please stop making anime

Chapter 184 Please give me time for 1 song

Chapter 184 Please Give Me Time For A Song

This massive concert finally came to an end, but the audience was stubbornly unwilling to leave.

In this concert, the audience heard the animation theme songs that moved them, learned about the hardships of the behind-the-scenes staff of the Festival Society, saw the voice actors who dubbed their favorite characters, and even more so. The shocking Hatsune Miku.

However, they were not satisfied with it, what a joke!Although the festival club was well prepared and the content was extremely exciting, but the finale hasn't sung yet, is this the end? !

Wouldn't it really be enough to just let Zhao Gou stay in the corner and play the piano music to satisfy the audience watching the scene where Zhao Ran dubbed the female characters? !

Where is the song?Zhao Gou hasn't sung yet!How could this concert end so casually!
After all, the Festival Club held a concert, and those who had already joined the job asked for leave, and those who were still students even used all their savings to go to the Modu Gymnasium. Why?Isn't it a song by Zhao Gou? !

"Zhao Gou, get out!"

"Zhao Gou! Get out!"

"Zhao Gou, get out!"

10,000+ people chanting a person's name with fluorescent lights in their hands, it was a scary scene.

"This is... what's wrong?" Zhao Ran was terrified by the audience, and his legs were a little unsteady. This time the concert was a success. What else are these audiences dissatisfied with?
"Don't worry, they don't want to do anything to you, they just want to see you." After listening to the staff's report, Li Xuan turned his head and said to Zhao Ran with a smile.

There was no sign of riots in the arena, but the audience was very orderly.

"Go and meet the audience, most of them are here because of you."

The audience's voice was very sincere, and Li Xuan was filled with emotions. In China, she really hadn't seen many fans like Zhao Ran.

They like Zhao Ran, like Zhao Ran's works, like everything about Zhao Ran, and all of these are accumulated by Zhao Ran with one classic work after another.

Perhaps, for these fans, a single Zhao Ran solo show might be even more crazy than the current concert held by the Festival Society.

The staff of the Festival Society and the leaders of relevant departments all looked at Zhao Ran with smiles in their eyes.

"Please give me time for a song."

Zhao Ran smiled, then took a long breath, turned and walked onto the stage.

The spotlight was turned on, and the incomparable British man in a suit slowly stepped onto the stage, and the surrounding lights also illuminated the entire venue as if it were daytime.

When the audience saw Zhao Ran slowly coming to the stage, cheers rang out.

"Husband! Look here! Your wife is here!"

"Ah! He smiled at me! So handsome! So sunny! How can there be such a perfect boy in this world!"

"David Zhao is capable of everything except not being able to bear children! This is too talented! How did he do it!"

"Some people's talent determines their height from birth!"

Can't a piano piece end this concert?Well, let me end it with a song!
Zhao Ran came to the center of the stage, untied his tie handsomely, and the screams of girls under the stage boiled up.

Most of the people who came to watch the concert this time were men, but there were also quite a few women!Moreover, almost all of them are rich women, and the tickets they buy are quite high.

Glancing at the auditorium, everyone in the audience was smiling with excitement on their faces.

Perhaps, this is love!Love a person, love a thing, and then, give your youth to him or it to keep!
Zhao Ran, who has stepped down, is on stage again?Only to fulfill the wishes of the audience!
This is too cute!
The live broadcast on Beep Beep was coming to an end at this time, and the audience was excitedly discussing the unfinished concert in the barrage, and soon, they saw Zhao Ran!Those who were about to click the fork suddenly stopped their movements.

"So handsome! Almost more handsome than me!"

"Upstairs you are thinking about eating peaches. Take a closer look at home. In terms of appearance, Zhao Gou is definitely much better looking than those celebrities. Zhao Gou's facial features are simply works of art carved by God himself!"

"Want to sing? To be honest, I haven't seen Zhao Gou singing on stage yet."

