please stop making anime

Chapter 180 Isn't it normal for the person you like to like others?

Chapter 180 Isn't it normal for the person you like to like others?

During the summer vacation, there will always be a group of people who are different from other students in the nine-year compulsory education, because they have to make up lessons, take cram classes, interest classes, Olympiad math classes, etc.!
"Damn! Why do I have to spend my happy summer vacation in make-up classes! Also, teacher, I know you are very humorous, so can you hurry up and leave get out of class!" The old man with a white hair and a childlike face in the art interest class is using humor His words tell the history of art.

It's just that no matter how funny he speaks, there are some people who are a little absent-minded at this time.

Xie Teng and Zhang Jiahui were secretly hiding behind the drawing board and checking the time with their mobile phones.

Zhang Jiahui likes painting very much, and is also very interested in the art history taught by the teacher. In addition, the teacher's lectures are very interesting and the classroom atmosphere is good.

Normally, she would definitely listen to the class seriously, but at this time, she was looking at this old man with gritted teeth.

Teacher, please stop talking!
Because, today at [-] noon is the day for the online pre-sale of tickets for the concert held by the Festival Society. As Zhao Ran's fans, how could they miss this opportunity to watch the concert?

The Festival Society has already pre-sold concert tickets. A week ago, 5 tickets were sold out, and it took less than [-] minutes from the beginning to the sell-out.

Zhao Ran didn't expect that these fans would be so crazy, and they would pick up the money ruthlessly. Zhao Ran, Li Xuan and Li Tong together, decided to pre-sale tickets again.

As for Xie Teng and Zhang Jiahui, because their hand speed was a little bit slow, and their mobile phones froze a little, then the banking department could only look at the remaining bills showing zero, and they wanted to cry without tears after looking at each other.

Of course, because the pre-sale of 5 tickets was completed in just 300 minutes, this amazing result naturally attracted the bitterness of all colleagues, and the Internet began to spread. In fact, only more than [-] copies were sold, and now the festival is throwing this topic, the purpose is to hype and expose, and then cut the leeks of the audience severely!
"The festival club cuts the audience's leeks? Nonsense!"

Faced with those remarks and doubts on the Internet, the fans of the Festival Society naturally stood up, and then picked up the keyboard to fight back.

Produced by Jie Cao Society, it must be a boutique!This is the word-of-mouth earned by the Festival Society with one work after another!
Misappropriation?Even if Zhao Ran wants to collect money, it will make the audience feel that it is worth it!Unlike some creators, they just know how to cook cold rice or plagiarize the work settings of Jie Caoshe!
As for hype, festival clubs generally like to use their works to attract audiences. Isn't hype the favorite thing of DD companies?

"So, I'm so lucky this time? I actually became one in three hundredth?"

In order to clarify that the Festival Society actually pre-sold [-] tickets, someone on Weibo immediately began posting their own ticket orders, erasing their personal information, and they can verify the ticket verification code and seat number.

"Then I'm very lucky! I even got one of these [-] tickets."

More and more viewers went to the bottom of Weibo to post tickets. As the number of people increased, the news that the festival only sold [-] tickets in advance, this fake news that can no longer be fake, was self-defeating.

Although these fake news have brought some damage to the image of the festival club, it is also because of these fake news that more and more people know about the concert held by the festival club this time.

This year is the age of traffic!Without traffic, no matter how excellent the work is, it is very likely to be buried. The reason why Jie Cao Club disdains to follow the traffic route is because Jie Cao Club never lacks topics!With Zhao Ran as a natural weapon for attracting fans, it is very difficult for Jie Cao Club not to be noticed.

As for those starlets who slandered the morality society, their goal has been achieved. For the sake of being popular, they are willing to do anything, even becoming slaves to fame and fortune!

It doesn't matter if it's positive or negative, as long as it can be popular!Everyone dares to add it to their body!
It's a pity that the audience didn't pay attention to them at this time, and now most of them focus their attention on the tickets for the Festival Society concert.

"Upstairs, is your ticket seat the first row in the legend? Can you sell your ticket to me? I don't think you are from Shanghai! It will be inconvenient to travel thousands of miles to watch the concert. , I’ll pay double to buy your tickets, what do you think?”

