Ran very much. A Slam Dunk made the number of boys who like basketball soar, and more people came to the stadium to play basketball.

This time Zhao Ran chose such a large venue because of the lesson from the last time. The last time the Festival Club held a concert that was a bit anticlimactic because of poor consideration, the venue was too small and there were too many people.

The equipment is also top-notch in the country, and the Ji Cao Club can still afford it. The products produced by the Jie Cao Club must be high-quality goods. Zhao Ran must ensure that the audience is brought the world's top audio-visual experience.


On the weekend, Guo Meng took his new girlfriend to enjoy lunch together. If they break up, they will break up, and the next one will be better!Guo Meng thought of Second Five, then thought of his ex-girlfriend, and then looked at his current girlfriend with a hint of doting on his face.

At this time, Guo Meng discovered that his girlfriend was swiping beeps with joy on his face. As Zhao Ran's girlfriend fan, Guo Meng's girlfriend was extremely interested in everything about Zhao Ran.

Guo Meng is a fan of Zhao Ran's works. Because he and his girlfriend are both fans of Zhao Ran, the most discussed topics are Zhao Ran and Zhao Ran's works.

"The anime "Prison Meal Comes to Me" is coming to an end soon! It's so painful! It's going to be a long time to wait for the new work of Jie Cao Society!" Guo Meng's girlfriend complained, she has watched every work of Jie Cao Society , As for Zhao Ran's famous works, she will naturally not let them go.

"You can take a look at JingAni's works. Some of JingAni's works are still very good. Although most of them are adaptations of novels, they respect the original plot and the style of painting is also exquisite." Guo Meng said after thinking for a while.

Jing Ani is now well-known in the Two-dimensional circle. Although it is all in the light of Zhao Ran, most viewers have heard that Jing Ani has some works and Zhao Ran is the art director. , I just wanted to chase after him to have a look, and then it got out of hand.

Adapting a novel is actually very difficult. If the adaptation is good, both parties will be happy. If the adaptation is poor, the production company will be scolded, and the audience will feel that the original work is ruined.

While talking, Guo Meng picked up his phone and opened the pink app. Recently, he watched a few anime adaptations of KyoAni novels, and they felt pretty good, so he wanted to recommend these works to his girlfriend.

Is this an ad for the Festival Society?
Guo Meng's girlfriend looked at Guo Meng with a strange expression, and poked her head to see what Guo Meng saw.
I saw that a small page that popped up suddenly had the three big characters of Jie Cao Society on it. Not long after this advertisement was released, Guo Meng quickly clicked on it. Then, the crazy scene of the last time Jie Cao Society held a concert appeared in the advertisement .

Then, so far, the highly popular characters in the animations produced by the Festival Society also appeared one by one, such as Chitong, Saber, Aishmos and so on.

[Come here if you have the guts! 】

After the characters showed their faces one by one, a few large characters appeared, and a QR code for purchasing tickets appeared on the screen, with the time and location of the concert written in the lower right corner.

"This is? A concert? I read it right?!"

Guo Meng rubbed his eyes, wanting to make sure that his eyes were not dazzled. In his impression, the Jie Cao Club had always disdained to advertise himself, but this time, for the first time, they gave a small page?

Quickly opened Zhao Ran's Weibo, only to find that although Zhao Ran hadn't posted a single Weibo at this time, the number of comments on Zhao Ran's latest Weibo was superimposed crazily.

"Daddy Zhao, are you sure you want to hold a concert? The ad flashed for more than ten seconds and then disappeared. It's a bit confusing!"

"I saw a lot of repertoire in this concert! Moreover, many voice actors will sing on stage."

"The concert ticket purchase time has been confirmed! The Festival Society really has a concert! Brothers, it's time to grab tickets!"

"Chong Duck! I really like the concert held by the Festival Club! The atmosphere is super good!"

Guo Meng and his girlfriend looked at each other, and they both noticed the eagerness in each other's eyes.

"It's not far from our place! You can go! The concert of the Festival Society is very good!"

Guo Meng took a look at the concert venue, and then became excited.

"It's time! Let's see what time it is!" The girl on the side hurriedly reminded that both of them were immersed in the content of the advertisement just now, and didn't notice the detailed time of the concert.

Guo Meng quickly clicked on the ticketing platform, wanting to inquire about the specific news of this festival's concert.

The news of the Festival Club concert was highlighted and placed at the top, and Guo Meng could see it as soon as he entered the platform.

Quickly click in, and then drop down directly to the end, wanting to see the detailed time.

"For two days, Saturday and Sunday, the time starts at seven o'clock in the evening!"

"go with!"

"Don't regret it!"

The two of them immediately made a decision. It is not many opportunities to face the Jie Cao Society directly!

"Concert tickets! Book tickets now! Don't get sold out!"

Tickets for the festival's concert have already started pre-sale, and Guo Meng's girlfriend hurriedly urges them.

Jie Cao Club does not hold concerts frequently, but every concert is of great significance. Coupled with the concept of Jie Cao Club, the products produced by Jie Cao Club must be high-quality goods, which makes every concert of Jie Cao Club leave a deep impression on the audience impression.

The last concert was held last year, and it has been almost a year before the festival club remembered to hold a concert!Fans are complaining about the festival club, but they are also working hard. Although 15 concert tickets may sound like a lot, for true fans, they are afraid that so many concert tickets cannot be bought by themselves. one!

(End of this chapter)

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