please stop making anime

Chapter 181: The Exercise Club is awesome!

Chapter 181 The Operation Club is Awesome!
Time: 7:16pm on July 45.

Location: Modu Gymnasium.

Characters: There are simply too many to count!So many!

The scorching heat of summer did not make people lose their enthusiasm for watching the concert. There were huge crowds of people, and the audience enthusiastically held light sticks.

Social animal Zhao Lang brought his lover to watch the concert, but because his hands were too slow, he didn't get a ticket at all. No, now he is wandering outside the gymnasium, looking around. Whenever this happens, he will A character that appeared - the scalper.

The fans of the Festival Society were so crazy that all the tickets on sale were sold out in the blink of an eye.

For the sake of his lover and to satisfy himself, Zhao Lang can say that he came here on purpose today to see if he could buy tickets from scalpers.

Now seeing that the time is coming, the outside of the gymnasium is full of life losers like himself who have not bought tickets, and he has not even seen a hair of scalpers, Zhao Lang is desperate.

"It seems that today is a waste of time." Zhao Lang said to his lover beside him with some disappointment: "Tickets can't be bought at all, and there are too many people who want to buy tickets."

"It seems that I can only watch the broadcast, how angry!"

Both of them are fans of the Jie Cao Club, and what they like to discuss most on weekdays is the works of the Jie Cao Club and the [-] ways to kill Zhao Ran.

But today, they originally thought that they could enjoy this grand concert held by the Festival Club together, but unfortunately, they were too slow.

If I had used a Huawei mobile phone, I should have been able to grab tickets, right?Zhao Lang looked down at his iPhone and fell into regret.

"Brother, do you want to buy a ticket?"

And at this moment, a male voice with a very obscene voice came from behind them, and the male voice fell into Zhao Ran's ears like the sounds of nature.

"Yes! To! To!"

Zhao Lang turned around quickly and said eagerly.

The man was wearing a pair of glasses and looked like a student. He looked around to make sure there was no one else, so he took out two tickets and said to Zhao Lang, "Hey, I asked my girlfriend over and wanted to give her a surprise. But it's a pity, I think you are destined to be with me, how about this, I will sell you these two tickets, lover seat, I can give you a friendly price, [-] soft sister coins."

After Zhao Lang heard it, he frowned: "Brother, your asking price is too expensive."

Although the couple seat is a bonus item, judging by the ticket in his hand, it is obviously not a good seat, but it is so expensive, Zhao Lang thinks it is not worth it.

"Oh, 1 yuan is low enough, bro, do you know how much effort I have had to buy these two tickets? And, lover seat! It's not easy to buy!"

Zhao Lang wanted to leave. He was not interested in talking nonsense about this kind of scalper, so he chose to ignore it.

But the lover on the side didn't care about it. Sensibility directly overwhelmed reason. Women are always too sentimental. At this time, she thought that no matter how much money she had in the future, she would not be able to exchange for the good memories now, so she hurriedly said to the scalper.

"We bought tickets!"

Now that they are not married, they don't have to worry about firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, so they don't think too much when spending money. For her, 1 yuan is a bit expensive, but it is still within the acceptable range.

Big deal, for the next period of time, they just save a little living expenses.

But at this moment, deafening cheers came from the gymnasium. It seemed that the concert was about to start. The woman was impatient and didn't want to talk anymore, so she said straightforwardly: "Hurry up, tell me your payment account number, and I will give it to you." Transfer the money over."

After finishing speaking, she took out her mobile phone. It is impossible for modern people to carry so much money with them. They all choose mobile banking for quick and convenient. This payment method has been deeply integrated into people's lives.

Banknote payment can make people feel distressed when money is spent, while mobile payment, most people now only regard money as a number.

"I hope you enjoy the concert!" The scalper saw the transfer was successful, with a smile on his face, and handed the ticket to Zhao Lang.

However, unfortunately, the money in hand has not been checked yet.

"You, I'm talking about you, don't look left and right." At this time, two uniformed policemen came by.

Zhao Lang watched the scalpers yelling and being taken away by the police, and stared blankly at the two extra tickets in his hands.

"Let's go, leave him alone, let's go in quickly! The concert is about to begin!" Zhao Lang's lover held his arm and was about to rush into the concert.

"Hey hey? Be careful! There are too many people!"

Zhao Lang said with a little shame.