The route that Jie Cao Club has always taken is the route of being close to the people. The tickets for this concert are not too expensive, and students can afford it. As for the price of the first row of seats, it is cheaper than the first row of VIP seats for other singers Too much!

There is a first row of seats in the Festival Club concert, and there is no so-called supreme VIP, but the visual experience of the first row is not much different from that of the supreme VIP, but the price difference is far. The audience wants to grab the first row of seats, not relying on money , but luck!

The African Chief fainted from crying in the toilet.

The rich are excited!
Worried about not being able to buy tickets, now that the so-called "supreme VIP" is blown up this time?Without any hesitation, he immediately launched a money offensive.

However, the other party didn't like the little money given by the local tyrant at all: "My seat is worth this little money? Are you sending a beggar? If you want to buy my ticket, can you show some sincerity?"

"I'll double it ten times!"

"Eleven times me!"

"Fifteen times me!"


Advance tickets are hard to come by, and those with good seats are even more so!

For the second pre-sale ticket, the festival directly pre-sold 10 tickets!Although the pre-sale tickets this time are not as good as the high-value tickets for the first time, there are still a lot of spectators who want to get tickets. It is conservatively estimated that within [-] minutes of this pre-sale tickets, [-] tickets will be sold by the audience. sweep away.

Facing this fierce competition, one can imagine how anxious Xie Teng and Zhang Jiahui were at this moment.

They probably learned the lesson of not getting tickets with their mobile phones last time. This time, they will use computers to grab tickets!After all, the mobile phone signal is still inferior to the optical fiber!
It can be said that in order to successfully grab the tickets this time, they have wasted a lot of effort.

The old man was getting old, and his lectures were slow, so Xie Teng could only watch the old man lecture anxiously.

How much he wanted to skip this class!However, this old man is usually quite amiable, but Xie Teng can guarantee that as long as he dares not come to the class, his parents will definitely know about his troubles within half an hour. This teacher is very good at suing parents.

The old man is very humorous, and his tone of voice is ups and downs. After listening to it, people will have endless aftertaste and benefit a lot.

But now Xie Teng and Zhang Jiahui were not in the mood to continue listening at all, they frequently picked up their phones to watch the time go by, their hearts were about to jump out.

"It's up here today."

The old man spoke slowly, and as his voice fell, Xie Teng and Zhang Jiahui, like wild horses running wild, picked up the schoolbags they had packed long ago, and sprinted away at a speed of [-] meters.

Not only them, but other students who took the same course as them also reacted in the same way, and hurriedly picked up their schoolbags and rushed out.

There are many fans of Jie Cao Club, and too many students like to watch the works of Jie Cao Club. In the last half hour of the class just now, almost all the students were in the same mood as Xie Teng and Zhang Jiahui!

"Eh? What day is it today? Why are these students running so fast?" The old man was a little confused, then looked at the students who were slow and smiling and asked with a smile: "You don't Look anxious."

"Worry? Why are you in a hurry? I've already got the ticket!" The student replied, and then he carried the drawing board and walked side by side with the teacher.


"That's right, the tickets for the concert held by the Festival Club are crazy. Fortunately, my hand is fast enough and the Internet speed at home is also fast enough, so I grabbed the tickets." The student said.

"Jie Cao Club? Do you mean the Jie Cao Club that produces animation?" The old man thought for a while and asked. There are too many things he doesn't understand in the world of young people. However, he has heard of the Jie Cao Club, mainly from the people around him. It's been discussed too many times.

I heard that the president of the Essence Club is a handsome guy?I don't know if I am as handsome as I was when I was young!The old man touched his smooth head and recalled his past.

"That's right! Teacher, have you heard of the Essence Club? The president of the Essence Club, Mr. Zhao Gou, uh, Mr. Zhao Ran is super powerful! He has won the world championship of youth oil painting! Moreover, he is not only good at painting, but also music, dubbing, sports, etc. Wait, he is extremely good at it!" There was a look of admiration on the student's face.

In order to make Zhao Ran's identity more reasonable, the system will arrange a reasonable award for Zhao Ran every time his skill attribute is improved. People in this world can't even realize that Zhao Ran has never participated in those competitions at all.

