please stop making anime

Chapter 183 Closing

Chapter 183 Closing
Sometimes the system can really do the finishing touch. It only needs to give Hatsune a little bit of human stress response, so that the audience can experience the visual effect of two-dimensional characters breaking into the three-dimensional world.

Of course, these are far from enough. Not only did Zhao Ran spend crazy money on this role regardless of the cost, but he also spent millions of his own reputation points. That's why Hatsune Miku has the current effect.

Zhao Ran wants all audiences to surrender to Hatsune's unique charm!
He wants the audience to realize that Hatsune, she is not a virtual holographic projection!

She is alone!A living person who stepped from two-dimensional to three-dimensional!

When the audience saw this scene, the auditorium felt like boiling water, and the audience boiled up, and the audience shouted loudly.

This is a miracle brought to the audience by the festival!
If there is magic in the world, it must be this moment!
A virtual character made using only holographic projections can actually interact with real people!and!Very expressive!

God!How did the Festival Society do it? !

In order to hide from the background staff and let them know that Hatsune Miku's rich expressions are actually manipulated by them, the system specially gave Zhao Ran an instrument written "Made in Germany", which was actually made by the system!

Zhao Ran's system is very weak. If possible, Zhao Ran hopes that the system can make him "Zhao Ritian". biology.

"This popularity is a bit explosive!"

Standing beside Zhao Ran, Li Xuan said sourly, she practiced singing every day, but the cheers she received after she came on stage were not as high as that of a virtual character without a soul?
It’s fine if it’s a highly popular character in anime, after all, there is the setting of the work as the basis and the plot of the anime as a foil, but now, a virtual character that appears suddenly can ignite the audience?

What is the reason?Just because of Hatsune Miku's expressiveness?Li Xuan felt that his expressions were also rich, but unfortunately, there was no comparison at all.

Can three-dimensional women fail to fascinate three-dimensional men?Only Two-dimensional characters can occupy their hearts?

What did the audience like about her?
Could it be her cute appearance?
It is undeniable that Hatsune Miku is really cute, but that's all. A character created by using technology, a virtual character without a soul, invisible and invisible, the audience is crazy about it?
As for her singing voice?

Li Xuan was not satisfied with this. In terms of singing skills, there were few in the Festival Club that could compare to her. Moreover, Li Xuan was the one who taught Hatsune Miku's voice actors their singing skills.

Or is it interaction?
This virtual character is far from interacting with real people!After all, it is controlled by the background staff, so it is impossible to react like a real person!

But look at the audience's reaction
Li Xuan even suspects that magic has a hypnotic effect and captivates the audience's eyes!

At this time, there was a lot of voices inside and outside the stadium.

"Your Highness, which world are you from?"

"I want to stay in Hatsune Miku's world for a while, does the festival sell tickets? Tickets to the Two-dimensional world!"

"Wait, do you think that Hatsune Miku might be a new anime character launched by the Festival Society? Zhao Ran made all the audience like this character, and then killed her! Zhao Ran did this before!"

The audience shouted loudly at this time, asking about Hatsune's origin.

They are so curious!Curious about Hatsune Miku, her experience, and which world she came from.

However, Hatsune showed a playful expression on his face, and said with a smile, "I won't tell you guys."

The sweet smile instantly killed the audience, and some audience members covered their chests, as if a bright door opened for them, and they saw the call of an angel.

"So cute! This is too cute!"

"The expression is so realistic! The Essence Society is awesome!"

"Your Highness, I love you!"

The audience shouted excitedly, and then, Hatsune slowly made a movement of adjusting the headset, and then said to everyone: "You must like my singing voice very much, right? I want to see everyone's smiles, and I want to bless everyone, So, I want everyone to hear my singing, and let my singing bring happiness to everyone!"

The barrage was already crazy at this time, and countless audiences regretted that they hadn't seen this shocking concert.

