Chapter 185

"Zhao Gou can sing! Thief sounds so good, I'm crying!"

It was late at night after the concert ended, and when he returned to the hotel he rented, Guo Meng turned on his mobile phone and posted a circle of friends, showing off his concert experience, and then chatted with those friends who liked and commented on the experience of the concert, and kept chatting It wasn't until late at night that I went to rest with some unfinished business.

Luo is from Baodao, and his network of contacts in the mainland entertainment industry is very weak.
If you have money, you can do whatever you want!
Zhao Ran is a good man who cleans his body and loves himself!Besides, he is just a creator, a behind-the-scenes worker, different from those traffic stars.

"President, the new game has been confirmed to be released." Li Tong pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said to Zhao Ran who was sitting by the computer.

Regarding the release of the new game of Jie Cao Club, Zhao Ran has already mentioned on Weibo, because of the Xfan incident, Zhao Ran did not succeed in reaching the top of the hot search list this time, but the influence is not small, Two -dimensional fans have been talking about this news for a long time.

"A new game will be released as soon as the concert is over? The efficiency of the Festival Club is really high!"

"Don't even think about it, what kind of person is Zhao Gou? That guy is a workaholic!"

"Actually, I hope that Zhao Gou will not work too hard, and he can relax a little bit when the time is right, such as learning from Moufan, direct modern version of three wives and four concubines, married underage female college students."

"Please don't compare Zhao Ran with those actors! Zhao Ran is a behind-the-scenes worker! You only brought him to the public because he is too handsome!"

"Zhao Gou doesn't seem to be very interested in anything other than anime and anime-related peripheral games. It's a pity for his good-looking skin."

"Isn't it good to be single? A woman will only affect Zhao Gou's speed of making animation!"

"An interesting soul is one in a thousand, but a good-looking skin is the same. What if there is both an interesting soul and a good-looking skin? Then that man is probably like a straight steel man like Zhao Ran who has no emotions."

"Ahhh, the game about Hatsune! I was so excited all night because of this!"

Netizens in the forum chatted in disorder, about Zhao Ran, about the latest game of Jie Cao Club, and some chatted about the latest lace news, the atmosphere was very relaxed and happy.

"What do you think the game about Hatsune will be like? A love game?"

"It shouldn't be. After all, Hatsune doesn't have a story background as a basis, and the audience for the love games produced is very small, even though Hatsune Miku is cute."

"It should be about music, and most likely it should be a music-related game."

"Speaking of music. Ahhhhh! Why did I sell the tickets? I regret it so much!"

"At any rate, you have touched the tickets once, and you almost got to see them, but I didn't even get them! Those thieves are too fast! I can't get them at all!"

"A game related to music? What kind of game is this? I'm curious."

"Jie Cao Society is also ranked first in the country in terms of game production, but the brilliance of game production is suppressed by animation production, so everyone can rest assured that this game will definitely be very interesting this time."

In the forum, netizens are discussing with great interest.

"It's released! It's finally released!" At this time, someone in the forum suddenly posted an excited message, and the message had been retweeted over 55 within a few minutes. Guo Meng picked up his phone and checked the time. Seven in the morning 10 minutes earlier than expected!

Zhao Gou really likes to play cards out of routine!Didn't Weibo say it would be released at eight o'clock?Why don't you keep your promise?
This also has Zhao Ran's considerations. If Zhao Ran releases it on time, it is foreseeable how much pressure the backstage of this game will bear in just a few minutes. A few minutes in advance can well transfer the traffic of netizens to stagger.

Guo Meng hurriedly downloaded the game that Zhao Ran mentioned on Weibo. Regarding the Hatsune Miku game, the Festival Society plans to produce more than ten kinds, because they are all relatively simple games, and the Festival Society does not plan to produce all of those games in one go. , only one part was produced, and the rest of the game will be re-produced in post-production.

Regarding the release of the character Hatsune Miku, Zhao Ran has been planning for a long time. After confirming the release of this character, Zhao Ran ordered the relevant personnel of the game production department to start making the Hatsune Miku game, so the game will be released while the concert is over. It's not very tense.

"Huh? This game is interesting!"

"Jie Cao Club is still a cowhide! Why don't you just stop making anime and switch to making games."

"Why don't you persuade Zhao Ran not to make games and become a singer instead? As long as Zhao Ran's songs are very popular, there is no one in China with this original ability."

"I've played it, it feels good, and it's suitable for leisure."

"Hatsusonic seems to have easter eggs in the game, have you found any?"

While playing the game, the fans carefully read the comments of the netizens on the forum. In this world, besides the krypton gold boss and the liver emperor, there are also magical existences such as the strategy group. They will always find all kinds of things in a game. Interesting things, and then post their findings online to share their happiness with netizens.

The game downloads quickly, and the stand-alone casual game does not take up much memory.

By the time Guo Mengshui finished the forum, the latest game of Jie Cao Club - "Hatsusonic Speed" had been downloaded on the mobile client.

Zhao Ran made changes to this game based on the game in his previous life, in order to make this game not too boring.

Of course, Zhao Ran also relied on the power of the system. In order to break the dimensional wall, Zhao Ran can be said to have paid a lot.

"While listening to the song in this game, there will be squares falling on the screen. You only need to click on the corresponding place when it falls to the bottom of the screen, then it will show success, but if you miss it, it will be a miss, and the blood bar will be off." If the blood bar is reduced by one bar, it will fail."

"These squares fall according to the rhythm of the song. We can listen to the song and then play along with the rhythm. It's still very interesting!"