"What are you careful about? I'm not pregnant! I rushed in!"


The Shanghai Metropolitan Stadium, which can accommodate 15 spectators, is now full of seats.

Zhao Ran didn't even think that all the 15 tickets were sold?This is too scary!
Hearing the loud buzzing sound coming from under the stage, Li Xuan's face was pale at the moment, and he pleaded with Zhao Ran tremblingly: "President, please don't let me go up, look at my legs, they are already shaking I can't move my legs!"

Li Xuan was dressed up like a little princess by Zhao Ran, wearing a long white dress, giving people a feeling of pity at the moment.

beautiful!However, it was Li Xuan's trembling legs that ruined the beauty. She was too nervous. No, it should be said that as long as a normal person without special training would be very nervous in this situation.

15 pairs of eyes are watching you, are you not afraid?
"You have to believe in yourself! You are the fattest!" Zhao Ran encouraged Li Xuan with a serious face.

"15 people! There are 15 people down there!" Li Xuan was so frightened by the number that he almost cried.

With so many people, each person can drown her with a mouthful of saliva. If she performed poorly, wouldn't it be known all over the Internet?

"Take a deep breath! Take a deep breath! Breathe! Relax! Believe in yourself! There is me behind you, and there is the moral society!" Zhao Ran grabbed Li Xuan's shoulders, looked directly into her eyes, and conveyed courage to her with his own eyes .

"I want to give you all my courage!" Zhao Ran encouraged Li Xuan, making Li Xuan calm down a little.

"But... I'm so scared, there are so many people." Li Xuan was still a little timid in his heart.

"I'm afraid of a hammer! They didn't come here mainly to see you, but to see me! You're just going through the motions!" Zhao Ran chose to let Li Xuan ignore her important thoughts, and let her take this as an important thing in her heart. A rehearsal.

In the background, Li Tong was in charge of the overall situation, and there were a lot of talents in the ethics club. After a while, Li Tong also had a show, so she could only use the pressure of busy work to divert her nervous mood.

Because Li Tong is usually the top leader in the festival club, Zhao Ran is basically a hands-off shopkeeper. Now Li Tong's concert is in order, and she has held it once before, so she has corresponding experience.

This time, Zhao Ran almost took out all the family assets of the Jie Cao Club, and Zhao Ran brought all the famous or not-yet-famous voice actors.

Zhao Ran usually chooses a voice actor based on his appearance. He has a good voice and strength, plus he has a good appearance. He can be pulled out and packaged at will to become an idol.

Li Xuan was the first to appear on stage, and it was Zhao Ran's deliberate decision. Li Xuan was the most familiar to the fans of the Festival Society. The song "Blissful Pure Land" successfully made Li Xuan famous.

Regarding the first song of this concert, Zhao Ran discussed with others for a long time, and finally decided to sing the theme song of Zhanmei.

It's too hot!Even at seven o'clock in the afternoon, the audience and the festival club were sweating, and the air conditioner in the gymnasium was fully turned on to make the temperature of the gymnasium drop slightly.

The weather in July is like a steam oven, and that's why Zhao Ran chose the first track as the theme song of Zhanmei - to cool down the audience.

In fact, the choice of this song has other meanings besides cooling the audience. The real fire in the Jie Cao Club actually started with Zhan Mei. Second Five can only say that it has laid a very good audience foundation for the Jie Cao Club.

Zhanmei let the audience pass on the great achievements of the Jie Cao Society by word of mouth, and word of mouth gradually began to ferment. Since then, the Jie Cao Society has gradually become a legend.

Li Xuan's singing skills are good, and Zhao Ran often asked her to practice her singing skills on weekdays, and now this concert will come in handy.

Li Xuan is a person with a bit of perfectionism, her singing skills can only be said to be okay at first, but after a series of training, her singing skills have reached the level of Xiao Lin Weiyu in her previous life.

As for Kobayashi Weiyu, who is one of Sawano Hiroyuki's queen female singers, and Sawano Hiroyuki is the big guy who wrote "The Divine Comedy of Drawing the Sword" and "The Divine Comedy of Nuclear Explosion".

Singing can scare people to death!