"I really regret it to death. Why did I choose to sell the tickets I finally bought? If I didn't sell them, now I should be able to witness this concert with my own eyes, right?"

"I want to take a look, Hatsune Miku! Did you see her smile just now! I almost thought that a Two-dimensional character broke into the third dimension!"

"This is the full heart of the Festival Club! Who dares to say that Zhao Ran doesn't favor fans? For this concert, the Festival Club doesn't know how much money it has spent!"

"I always feel that the live broadcast is not interesting, but I still hope to go to the live broadcast to watch it, the super-burning atmosphere!"

"Which domestic singer dares to say that his concert can be better than the concert held by the festival club? Just by calling the fans, he killed all the domestic singers in seconds."

At this time, the figure of Hatsune dances along with the beautiful melody. She is so beautiful and cute. The audience can never leave her figure. Her dancing steps step on the heartstrings of the audience. superior.

Perhaps, she is just a virtual character, an inflexible holographic projection, the virtual one is incompatible with the real world, she has no feelings, but when others inject emotions into her, this virtual character has feelings.

It's just that she has no soul created by technology, but she has a soul, and her soul only needs to be endowed by the audience.

She has no heart, when the audience likes her, she will show the sweetest smile to greet those audiences who like her, and when the audience no longer likes her and is bored with her, she will disappear, quietly Disappear in this world!
She won't cry, she won't cry because these audiences don't like her anymore, but why hasn't she been crying!Her smile only blooms for those audiences who like her!
Perhaps, Zhao Ran was very cruel, and only used her as a tool to make money. Even if the system gave her emoticons, it was just to confuse the audience she liked.

However, Zhao Ran was never kind in his heart, he knew that Hatsune liked those who liked her very much, she wanted to laugh, and wanted to laugh for those who liked her, so Zhao Ran gave her a smile that was touching enough.

The popularity of Hatsune Miku in the previous life was high at the beginning, but in the later period, the popularity dropped sharply. If she was an ordinary star, her mentality might have collapsed a long time ago. Maybe it was because it was just a holographic projection. She didn't care, but, looking at She gradually disappeared from people's sight, and those who liked her or liked her will inevitably feel sad in their hearts.

As the concert continued, Hatsune Miku stretched out his right hand in the air, and the audience saw countless light spots in the air gradually condensing in his hand, and then slowly turned into... a green onion?
Naturally, Zhao Ran would not let go of the famous onion throwing song in his previous life. No, it was the first time Hatsune Miku performed on stage, so Zhao Ran took it on stage.

At first, the audience thought that there would be some kind of wonderful scene, but they found that there was only an ordinary green onion in the end, although this green onion had a unique shape, like an enlarged letter y.

"Huh? This green onion is exactly the same as the glow stick we are holding!"

Originally, the audience thought the shape of this fluorescent stick was very strange when they saw it, but now they saw that the color of green onions in their hands was exactly the same as that of Hatsune's on stage, and they realized that the festival club had already made arrangements!

Hatsune Miku held the green onion in his hand, and at this moment, an accompaniment with an unusually clear and cheerful rhythm sounded, and Hatsune Miku seemed to have performed a split body technique.

Those little Hatsune are so cute, and the audience's hearts melted when they saw it.

"Then let's move together!" Hatsune Miku showed a happy smile on his face, and followed the cheerful rhythm with his feet, shaking the weirdly shaped scallions in his hands.

And the group of q version of Hatsune also followed Hatsune Miku to do the same action.

The lyrics are not like Zhao Ran's style, but the audience didn't pay much attention to it. In their impression, Zhao Ran's style has always changed a lot.

The lyrics are meaningless, just like a slobber song, and the content is even more meaningless, but it sounds good!
Large-scale poisoning scene!

At this time, whether it was the audience of the concert or the audience watching the live broadcast with their mobile phones in their hands, they all seemed to have been brainwashed by this song, waving the light sticks in their hands along with Hatsune Miku.