"Zhao Gou generally only composes music and rarely sings."

"Aren't all great musicians good at composing? Famous musicians from all over the world are very good at composing!"

Zhao Ran stood under the spotlight and wanted to be handsome, especially thinking about it, just like those traffic stars, but after a long time, when the cheers from the audience calmed down, he couldn't make a single move but said something slowly :"haven't seen you for a long time."

That's right, time always flies, don't look at Zhao Ran's production of animations one after another, in fact, he rarely shows up in person, and the audience rarely sees his figure on weekdays.

Even the last time I met the audience was several months ago.

People's youth is short, only a few years, and the people or things they like in their youth are enough to affect their life.

Just like we always dislike the old-fashioned and ignorant trends of our parents, but we don’t know that what we think is old-fashioned happens to be the most fashionable thing in their youth!
The trend has become old-fashioned, but the nostalgia remains the same!
Similarly, in the rainy season at the age of 17, the person who appeared at that time will also make you miss it for a long time.

Just like love, everyone will fall in love with many people in his life, but if they are asked to name the person they like the most, that person must have appeared in his life when he was a teenager.

Zhao Ran is very lucky, he is destined to influence this generation in their best years.

Perhaps the next generation thinks that this generation is old-fashioned and no longer likes Zhao Ran so crazily like the current generation, but this is enough.

"I've thought a lot, and I have too many things I want to tell you, but I don't know how to say it." Zhao Ran scratched his head in embarrassment, as if what the audience was seeing at this moment was not the all-powerful morality society in the animation industry. The president, but a shy big boy next door.

Yes, he is only in his 20s, the same age as them, what kind of pressure does he bear while making such achievements?
How many people scolded him?Maybe he can't count it himself, so much public opinion pressure on anyone off the stage is enough to crush them, but the boy who is a bit cautious on the stage handles all this with ease!

Thinking of this, many viewers began to feel sorry for Zhao Ran.

"This is a concert about anime held by the Festival Society. Thank you for coming to watch it. Thank you for your support to the Festival Society KyoAni and me. Thank you for tolerating the shortcomings of the Festival Society and my bad behavior. character."

Zhao Ran was silent for a long time, and then bowed slowly towards the audience. At this moment, only the gratitude in his heart can express his feelings.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao, for bringing us wonderful stories!"

"It should be us who should say thank you!"

"Although the personality is bad, we like it! We like the appearance of Dapi."

The barrage is also frantically swiping at the moment, saying thank you Zhao Ran for thanking the festival club and so on.

"Although the concert is over, the Festival Society and JingAni will still be with you. As long as you like it, we will continue to bring you works. As long as you like it, I, Zhao Ran, will devote my whole life to animation production The industry continues to bring you different and wonderful stories!" Zhao Ran smiled and said what was in his heart.

"New work? Is the new work finished? Hurry up and release it!"

As soon as the work was mentioned, someone below immediately urged it to be updated.

"The new work is being produced, I hope everyone will wait patiently, I think you don't want to see works with a collapsed painting style."

Zhao Ran was interacting with the audience on the stage.

"Singing? Zhao Da, let's sing! I really want to hear Zhao Da sing!"

"I only watch you compose, but rarely hear you sing! You don't sing in this concert, I always feel almost meaningless."

"That's right! Sing one! Sing one! No! I want to hear ten!"

The audience below asked, but Zhao Ran smiled gently.

"My singing skills are not as good as Li Xuan's! I'm afraid you will dislike me after listening to it." Zhao Ran said modestly.

Zhao Ran's singing skills are actually not bad. With the system in place, it's hard for him to be bad even if he wants to.

"Hurry up, arrange it for us!"

"Do you think we will believe your words? The composition is so good, who would you lie to if you say you can't sing?"

"Zhao Gou is modest, understand? What Zhao Gou said is not good, it is a height that other singers can hardly reach!"

How could the audience believe Zhao Ran's nonsense, the barrage and the audience below urged Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ran wanted to make a fuss!