"What are these songs? Are they all songs from the Festival Club? Are there any songs by Hatsune?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? There must be! All the songs of the Festival Society are included, and there are some more famous songs in the world."

After Guo Meng downloaded it, he also went to experience "Hatsusonic".

There are a lot of songs in the music library. Not only are all the theme songs, episodes, ending songs, and character songs of the animations and games currently released by the Festival Society, but also some representative works of other famous singers. There are many songs, at least two to three hundred .

Moreover, this game also has the option to add songs, you can add songs stored in your mobile phone.

The game is still very simple. After all, casual games, Guo Meng can pass the level almost without misses, and after he finishes playing, a scoring system pops up, including his overall ranking in the game, and his ranking among his friends.

Some netizens on the leaderboard are only motivated when they play games, which is an inherent routine of game production.

How can you compare without a leaderboard?Without comparison, how could there be the motivation to play games crazily?
"The game is quite simple, but it's good as a casual game!" Guo Meng gave such an evaluation in the forum: "But I always feel that this has little to do with Hatsune, and there are various types of songs in it. , when playing games, it’s also the background of those songs.”

"I also hope that there will be a Hatsune background. Do you think this game is easy? May I ask how many times you are using it?"

"Four keys triple speed, what's wrong? Is there any problem?" Guo Meng replied.

"As a man, your hand speed is so slow?"

"Haha, are you laughing at a man's hand speed? He has a slow hand speed, maybe he has a girlfriend! This damn fast!"

"I suggest that you improve your hand speed, and also use some snacks in the selection of songs. It will make you experience what hell is."

"Some songs are hard to play, and I can't last 30 seconds."

"It's only 30 seconds? As a man, why does it take 3 minutes? 30 seconds, shaking your hands is just boring?"

"I think it's difficult for someone to persist for ten seconds because of the high difficulty, especially with those songs composed by Zhao Gou"

"It took about ten seconds to get started and then it disappeared? I went to the hotel with your girlfriend after watching Marvel for three hours, and you poked three times in ten seconds and explained. Your girlfriend's feeling is that you play this game. The feeling of experiencing the high difficulty of this game is very aggrieved”

"Well...Actually, I would suggest you to try the pure music created by Zhao Gou. The music is very nice, but playing games is full of malice. I admit that Zhao Gou is a musical genius, but using his music in In this game, you will feel that Zhao Gou had a brain twitch when he composed the song."

Netizens offered pertinent opinions to Guo Meng full of malice.

In order to give game players a sense of challenge, Zhao Ran specially composed several high-difficulty pure music pieces. Now Zhao Ran can compose the music freely. This is the power of the system. There is no way. Can't live.

Of course, it is a casual game after all, and most of the songs can be challenged by ordinary people. For example, the theme songs of the anime created by Jie Caoshe are of normal difficulty, and this game also strongly recommends players to use the theme songs of Jie Caoshe animation.

Borrowing this game can be a good way to promote these songs. Zhao Ran's songs are played on all major music platforms. Through the promotion, Zhao Ran can get a lot of copyright fees on other music platforms.

"By the way, have you found any easter eggs in this game?"

"What a surprise! I can't be more excited!"

"Compared to music games, the easter egg is the most important core of this game."

Easter eggs?

After challenging a piece of pure music created by Zhao Ran, Guo Meng, whose fingers were a little cramped, became curious after seeing this comment on the forum.

"Boss of the strategy team? Please tell me where is the easter egg?"

"No way, no way? You haven't found the easter egg yet?"

"Double-click Hatsune Miku, you will find a different surprise!"

Looking at the forum comments, Guo Meng double-clicked on Hatsune Miku, only to find that an interface full of staves appeared.

"??? What is this?"

Guo Meng posted the screenshot to the forum, looking forward to the advice of netizens.

"Is this an easter egg? How do you do it?"

"This is the stave. Have you seen the lyrics input field? You will be pleasantly surprised when you enter the text. By the way, Hatsune Miku is very cute!"

Guo Meng directly clicked into the lyrics input field, and then typed the lyrics, but found that he could not input Chinese characters.

After finding the "Help" option, Guo Meng glanced at it for a while, only to realize that it was inputting pinyin and tones.

So I tapped my fingers and typed pinyin: "Hello."

Then, according to the instructions, I found the preview above the stave and clicked it. At this time, I only heard Hatsune's voice suddenly coming out of the earphones.


Guo Meng was stunned, and then stayed for a few seconds, typing pinyin with excitement on his face: "Hello, Hatsune, can I watch you dance?"

"you can."

Hatsune's voice came from the earphone, and then, a cute figure appeared on the screen of the phone and danced.

She looked shy, with pure eyes and an anthropomorphic expression, which made Guo Meng's heart tremble.

"How did the festival work?! This is really a big surprise! With Hatsune, what three-dimensional girlfriend is needed!"

How did it work?The system did it!
Who let Zhao Ran have a system? Zhao Ran only needs to hand over all the prestige points brought to him by this game to the system, and the system can help Zhao Ran make Hatsune Miku show anthropomorphic subtle expressions in this game.

This is a great victory for the two-dimensional paper man's wife over the three-dimensional woman!
Countless Two-dimensional true fans cheer for this role and are excited for this role!This is the first fusion of virtual and reality, countless fans felt the same excitement as Guo Meng at this moment.

Hatsune Miku actually came to their side!
ps: It's late at night, so hungry!very hungry!very hungry!I suddenly want to eat my best friend's noodle, it looks delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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