A slap song directly put Hatsune Miku on the trending list!
All major forums are discussing this matter, and other animation producers and stars are all sour.

I desperately wanted to be famous, but in the end, I was not as fast as an inhuman?

"Brother, do you know where to sell green onions? I want to buy that green onion that Her Royal Highness is holding!"

"Let's go to the online store of Jie Cao Society. It's the online store that used to sell razor blades. I heard that Zhao Ran has started selling green onions!"

"I bought one, the quality is not bad, it can be used as a collection!"

"Please don't worry about the word-of-mouth of Jie Cao Society. The quality of service is good. I give it a five-star praise!"

Zhao Ran had expected that the audience would frantically buy the same type of scallions in Hatsune's hands, so he asked Li Tong to cooperate with those factories early on.

Countless Festival Club fans came out of their homes and gathered under the big screen outside the gymnasium.

Although they didn't have tickets, they couldn't enter the venue to listen to the concert and experience the charm of the scene for themselves.

But they are willing to listen to the sound coming from the venue from a distance, in the place closest to the concert!
Hatsune Miku related figurines are selling like crazy!
The Festival Society had to let the cooperative factories do their best to produce!

Especially green onions, the more the better!
And all of this is the magical charm of Hatsune Miku.

As for the meaningless song, I just thought of Zhao Ran's casually written works, neither Hatsune Miku nor Jiesaosha mentioned the name of the brainwashing song.

So the enthusiastic audience chose a very appropriate name for it - "Song of Shaking Onion"

Sure enough, no matter which world, the audience's thoughts are still very similar.

In this concert, every dubbing of the Festival Club has the opportunity to sing on stage.

Zhao Ran has long wanted to idolize voice actors, so that voice actors can become stars like singers and movie stars.

The behind-the-scenes staff suddenly came to the stage and looked at the crowd of audiences, saying that they were not nervous would be a lie. Several voice actors forgot or sang the wrong words.

However, they were very sincere, and their hard work moved a large audience.

Without any ridicule or blame, the audience listened quietly and applauded fiercely. For them, the Festival Society has done a good enough job!This concert has long been worth the money!
Those voice actors looked clumsy, some of them even started to tremble while singing, and some of them were scared to cry by the crowd of people, but the audience didn't have the slightest sense of ridicule, instead they used The light sticks danced with their singing, encouraging the voice actors in their own way.

It is very true that none of these voice actors faked their voices. The audience saw the looks of the voice actors they liked and heard their voices, which has long satisfied them.

On this stage, the audience saw the other side of these voiceovers.

Although their images may be very different from the characters they dub, their voices make everyone overlap the two-dimensional and three-dimensional shadows.

It is also in them that the audience does not see the brilliance of those stars in the past, but what they see is more ordinary and real, as well as their sincere hearts to the audience!

Of course, there were still some twists and turns. When Zhao Ran came to the stage and interacted with the audience with a female voice, the audience was startled and speechless, and called out: "My Saber wife is voiced by a man?"

And after a while, I don't know who started it, and a voice slowly spread in the gymnasium from small to large.

"Women's clothing!"

"Women's clothing!"

"Women's clothing!"

"Zhao Goukuai women's clothing!"

The scene where 10,000+ people shouted for Zhao Ran's women's clothing, almost made this concert hit the headlines of the news in various countries at the same time!
That scene was so chilling!

10,000+ people ask you to wear women's clothing, just ask if you are afraid!
In the end, the whole concert ended perfectly under Zhao Ran's piano music.

But those excited audiences were still unwilling to leave, waving light sticks in their hands when the final lights were turned on, they were still reluctant to leave their seats and shouted loudly.

"Chatty Club!"

"Chatty Club!"

"Chatty Club!"

"Zhao Ran!"

"Zhao Ran!"

"Zhao Ran!"

Even the contents of the beep, beep, and barrage bullet screens are the same, with Zhao Ran's name all over them.

ps: It will be updated after twelve o'clock in the evening!
(End of this chapter)

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