For a singer, what is the most coquettish outfit?Outlandish clothes?No, Zhao Ran doesn't think those outfits are coquettish enough. Wearing a suit and leather shoes, playing an electric guitar in his hand, twisting his little butt, and singing the most hilarious rock and roll is the most coquettish!

Zhao Ran thought of Budai Yintai, the neon rock superstar guitar master in his previous life, wearing a suit and playing the happiest guitar music, he was so flirtatious.

Zhao Ran made a decision in his heart, then greeted the staff next to him, and handed an electric guitar to Zhao Ran.

This song may not be exciting enough, and compared to those rock songs, it is a little less interesting, but it can express the youth without regrets!

wandering in the metropolis,

Like an empty beer can that someone throws away.

If you have to explore everything about each other,
It's called love,
Might as well sleep forever.

Until the end of the world,
I don't want to be separated from you..."

This is the ending song of Slam Dunk, and the audience is very familiar with it. As soon as Zhao Ran opened his mouth, the audience instantly entered the classic animation of Slam Dunk.

At the beginning, Zhao Ran was the only one who sang. Later, more and more people sang along. In the end, they sang in chorus!
The fluorescent sticks in the gymnasium are like a sea of ​​waves, and the lights fluctuate up and down with the rhythm. This pair is enough to become a famous scene!
After the song was finished, Zhao Ran didn't step off the stage immediately, instead he sang another song, which also belonged to the classic song in Slam Dunk - I really want to say I love you loudly!

The passionate song sounded, and the youth full of regret, joy and hope seemed to be integrated into this song.

Zhao Ran ended the concert with a sentence from Slam Dunk, in the hope that these audiences will love the Festival Club as much as they love basketball. Similarly, he also likes that they will not forget their original aspirations and go forward bravely, even if their heads are broken. Let your youth be full of regrets.

Have you ever cried while listening to a song?Maybe many people say, how can it be possible to cry when listening to songs?However, at this time, there were many audience members who were crying because of a song.

Zhao Ran's singing may not be able to touch the hearts of the audience, but, with the addition of the anime plot, it is enough to make the audience recall their past, and then cry with the singing.

Following the final melody of the song, the audience held up the light sticks and shouted the word "Zhao Ran".

And the whole concert finally ended perfectly amidst the excited shouts of the audience.

This concert held by the Festival Society will definitely be remembered forever by all the audience who have experienced it. Even if they grow old in the future, they will never forget that there was once a person who embellished their life journey.

The audience was finally satisfied. This concert was definitely worth the money and far exceeded their expectations.

"It's finally over! These audiences are so enthusiastic."

Looking at the venue that had gradually quieted down, Zhao Ran said with emotion.

Having experienced too many things after being reborn, Zhao Ran thought that he would be calm about anything that happened in his heart, but today he is still moved by those audiences.

"The president sings really well."

Li Xuan stood aside and praised with a smile.

"My singing skills are far behind yours." Zhao Ran laughed. His singing skills can only be considered at the top level among singers, and there is still a big gap with Li Xuan's mobile CD.

This thing depends on talent.

"You are an animation producer, and your singing skills have reached your level. How can you let those professional singers live? Besides, I haven't seen how you practice singing skills." Li Xuan said with a smile.

Practicing singing?Do people with a system need to practice?Isn't it enough to just krypton reputation points?

The employees of the Festival Club began to pack up, move things, and dismantle various equipment, and everyone was exhausted and out of breath.

"When is our next concert?" Li Xuan wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked Zhao Ran.

"What? You still want to perform on stage? You were quite nervous if you weren't on stage?" Zhao Ran glanced at Li Xuan and said with a smile, "Let's work on the new work now, the concert will not be held until next year!"

Zhao Ran has not forgotten his own job. The festival club is mainly engaged in animation production, and the concert is just a benefit for the audience from the festival club.

(End of this chapter)

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