please stop making anime

Chapter 226 President, are you a devil?

Chapter 226 President, are you a devil?

"I don't know what the expression of the producer of DD Enterprise is." Zhao Ran said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, holding the data of the new works of the two companies, Jie Cao Society and DD Enterprise.

DD company can't do it, why is the gap getting bigger and bigger?Fortunately, I was worried for a long time because the new work of DD Enterprise was a bit like a Chinese boy.

Of course, through this work, Zhao Ran also saw the strength of DD Enterprise. If it weren't for the change of team because of profit, DD Enterprise's new work data could not be so bad.

The progress is still obvious.

However, the shortcomings are also obvious. The creativity is there, but the stamina is insufficient, the content is a bit weak, some parts are touching, but they are deliberately sensational, and the dubbing is clear, but the audience cannot feel the inner emotions of the characters in it. Correction, then it is possible to keep up with the pace of the Jie Cao Society.

"Originally, when the data of this animation was very good, the DD company had a carnival all night. As for now, they should be analyzing the shortcomings of their own works." Li Xuan said standing aside.

"With so much money invested, the publicity is better than ours, but the content is empty." Zhao Ran put the data on the table to set the tone for DD's works.

"By the way, since DD has invested so much money in publicity, let's invest a little more." Zhao Ran said with a smile.


Li Xuan was stunned when he heard Zhao Ran's words. Now it's impossible for the works of DD Company to surpass the works of Jie Cao Society. Why are you still investing money in publicity?Besides, the anime cl has already aired more than a dozen episodes, so instead of investing money in publicity early on, it invested money when half of the episodes have been aired.
According to Li Xuan's understanding of his own president, the president would choose to suddenly invest a lot of money in publicity at this time, so there is only one reason.

"President, are you a devil?"

"What devil?" Zhao Ran had a harmless expression on his face.

"Don't think that I don't know the next plot of this anime! I was there when this anime was first made!" Li Xuan said.

"Aren't I trying to earn some extra money for the Ethics Society?" Zhao Ran expressed his innocence.

"That extra money is not enough for me to pay for your bodyguard!" Li Xuan sighed, "The audience will definitely explode when they see that plot."

"I know that works that can mobilize the emotions of the audience are good works." Zhao Ran was very calm, and then said slowly: "As for my life, don't worry about it. cl”

"I'm actually against writing the plot like that." Li Xuan muttered in a low voice.

"Li Xuan, you don't want to think about it. Sometimes the plot of animation needs to be more realistic. It can't be Mary Su. If you look at Jingani's works and then the works of Jie Caoshe, the gap will immediately appear. There is you in it. The reason for the current thinking." Zhao Ran replied.

"Not every creator is as bold as you, president, and not every creator can be as controlling as you, president." Li Xuan sighed. It's quite big, Li Xuan doesn't deny it.

But Li Xuan also has her own troubles. She doesn't dare to be like Zhao Ran's slanted sword and strong story-telling creative technique.

"Understood the president, I will make arrangements to increase the promotion of the animation of cl." Li Xuan nodded and said.


On the same day, Li Xuan began to arrange and intensify the promotion of the second season of CL.

As a result, promotional posters of the anime CL appeared in many places, and Li Xuan even appeared on variety shows to promote the anime.

In order to meet Zhao Ran's request, Li Xuan mentioned the anime cl on the variety show, telling the audience how different this anime is from the bottom of his heart, how did the whole production company stand up to make this anime The pressure, and how hard the staff painters worked so hard for a perfect shot, Li Xuan wiped away tears on the variety show while talking.

In addition, Li Xuan's appearance is sweet and lovely, and that little appearance really gives people a very distressed feeling when he cries.

"Zhaogou is a big capitalist! An exploiter who eats the flesh and blood of his employees! How could he have the heart to arrange for this pretty young lady to work overtime until two or three o'clock in the morning?!"

"Damn it, Zhao Gou doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade! Young lady, it doesn't matter if you don't go to the morality club, just lie down!"

"The squid that fired Zhao Gou will follow me! I'll bring you delicious and spicy food."

Zhao Ran's face was full of weirdness, this little girl Li Xuan is a good actress in movies!As for working overtime until two or three in the morning?Is there such a situation?And according to Li Xuan, it was completely voluntary, okay?
After spending a lot of publicity funds, coupled with Li Xuan's touching speech, and because the animation of cl itself is very good, after some operations, many newcomers to Two-dimensional are really impressed by the animation of cl. Interested, decided to check it out.

For several days in a row, there were a lot of question posts about the anime of CL everywhere on the Internet: "Is the animation of CL as good as the legend says?"

Then there will always be many enthusiastic netizens answering the question:
"The works of the Jie Cao Society are not bad."

"It's very beautiful and an excellent work, no matter what aspect it is, it is the top in the country."

"It's ridiculous. Today, people still ask cl if this anime is good or not? You can search for this anime and you will know how good this anime is."

"Is this a savage who doesn't use the Internet? You don't even know the name of the anime cl? This anime is a masterpiece! Especially from the ninth episode of the second season to the No.15 episode so far, the plots are all amazing. Expand, if you haven’t seen it, I really suggest you to fill it up.”

"One of the series that you will regret if you don't watch it!"

"Upstairs, shouldn't you regret any of the works of the Jie Cao Club if you don't read it?"

"Here you are blowing fans of the morality club! If you brag about the morality club, then you are my half-brother!"

In short, after a few days of large-scale publicity, CL's already very high popularity has become even higher. This situation has also made many people feel very puzzled: What is the festival doing?Are you crazy?

As an old fan, Guo Meng couldn't turn his head around for a while. Is Zhao Gou too nervous or what?This anime has played more than a dozen episodes before promoting it?Besides, the competitor has already stopped, so what is the purpose of investing in promotional funds for the work?I can't figure it out!

Something is wrong!
Very wrong!
What's going on with Zhao Gou?
Head Zhaogou's head was caught by the door?

Or is it that the Festival Club has earned too much money and has no place to spend it? !
(End of this chapter)

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