The system dad is sometimes very awesome.

For example, Zhao Ran's painting ability improved, and various trophies were sent to Zhao Ran frantically. Moreover, the system will automatically update Zhao Ran's information in this world.

Xie Teng pushed away from his room. At this moment, he was panting and out of breath, so he threw his schoolbag on the bed, then immediately turned on his computer, shut down all background programs, leaving only the browser.

Open the booking page of the pre-sale tickets of the Festival Exercise Club. This page is always displayed dynamically, and there is no need for them to refresh it.

In the middle of the page, there is a countdown to advance tickets.

"Amitabha! Amitabha! Please bless me, all the paper wives, and I must be able to grab a concert ticket!"

Quickly light the incense burner, then fold your hands together, muttering, praying devoutly, rubbing your hands, breathing into your palms, moving your hands, speeding up blood circulation, and keeping your hands as flexible as possible to ensure that you can improve Hand speed.

Looking at the time passing by second by second, I saw that the countdown was up, and the entire interface was automatically refreshed, continuing the exquisite painting style of Jie Cao Society, giving people a comfortable and natural feeling.

And in the middle of the page, there is an option that says "Book".

Countless audiences were waiting for this moment, operating the mouse, and quickly clicking with their fingers.

With his eyes fixed on the screen, the world seemed to stop at this moment, Xie Teng listened to his beating heartbeat.

The page jumps, but it's not "sold out"!
Xie Teng entered the page for filling in real-name information!

"Ahaha, I finally got it!"

At this moment, similar things are happening across the country.

Countless spectators scrambled for tickets, those who got them were naturally overjoyed, and those who didn't got them ate lemons online.

"My God! I've already used my fastest hand speed! Didn't grab it?! Are you all crazy? How many years have you practiced hand speed alone?"

"It means that in order to grab the tickets, I squatted in front of the computer half an hour in advance! I look forward to the surprise of this Festival Club concert!"

"Those who got tickets, are there any of you who don't want to go? You can sell me the tickets! I'll buy them at a high price!"

"What are you thinking? Those who can buy tickets are true fans, do you think they are willing to sell you tickets?"

Zhao Ran is already insanely happy in the festival club at this time, money!money!money!A lot of money!I, Zhao Ran, like money the most!

"President, all the tickets for the second pre-sale have been sold." Li Tong said while helping his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

This result, Li Tong also wants to be surprised. According to this trend, is it really possible to fill the entire concert hall with people?

With so many people watching a concert, only international singers or very popular and influential singers can do this!And what is the morality club?
This is also the reason why so many peers on the Internet try their best to blacken the festival.

We are almost out of food here, but your festival club is making a lot of money?

"Prepare for the third pre-sale of tickets!" Zhao Ran calmed down his excitement and thought about the arrangements.

In the end, the tens of thousands of tickets are relatively cheap because they are far from the center of the stage, but the visual experience is not too bad.

"President, there are so many people cheering you on, you must not lose the chain when the time comes!" Li Tong thought about it and reminded.

So many audiences watched the concert, not because of Li Tong's face, but because of Zhao Ran!

Girlfriend fans, works fans, paper man wife fans. These fans are all around the fan group centered on Zhao Ran. They come from all corners of the country, and their goals are different, but they all want to see Zhao Ran, see Zhao Ran Are you thin, are you fat, you will laugh at it if you are thin, and you will laugh at it if you are fat.

This is how Zhao Ran gets along with his fans.

Maybe there are some fans who come to the stage to give souvenirs. Think about it, others give flowers when they go on stage, but Zhao Ran’s painting style of giving kitchen knives directly when he goes on stage doesn’t feel right!

However, Zhao Ran has been keeping a low profile recently, and he didn't kill many paper man's wives, so those fans probably won't attack him like before.

"Don't worry! Don't worry! I'm a very reliable man!"

Zhao Ran grinned. If it wasn't for the wrong season, he really wanted to take advantage of this concert to promote the anime Your Lie in April, so that they could experience the feeling of being depressed again!
"Your Lie in April": Isn't it normal for the person you like to like others?

Zhao Ran looks forward to the day when Four Lies will be produced in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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