Zhao Ran decided to cool down the audience first, and then, there will be a Divine Comedy to blow up the atmosphere, and let the audience know what kind of fairy singing skills the singers in the Festival Club are!
In order to allow the audience to experience Li Xuan's true strength, Zhao Ran deliberately asked Li Xuan to interact with the audience while singing, to let the audience know that Li Xuan was not lip-syncing!
Then kill all domestic traffic stars in seconds!
"It's time to start, just play at a normal level!" Zhao Ran smiled. He had great confidence in Li Xuan, but Li Xuan didn't have enough confidence himself.

Li Xuan nodded. After a period of adjustment, her mood has returned to calm.

Treat the audience below the stage as carrots!Li Xuan hinted to himself psychologically.

Wearing a princess dress, showing a white neck, and holding a microphone in his hand, Li Xuan is as proud as a peacock at this moment.

President, I will not let you down!
After seeing Zhao Ran smiling and nodding, Li Xuan showed a proud smile, then turned and walked towards the elevator under the stage.

Zhao Ran watched the elevator go up, Li Xuan turned his back to him, her figure disappeared little by little, the noisy voices outside suddenly fell silent at this moment, and then the audience erupted into cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Li Xuan looked at the audience, and saw that the blackness was full of figures, she fell into the world like an angel dotted with countless light sticks, she is a star, the most beautiful star in the night sky at this moment.

When did an ordinary girl like me become what I am now?

I am no longer ordinary because of the Essence Club!

The stage illuminated by changing lights is like a bright moon, and she, the stars are holding the moon!
And behind her, in a corner of the stage, where the audience couldn't see clearly, there were a million tuners there.

For concerts, the Festival Club is a professional!
Seeing that Li Xuan had come up, Li Tong made a final confirmation.

"Is the lighting ok?"

"Is the sound effect ok!"

"Is the accompaniment okay?"

"What about the broadcast?"

"How about the real-time special effects of the scene?"

After all the departments gave feedback in an orderly manner, Li Tong finally gave the order to start.

Amidst the excited shouts of countless audiences, Li Xuan took a deep breath, with a gentle smile on his face: "It's scorching hot, let me cool you down."

And as the voice fell, the accompaniment of the backstage band of the Festival Society joined in perfectly. Listening to this familiar and no longer familiar melody, the audience's hand waving the light stick paused, and grinning expressions appeared on their faces.

Familiar lyrics, familiar melody, sure enough, it's still the familiar festival society!All this makes the audience seem to have returned to the time when they were chasing sisters, and the days when they sent blades to the Festival Club crazily.

This is not over yet, I saw one character after another appearing on the stage, they are members of the killer group, night raid members who gave everything for the belief in their hearts!

"Chop, kill with one blow!"

A girl with a long knife appeared, and the familiar tone directly ignited the atmosphere. Countless people exclaimed, their eyes widened in disbelief, it was her!It's Chitong!

"Holographic projection? The entire stage is built with holographic projection equipment!"

"So cool! Chi Tong, I love you!"

"Chitong wife! The Festival Society doesn't love you, but I love you!"

There was a burst of noise from the audience, which was then overwhelmed by huge cheers.

"Red pupils! Red pupils! Red pupils!"

"Zhao Gou is a real dog! Zhao Gou is a real dog! Zhao Gou is a real dog!"

The light sticks in the hands of the audience turned into a hot pink color. For Zhao Ran, only hot pink colors are suitable for him. The audience was in uniform, waving the light sticks in their hands vigorously.

The atmosphere exploded!
There was an astonishing scene in the entire concert. The light sticks in the audience's hands danced up and down with the melody, as if they had been trained. Looking around, the large-scale poisoning scene was almost like military training.

Is this the charm of the Festival Society?I just fell in love with it!Is there any celebrity in China who has a scene like the Festival Club where the audience calls in a uniform order? !

No wonder, the audience was desperate to come and watch the concert held by the Festival Society. The atmosphere was simply beyond words.

Produced by Jie Cao Society, it must be a boutique!

And this time, the concert did not disappoint them!

"We are all killers!"

One character after another appeared on the stage, and the Jie Cao Society also poured money into this concert like a rich man who didn't want money. The audience got an excellent enjoyment regardless of the visual experience or the auditory experience.

Some audience members shouted excitedly, pulled out their mobile phones, frantically took photos of the stage, and then directly posted the photos on Weibo, and attached a comment: "I said there is nothing wrong with the integrity of the society, right?" ?”

At the same time, tens of thousands of people in the venue posted a similar Weibo almost at the same time—Jie Caoshe is awesome! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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